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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- space policy / aerospace industrypôle spatialptcentro espacial
- life sciencesvide spatialptvácuo espacial
- space transport / space scienceastronef / vaisseau spatial / véhicule spatial / engin spatial / spationefptengenho espacial, veículo espacial
- space science / space transportobjet spatialptobjeto espacial
- computer systems / space transportrobot spatialptrobô espacial
- cultural policy / life sciencesrepère stéréoscopique / index spatial / index flottant / index de pointé stéréoscopiqueptmarca esteroscópica
- space science / LAW / space transportdroit de l'espace / réglementation de l'espace / droit spatialptdireito espacial
- electronics and electrical engineeringétage spatial / étage de commutation spatial / étage Sptpatamar de comutação espacial
- space science / air transportdéchet spatial / débris orbital / débris spatialptlixo espacial, detritos espaciais
- ENVIRONMENTprofil spatial / structure spatiale / configuration spatialeptperfil espacial, estrutura espacial, configuração espacial
- electronics and electrical engineering / communicationsréseau de connexion spatial / réseau spatialptrede espacial, rede de comutação espacial
- life sciencesmilieu spatialptambiente espacial
- space transport / space sciencefusée porteuse / lanceur spatial / lanceurptveículo de lançamento
- defence / common security and defence policydomaine spatialptdomínio espacial
- space transport / communications systemssecteur spatialptsegmento espacial
- communicationsservice spatial / service de radiocommunication spatiale / service de radiocommunications spatialesptserviço de radiocomunicação espacial
- electronics and electrical engineeringsystème spatial / système de commutation spatiale / autocommutateur spatialptsistema de comutação espacial, comutador por divisão no espaço
- research / technology and technical regulationssegment spatialptsegmento espacial
- communicationssystème spatialptsistema espacial
- military equipment / space science / space transportvéhicule spatialptveículo espacial, espaçonave
- ENVIRONMENTtransport spatialpttransporte espacial
- space science / space policy / aerospace industrynouvel âge spatial / nouvel espaceptNovo Espaço
- land transport / TRANSPORTsimulateur spatialptsimulador espacial
- land transport / TRANSPORTremorqueur spatialptrebocador espacial
- regions and regional policy / demography and population / construction and town planning / ENVIRONMENT / building and public worksaménagement spatial / aménagement de l'espace / aménagement du territoireptordenamento do espaço, ordenamento do território
- space transportralliement orbital / rendez-vous spatialptreunião espacial
- communications / land transport / TRANSPORTlaboratoire spatialptlaboratório espacial
- communications / space science / space transportengin spatial habité / véhicule spatial habité / vaisseau spatial habitéptengenho espacial tripulado
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTengin spatial intégréptveículo espacial integrado
- space transportvaisseau spatial non habité / véhicule spatial inhabité / engin spatial inhabitéptengenho espacial não tripulado
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTengin spatial autonomeptnave espacial autónoma
- electronics and electrical engineeringautocommutateur spatialptcomutação por divisão no espaço
- statisticséchantillonnage spatialptamostragem espacial
- space transport / space policygestion du trafic spatialptgestão do tráfego espacial
- space science / space transportsimulateur de vol spatialptsimulador de voo espacial
- communicationsgroupage spatial spectralptaglomeração espacial espetral
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTengin spatial semi-autonomeptveículo espacial semiautónomo
- capacité de secteur spatialptcapacidade do segmento espacial
- EUROPEAN UNION / space policyprogramme spatial de l'Union / programme spatial de l’Union européenneptPrograma Espacial da União
- defence / natural and applied sciences / space transportqualifié pour l'usage spatialptqualificado para uso espacial
- communications / information technology and data processingmodulateur spatial de lumière / transducteur d'imagesptmodulador espacial de luz
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – spatial no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-15 16:48:58]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- space policy / aerospace industrypôle spatialptcentro espacial
- life sciencesvide spatialptvácuo espacial
- space transport / space scienceastronef / vaisseau spatial / véhicule spatial / engin spatial / spationefptengenho espacial, veículo espacial
- space science / space transportobjet spatialptobjeto espacial
- computer systems / space transportrobot spatialptrobô espacial
- cultural policy / life sciencesrepère stéréoscopique / index spatial / index flottant / index de pointé stéréoscopiqueptmarca esteroscópica
- space science / LAW / space transportdroit de l'espace / réglementation de l'espace / droit spatialptdireito espacial
- electronics and electrical engineeringétage spatial / étage de commutation spatial / étage Sptpatamar de comutação espacial
- space science / air transportdéchet spatial / débris orbital / débris spatialptlixo espacial, detritos espaciais
- ENVIRONMENTprofil spatial / structure spatiale / configuration spatialeptperfil espacial, estrutura espacial, configuração espacial
- electronics and electrical engineering / communicationsréseau de connexion spatial / réseau spatialptrede espacial, rede de comutação espacial
- life sciencesmilieu spatialptambiente espacial
- space transport / space sciencefusée porteuse / lanceur spatial / lanceurptveículo de lançamento
- defence / common security and defence policydomaine spatialptdomínio espacial
- space transport / communications systemssecteur spatialptsegmento espacial
- communicationsservice spatial / service de radiocommunication spatiale / service de radiocommunications spatialesptserviço de radiocomunicação espacial
- electronics and electrical engineeringsystème spatial / système de commutation spatiale / autocommutateur spatialptsistema de comutação espacial, comutador por divisão no espaço
- research / technology and technical regulationssegment spatialptsegmento espacial
- communicationssystème spatialptsistema espacial
- military equipment / space science / space transportvéhicule spatialptveículo espacial, espaçonave
- ENVIRONMENTtransport spatialpttransporte espacial
- space science / space policy / aerospace industrynouvel âge spatial / nouvel espaceptNovo Espaço
- land transport / TRANSPORTsimulateur spatialptsimulador espacial
- land transport / TRANSPORTremorqueur spatialptrebocador espacial
- regions and regional policy / demography and population / construction and town planning / ENVIRONMENT / building and public worksaménagement spatial / aménagement de l'espace / aménagement du territoireptordenamento do espaço, ordenamento do território
- space transportralliement orbital / rendez-vous spatialptreunião espacial
- communications / land transport / TRANSPORTlaboratoire spatialptlaboratório espacial
- communications / space science / space transportengin spatial habité / véhicule spatial habité / vaisseau spatial habitéptengenho espacial tripulado
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTengin spatial intégréptveículo espacial integrado
- space transportvaisseau spatial non habité / véhicule spatial inhabité / engin spatial inhabitéptengenho espacial não tripulado
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTengin spatial autonomeptnave espacial autónoma
- electronics and electrical engineeringautocommutateur spatialptcomutação por divisão no espaço
- statisticséchantillonnage spatialptamostragem espacial
- space transport / space policygestion du trafic spatialptgestão do tráfego espacial
- space science / space transportsimulateur de vol spatialptsimulador de voo espacial
- communicationsgroupage spatial spectralptaglomeração espacial espetral
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTengin spatial semi-autonomeptveículo espacial semiautónomo
- capacité de secteur spatialptcapacidade do segmento espacial
- EUROPEAN UNION / space policyprogramme spatial de l'Union / programme spatial de l’Union européenneptPrograma Espacial da União
- defence / natural and applied sciences / space transportqualifié pour l'usage spatialptqualificado para uso espacial
- communications / information technology and data processingmodulateur spatial de lumière / transducteur d'imagesptmodulador espacial de luz
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – spatial no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-15 16:48:58]. Disponível em
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