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Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- rondptcircular
- building and public worksrondptredondo
- means of communicationrondeptredondo
- plant productriz rond / riz à grains rondsptarroz de grãos redondos
- wood industrybois rond / bois en grumeptmadeira em toros, rolaria
- land transportovalisation / faux-rondptovalização
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurespoli-rondptmó de polir, mesa redonda de polir, roda de polir
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurespoli-rondptpolimento com disco
- chemical compound / iron, steel and other metal industriesfour rondptforno pote, forno redondo
- industrial structuresbout rondptbiqueira arredondada
- SCIENCEfaux rondptdeformação circular
- fisheries / life sciences / wildliferaie rondeptraia-redonda
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESdouille ronde / comporte ronde / cuve rondeptcuba redonda
- mechanical engineeringécrou circulaire / écrou cylindrique / écrou rondptporca redonda, porca cilíndrica
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresjoint à dos d'âne / joint rondptbordo arredondado
- mechanical engineeringcâble clos / câble rondptcabo redondo
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESnoeud rondptnó redondo, nó circular
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresdouci-rondptdisco de retificação, mesa redonda de retificação, roda de retificação
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresdouci-rondptdisco retificador
- iron, steel and other metal industriestôle rondeptchapa redonda
- mechanical engineeringjoint rondptjunta redonda
- industrial structurestalon rondpttacão redondo
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTtête rondeptcabeça redonda
- chemical compound / industrial structuresbuse rondeptbocal redondo
- mechanical engineeringécrou cylindrique fendu / écrou cylindrique / écrou rond / écrou cylindrique à fente / écrou cylindrique à encoches supérieures / écrou cylindrique avec fraisure en créneauptporca cilíndrica de fenda, porca de fenda
- land transport / TRANSPORTrond-pointptilha central, placa central
- wildlifeeuphorbe peplus / ésule ronde / euphorbe ombletteptésula-redonda
- POLITICStable rondeptmesa-redonda
- chemical compound / industrial structurescarotte / barre rondeptbarra redonda
- materials technology / industrial structuresboîte rondepttambor
- industrial structuresforme rondeptforma redonda
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurestache rondeptmancha redonda, pérola branca
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbague rondeptanilha redonda, anilha cilíndrica
- iron and steel industry / building industrybarre à haute adhérence / barre d'armature / barre pour béton armé / rond à bétonptvarão para betão, varão para betão armado
- fisheriespoisson rondptpeixe redondo
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurescive / rond de civeptvidro de vigia, claraboia
- LAW / building and public worksvillage circulaire / village rondptcidade circular
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESsouchet rondptjuncinha
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / natural and applied sciencesarcure rondeptarco redondo
- mechanical engineering / chemical compoundbrosse rondeptbroxa redonda
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationspelote rondeptnovelo esférico
- wildlife / fisheries / life scienceschadine / shadine rondeptarenque-redondo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESrâtelier circulaire / râtelier rondptgrade de manjedoura circular
- iron, steel and other metal industries / building and public worksRB / ronds à bétonptvarões para betão
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESoseille rondeptazedão, azeda-romana
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – rondement no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-14 21:10:12]. Disponível em
veja também
barbouiller, bientôt, carburer, casser, celer, champignon, dare-dare, enfer, fourchette, franchement, menteur, pleurer, plutôt, preste, presto, tôt
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- rondptcircular
- building and public worksrondptredondo
- means of communicationrondeptredondo
- plant productriz rond / riz à grains rondsptarroz de grãos redondos
- wood industrybois rond / bois en grumeptmadeira em toros, rolaria
- land transportovalisation / faux-rondptovalização
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurespoli-rondptmó de polir, mesa redonda de polir, roda de polir
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurespoli-rondptpolimento com disco
- chemical compound / iron, steel and other metal industriesfour rondptforno pote, forno redondo
- industrial structuresbout rondptbiqueira arredondada
- SCIENCEfaux rondptdeformação circular
- fisheries / life sciences / wildliferaie rondeptraia-redonda
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESdouille ronde / comporte ronde / cuve rondeptcuba redonda
- mechanical engineeringécrou circulaire / écrou cylindrique / écrou rondptporca redonda, porca cilíndrica
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresjoint à dos d'âne / joint rondptbordo arredondado
- mechanical engineeringcâble clos / câble rondptcabo redondo
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESnoeud rondptnó redondo, nó circular
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresdouci-rondptdisco de retificação, mesa redonda de retificação, roda de retificação
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresdouci-rondptdisco retificador
- iron, steel and other metal industriestôle rondeptchapa redonda
- mechanical engineeringjoint rondptjunta redonda
- industrial structurestalon rondpttacão redondo
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTtête rondeptcabeça redonda
- chemical compound / industrial structuresbuse rondeptbocal redondo
- mechanical engineeringécrou cylindrique fendu / écrou cylindrique / écrou rond / écrou cylindrique à fente / écrou cylindrique à encoches supérieures / écrou cylindrique avec fraisure en créneauptporca cilíndrica de fenda, porca de fenda
- land transport / TRANSPORTrond-pointptilha central, placa central
- wildlifeeuphorbe peplus / ésule ronde / euphorbe ombletteptésula-redonda
- POLITICStable rondeptmesa-redonda
- chemical compound / industrial structurescarotte / barre rondeptbarra redonda
- materials technology / industrial structuresboîte rondepttambor
- industrial structuresforme rondeptforma redonda
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurestache rondeptmancha redonda, pérola branca
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbague rondeptanilha redonda, anilha cilíndrica
- iron and steel industry / building industrybarre à haute adhérence / barre d'armature / barre pour béton armé / rond à bétonptvarão para betão, varão para betão armado
- fisheriespoisson rondptpeixe redondo
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurescive / rond de civeptvidro de vigia, claraboia
- LAW / building and public worksvillage circulaire / village rondptcidade circular
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESsouchet rondptjuncinha
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / natural and applied sciencesarcure rondeptarco redondo
- mechanical engineering / chemical compoundbrosse rondeptbroxa redonda
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationspelote rondeptnovelo esférico
- wildlife / fisheries / life scienceschadine / shadine rondeptarenque-redondo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESrâtelier circulaire / râtelier rondptgrade de manjedoura circular
- iron, steel and other metal industries / building and public worksRB / ronds à bétonptvarões para betão
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESoseille rondeptazedão, azeda-romana
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – rondement no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-14 21:10:12]. Disponível em
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