- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
nome masculino
agent commercial
agente comercial
representante, corretor
agent de change
corretor de câmbios
agent d'affaires
agent de circulation
polícia de trânsito
agent de douane
agent de police
polícia, agente da polícia
agent de sécurité
complément d'agent
complemento de agente da passiva
agente, causa feminino
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- plant health legislation / agricultural policyagentptagente
- civil lawagentptagente
- European civil serviceagentptagente
- LAW / information technology and data processingsujet de droit / agent / acteurptsujeito de direito, pessoa jurídica
- administrative law / LAWagentptfuncionário
- pharmaceutical industryagentptagente
- military equipment / defenceagent chimique / agent C / agent de guerre chimiqueptagente de guerra química, agente Q
- ECONOMICS / FINANCE / business organisationagent liéptagente vinculado
- European civil serviceagent localptagentes locais
- AGRI-FOODSTUFFSagent liantptagente aglomerante
- administrative law / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSagent localptagente local
- administrative law / European Union / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSagent localptagente local
- pollution / technology and technical regulationsfluide d’échappement diesel / agent AUS 32 / FED / AdBlueptAdBlue, DEF, Diesel Exhaust Fluid
- administrative law / employmentfonctionnaire civil / fonctionnaire de l'Etat / agent public / fonctionnaireptfuncionário público
- public administrationtravailleur de la fonction publique / agent publicptagente público
- public safety / European Unionagent invitéptagente convidado
- chemical compoundagent de matité / agent matant / agent de matageptagente de acabamento mate
- insuranceagent régleur / agent payeurptagente regulador
- FINANCEagent fiscalptagente fiscal
- electronics and electrical engineeringagent dopantptagente drogador
- iron, steel and other metal industries / chemical compoundagent patineptpátina
- medical scienceagent retardptadjuvante de libertação lenta
- processed foodstuff / chemistryémulsifiant / agent émulsifiant / agent émulsif / agent émulsionnantptemulsionante
- food additiveliant / agent de lest / agent de remplissage / agent de chargeptagente de volume
- chemical compoundagent oxydant / oxydantptoxidante, agente oxidante
- Community budgetagent mandatéptagente mandatado
- administrative law / materials technology / chemical industryagent collantptagente de adesividade
- iron, steel and other metal industries / chemical compoundagent réactif / agent de durcissement / agent durcissant / durcisseurptendurecedor
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemical compoundadditif / agent additif / adjuvantptaditivo
- stabilisant UV / agent anti-ultraviolet / agent anti-UVptestabilizador aos ultravioletas
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresagent d'arrêt / agent d'arrêt de la réaction de polymérisationptinibidor de polimerização
- chemistry / pharmaceutical industrysubstance inactive / agent inactifptsubstância inativa, agente inativo
- land transport / TRANSPORTagent de quaiptchefe de cais
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemical compoundagent adhésifptagente adesivo
- industrial structuresagent antigelptagente anticongelante
- TRANSPORTagent de fretptagente de carga
- pharmaceutical industryagent pathogène incident / agent adventice / agent adventifptagente adventício
- FINANCEagent autorisé / dépositaire des informations / propriétaire des informationsptzelador, guarda
- medical science / chemical compoundagent vésicant / agent d'irritation de la peauptagente vesicante, agente irritante da pele
- biology / pharmaceutical industryagent cryogénique / agent cryogèneptagente criogénico
- pharmaceutical industryagent étrangerptagente estranho
- maritime and inland waterway transportagent maritimeptagente de navegação, agente marítimo
- air transportagent habilitéptagente reconhecido
- medical scienceagent mutagèneptagente mutagénico
- medical science / life sciencesagent sélectifptagente seletivo
- chemical compound / pharmaceutical industryalkylant / agent d'alcoylation / alcoylant / agent alcoylant / agent alkylantptagente alquilado, agente alquilante
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Como referenciar
Porto Editora – agent no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-14 03:49:40]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- plant health legislation / agricultural policyagentptagente
- civil lawagentptagente
- European civil serviceagentptagente
- LAW / information technology and data processingsujet de droit / agent / acteurptsujeito de direito, pessoa jurídica
- administrative law / LAWagentptfuncionário
- pharmaceutical industryagentptagente
- military equipment / defenceagent chimique / agent C / agent de guerre chimiqueptagente de guerra química, agente Q
- ECONOMICS / FINANCE / business organisationagent liéptagente vinculado
- European civil serviceagent localptagentes locais
- AGRI-FOODSTUFFSagent liantptagente aglomerante
- administrative law / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSagent localptagente local
- administrative law / European Union / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSagent localptagente local
- pollution / technology and technical regulationsfluide d’échappement diesel / agent AUS 32 / FED / AdBlueptAdBlue, DEF, Diesel Exhaust Fluid
- administrative law / employmentfonctionnaire civil / fonctionnaire de l'Etat / agent public / fonctionnaireptfuncionário público
- public administrationtravailleur de la fonction publique / agent publicptagente público
- public safety / European Unionagent invitéptagente convidado
- chemical compoundagent de matité / agent matant / agent de matageptagente de acabamento mate
- insuranceagent régleur / agent payeurptagente regulador
- FINANCEagent fiscalptagente fiscal
- electronics and electrical engineeringagent dopantptagente drogador
- iron, steel and other metal industries / chemical compoundagent patineptpátina
- medical scienceagent retardptadjuvante de libertação lenta
- processed foodstuff / chemistryémulsifiant / agent émulsifiant / agent émulsif / agent émulsionnantptemulsionante
- food additiveliant / agent de lest / agent de remplissage / agent de chargeptagente de volume
- chemical compoundagent oxydant / oxydantptoxidante, agente oxidante
- Community budgetagent mandatéptagente mandatado
- administrative law / materials technology / chemical industryagent collantptagente de adesividade
- iron, steel and other metal industries / chemical compoundagent réactif / agent de durcissement / agent durcissant / durcisseurptendurecedor
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemical compoundadditif / agent additif / adjuvantptaditivo
- stabilisant UV / agent anti-ultraviolet / agent anti-UVptestabilizador aos ultravioletas
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresagent d'arrêt / agent d'arrêt de la réaction de polymérisationptinibidor de polimerização
- chemistry / pharmaceutical industrysubstance inactive / agent inactifptsubstância inativa, agente inativo
- land transport / TRANSPORTagent de quaiptchefe de cais
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemical compoundagent adhésifptagente adesivo
- industrial structuresagent antigelptagente anticongelante
- TRANSPORTagent de fretptagente de carga
- pharmaceutical industryagent pathogène incident / agent adventice / agent adventifptagente adventício
- FINANCEagent autorisé / dépositaire des informations / propriétaire des informationsptzelador, guarda
- medical science / chemical compoundagent vésicant / agent d'irritation de la peauptagente vesicante, agente irritante da pele
- biology / pharmaceutical industryagent cryogénique / agent cryogèneptagente criogénico
- pharmaceutical industryagent étrangerptagente estranho
- maritime and inland waterway transportagent maritimeptagente de navegação, agente marítimo
- air transportagent habilitéptagente reconhecido
- medical scienceagent mutagèneptagente mutagénico
- medical science / life sciencesagent sélectifptagente seletivo
- chemical compound / pharmaceutical industryalkylant / agent d'alcoylation / alcoylant / agent alcoylant / agent alkylantptagente alquilado, agente alquilante
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
- Alex Raymond...
Agent X-9 (Agente Secreto X-9). Em 1934 foi o responsável pelos famosos Flash Gordon e Jungle Jim (Jim - Joseph ConradLord Jim (1900), Nostromo (1904), The Secret
Agent (1907), Under Western Eyes (1911), Heart of Darkness - Katina Paxinou...com Gary Cooper e Ingrid Bergman. Fez depois Hostages (1943), Confidential
Agent (1945), Mourning - W. Somerset MaughamBritish
Agent . - Michael Redgrave...num filme de Alfred Hitchcock: Secret
Agent (À Uma e Quarenta e Cinco, 1936). Porém, Hitchcock reparou - John GielgudAlfred Hitchcock apostou nele para protagonizar o thriller The Secret
Agent (Às 1 e 45, 1936), um dos
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – agent no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-14 03:49:40]. Disponível em
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