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- Língua portuguesa
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nome feminino
genitivo: Schwester
plural: Schwestern
irmã feminino
freira feminino
(Pflege) enfermeira feminino
(Firma) empresa feminino associada
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Family lawSchwesterptirmã
- Schwester für Sanitätslufttransportptenfermeira do ar
- air transportschwerptpesado
- soil typeschwerer Tonptsolo muito argiloso, argila pesada
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESAckeregge / schwere Eggeptgrade pesada
- industrial structuresschwere Hautptpele dura, pele pesada
- chemical compound / industrial structuresschwere Sodaptsoda granulada, soda densa
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundschweres LNGptGNL de alto poder calorífico
- immunologyschwere Ketteptcadeia pesada
- FINANCEschwerer Wert / schwere Papierepttítulo bem-qualificado
- electronics and electrical engineeringschweres Lochptlacuna pesada
- natural and applied sciencesschwerer Kernptnúcleo pesado
- meteorologyschwerer Sturm / starker Sturmpttemporal
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresdicker Boden / schwerer Bodenptfundo grosso, fundo espesso
- statisticsKardinalfehler / schwere Fehlerpterro grosseiro
- oil industry / administrative lawschweres Rohölptcrude pesado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencesschwerer Bodenptsolo pesado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESschwere Lämmerptborregos pesados
- physical sciencesD20 / schweres Wasser / DeuteriumoxidptD2O, óxido de deutério, água pesada
- hydrocarbonSchweröl / Dieselöl / schweres Heizölptfuelóleo pesado
- working conditions / industrial structures and policy / health policy / public safety / environmental policyschwerer Unfallptacidente grave
- pharmaceutical industry / earth sciences / mechanical engineering / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSschwerer Unfallptacidente grave
- ENVIRONMENTschwer abbaubarptdificilmente degradável
- insuranceschweres Risikoptgrande risco, risco de ponta
- medical scienceschwerer Strangptcadeia pesada
- iron, steel and other metal industries / statisticsschwere Profileptperfis pesados
- iron, steel and other metal industriesschwere Profileptperfis pesados
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingschwerer Fehlerpterro fatal
- Criminal lawschwerwiegende Straftat / schwerwiegende strafbare Handlung / schwere Straftatptinfração grave
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksHarke / schwerer Grubber / Aufreißer / Aufreißer / Reißpflug / Räumgerätptescarificador
- LAWschwere Straftatptinfração penal grave, crime grave
- electronics and electrical engineering / LAW / building and public worksschwerer Schadenptprejuízo grave
- LAW / FINANCEschwere Straftatptcrime grave
- earth sciences / electronics and electrical engineeringschweres Elektronpteletrão pesado, eletrão lento
- ECONOMICSschwere Rezessionptprofunda recessão
- materials technology / chemistryunschmelzbar / schwer schmelzbarptnão fundível
- European civil service / LAW / labour lawschwerwiegendes Verschulden / schwere Verfehlungptfalta grave, culpa grave
- administrative law / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESWaldbrand von überdurchschnittlicher Dauer / schwerer Waldbrandptfogo selvagem
- air transportschwere Verletzungptferimento grave
- air transportschwere Verletzungptferimento grave
- industrial structuresschwerer Wollstoffpttecido grosso de lã
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / land transport / TRANSPORTschwerer Schlepperpttrator pesado
- communicationsschwere Drucksacheptimpresso pesado
- building and public worksAsphalt-Verschleissschicht / schwere Auskleidungptparamento em asfalto
- criminal lawschwere Kriminalität / Schwerkriminalitätptforma grave de criminalidade, criminalidade grave
- chemistryWasserstoff-2 / schwerer Wasserstoff / Deuteriumpthidrogénio 2, deutério
- maritime and inland waterway transportschwere Marktstörungptperturbação grave do mercado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESUnterbodenlockerer / Bodenmeißel / Tiefenlockerer / Tiefgrubber / Tiefwühlgrubber / schwerer Tiefgrubber / Wühlgrubber / Chiselptcultivador subsolador, extirpador, escarificador pesado
- materials technologyschweres Tauchgeraet / Pioniertauchgeraetptfato de mergulhador
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – Schwester no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-09 21:15:47]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Family lawSchwesterptirmã
- Schwester für Sanitätslufttransportptenfermeira do ar
- air transportschwerptpesado
- soil typeschwerer Tonptsolo muito argiloso, argila pesada
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESAckeregge / schwere Eggeptgrade pesada
- industrial structuresschwere Hautptpele dura, pele pesada
- chemical compound / industrial structuresschwere Sodaptsoda granulada, soda densa
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundschweres LNGptGNL de alto poder calorífico
- immunologyschwere Ketteptcadeia pesada
- FINANCEschwerer Wert / schwere Papierepttítulo bem-qualificado
- electronics and electrical engineeringschweres Lochptlacuna pesada
- natural and applied sciencesschwerer Kernptnúcleo pesado
- meteorologyschwerer Sturm / starker Sturmpttemporal
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresdicker Boden / schwerer Bodenptfundo grosso, fundo espesso
- statisticsKardinalfehler / schwere Fehlerpterro grosseiro
- oil industry / administrative lawschweres Rohölptcrude pesado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencesschwerer Bodenptsolo pesado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESschwere Lämmerptborregos pesados
- physical sciencesD20 / schweres Wasser / DeuteriumoxidptD2O, óxido de deutério, água pesada
- hydrocarbonSchweröl / Dieselöl / schweres Heizölptfuelóleo pesado
- working conditions / industrial structures and policy / health policy / public safety / environmental policyschwerer Unfallptacidente grave
- pharmaceutical industry / earth sciences / mechanical engineering / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSschwerer Unfallptacidente grave
- ENVIRONMENTschwer abbaubarptdificilmente degradável
- insuranceschweres Risikoptgrande risco, risco de ponta
- medical scienceschwerer Strangptcadeia pesada
- iron, steel and other metal industries / statisticsschwere Profileptperfis pesados
- iron, steel and other metal industriesschwere Profileptperfis pesados
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingschwerer Fehlerpterro fatal
- Criminal lawschwerwiegende Straftat / schwerwiegende strafbare Handlung / schwere Straftatptinfração grave
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksHarke / schwerer Grubber / Aufreißer / Aufreißer / Reißpflug / Räumgerätptescarificador
- LAWschwere Straftatptinfração penal grave, crime grave
- electronics and electrical engineering / LAW / building and public worksschwerer Schadenptprejuízo grave
- LAW / FINANCEschwere Straftatptcrime grave
- earth sciences / electronics and electrical engineeringschweres Elektronpteletrão pesado, eletrão lento
- ECONOMICSschwere Rezessionptprofunda recessão
- materials technology / chemistryunschmelzbar / schwer schmelzbarptnão fundível
- European civil service / LAW / labour lawschwerwiegendes Verschulden / schwere Verfehlungptfalta grave, culpa grave
- administrative law / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESWaldbrand von überdurchschnittlicher Dauer / schwerer Waldbrandptfogo selvagem
- air transportschwere Verletzungptferimento grave
- air transportschwere Verletzungptferimento grave
- industrial structuresschwerer Wollstoffpttecido grosso de lã
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / land transport / TRANSPORTschwerer Schlepperpttrator pesado
- communicationsschwere Drucksacheptimpresso pesado
- building and public worksAsphalt-Verschleissschicht / schwere Auskleidungptparamento em asfalto
- criminal lawschwere Kriminalität / Schwerkriminalitätptforma grave de criminalidade, criminalidade grave
- chemistryWasserstoff-2 / schwerer Wasserstoff / Deuteriumpthidrogénio 2, deutério
- maritime and inland waterway transportschwere Marktstörungptperturbação grave do mercado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESUnterbodenlockerer / Bodenmeißel / Tiefenlockerer / Tiefgrubber / Tiefwühlgrubber / schwerer Tiefgrubber / Wühlgrubber / Chiselptcultivador subsolador, extirpador, escarificador pesado
- materials technologyschweres Tauchgeraet / Pioniertauchgeraetptfato de mergulhador
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – Schwester no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-09 21:15:47]. Disponível em
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