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- Língua portuguesa
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verbo transitivo
fatigar, cansar
enfadar, importunar
CULINÁRIA (salada) mexer
verbo intransitivo e pronominal
fatigar-se, cansar-se
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- medical sciencefatigueptfadiga
- materials technologyfatigueptfadiga
- land transport / TRANSPORTfatigueptfadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigueptfadiga
- healthsurcharge dorsale / charge dorsale / fatigue dorsalepttensão musculoesquelética causada por cargas nas costas
- medical sciencefatigue psychologique / fatigue mentaleptfadiga psíquica, fadiga mental
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationstest de fatigueptensaio de fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industries / land transport / TRANSPORTfatigue du railptfadiga do carril
- medical sciencefatigue motriceptfadiga motriz
- materials technologyessai de fatigue / essai d'endurance / essai de durabilité / épreuve de durabilitéptensaio de resistência, ensaio de fadiga
- medical science / healthkopiopie / fatigue visuelle / asthénopieptastenopia
- natural and applied sciences / INDUSTRY / technology and technical regulationsessai de fatigue / épreuve de fatigueptensaio de fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue du métalptfadiga do metal, cansaço do metal
- electronics and electrical engineeringfatigue statiqueptfadiga estática
- ENVIRONMENT / noise pollution / medical sciencefatigue auditiveptfadiga auditiva
- iron, steel and other metal industriescycle de fatigueptciclo de fadiga
- administrative lawfatigue du métalptfadiga (do metal)
- means of communicationreliure fatiguéeptencadernação cansada
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfissure due à la fatigue / crique de fatigueptfissuração por fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriestension thermique / fatigue caloriquepttensão térmica
- electronics and electrical engineeringfatigue thermiqueptfadiga térmica
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue thermiqueptfadiga térmica
- medical sciencefatigue posturaleptfadiga postural
- materials technology / TRANSPORT / land transportmesure de fatigueptmedida de fadiga
- medical sciencefatigue chroniqueptfadiga crónica
- medical sciencefièvre de fatigueptfebre de fadiga
- space transportlimite de fatigueptlimite de fadiga, limite de resistência
- iron, steel and other metal industriescorrosion-fatigueptcorrosão-fadiga
- materials technologyfacteur de détérioration / facteur de fatigueptfator de deterioração
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTfatigue principale / contrainte principalepttensão principal
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue acoustiqueptfatiga acústica
- mechanical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesfissure de fatigueptgreta por fadiga, fissura por fadiga
- administrative lawfatigue d'un métalptfadiga do metal
- materials technology / TRANSPORT / land transporttenue à la fatigueptresistência à fadiga
- medical sciencefatigue musculaireptfadiga muscular
- space transportrupture en fatigueptrutura devida à fadiga do metal, falha devida à fadiga
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemistryfatigue sensorielleptfadiga sensorial
- AGRI-FOODSTUFFS / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfatigue sensorielleptfadiga sensorial
- materials technology / iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue polycycliqueptfadiga por número elevado de ciclos
- administrative lawfatigue à la flexionptfadiga à flexão
- materials technology / technology and technical regulationsfatigue oligocyclique / fatigue sous cyclage lentptfadiga a baixo número de ciclos
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmétrologie de fatigueptmetrologia da fadiga
- materials technology / TRANSPORTlimite alpha / limite de fatigue sûre / limite Óptlimite alfa
- iron, steel and other metal industriesendurance / longevité à la fatigueptresistência à fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue sous corrosionptfadiga sob corrosão
- chemical compound / industrial structuresfatigue photochromiqueptperda de resposta fotocromática, fadiga fotocromática
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – fatiguer no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 03:57:06]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- medical sciencefatigueptfadiga
- materials technologyfatigueptfadiga
- land transport / TRANSPORTfatigueptfadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigueptfadiga
- healthsurcharge dorsale / charge dorsale / fatigue dorsalepttensão musculoesquelética causada por cargas nas costas
- medical sciencefatigue psychologique / fatigue mentaleptfadiga psíquica, fadiga mental
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationstest de fatigueptensaio de fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industries / land transport / TRANSPORTfatigue du railptfadiga do carril
- medical sciencefatigue motriceptfadiga motriz
- materials technologyessai de fatigue / essai d'endurance / essai de durabilité / épreuve de durabilitéptensaio de resistência, ensaio de fadiga
- medical science / healthkopiopie / fatigue visuelle / asthénopieptastenopia
- natural and applied sciences / INDUSTRY / technology and technical regulationsessai de fatigue / épreuve de fatigueptensaio de fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue du métalptfadiga do metal, cansaço do metal
- electronics and electrical engineeringfatigue statiqueptfadiga estática
- ENVIRONMENT / noise pollution / medical sciencefatigue auditiveptfadiga auditiva
- iron, steel and other metal industriescycle de fatigueptciclo de fadiga
- administrative lawfatigue du métalptfadiga (do metal)
- means of communicationreliure fatiguéeptencadernação cansada
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfissure due à la fatigue / crique de fatigueptfissuração por fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriestension thermique / fatigue caloriquepttensão térmica
- electronics and electrical engineeringfatigue thermiqueptfadiga térmica
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue thermiqueptfadiga térmica
- medical sciencefatigue posturaleptfadiga postural
- materials technology / TRANSPORT / land transportmesure de fatigueptmedida de fadiga
- medical sciencefatigue chroniqueptfadiga crónica
- medical sciencefièvre de fatigueptfebre de fadiga
- space transportlimite de fatigueptlimite de fadiga, limite de resistência
- iron, steel and other metal industriescorrosion-fatigueptcorrosão-fadiga
- materials technologyfacteur de détérioration / facteur de fatigueptfator de deterioração
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTfatigue principale / contrainte principalepttensão principal
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue acoustiqueptfatiga acústica
- mechanical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriesfissure de fatigueptgreta por fadiga, fissura por fadiga
- administrative lawfatigue d'un métalptfadiga do metal
- materials technology / TRANSPORT / land transporttenue à la fatigueptresistência à fadiga
- medical sciencefatigue musculaireptfadiga muscular
- space transportrupture en fatigueptrutura devida à fadiga do metal, falha devida à fadiga
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemistryfatigue sensorielleptfadiga sensorial
- AGRI-FOODSTUFFS / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfatigue sensorielleptfadiga sensorial
- materials technology / iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue polycycliqueptfadiga por número elevado de ciclos
- administrative lawfatigue à la flexionptfadiga à flexão
- materials technology / technology and technical regulationsfatigue oligocyclique / fatigue sous cyclage lentptfadiga a baixo número de ciclos
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmétrologie de fatigueptmetrologia da fadiga
- materials technology / TRANSPORTlimite alpha / limite de fatigue sûre / limite Óptlimite alfa
- iron, steel and other metal industriesendurance / longevité à la fatigueptresistência à fadiga
- iron, steel and other metal industriesfatigue sous corrosionptfadiga sob corrosão
- chemical compound / industrial structuresfatigue photochromiqueptperda de resposta fotocromática, fadiga fotocromática
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – fatiguer no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 03:57:06]. Disponível em
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