- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
astuto, espertalhão, finório
engenhoso; habilidoso
as artful as a monkey
esperto como um macaco
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- medical scienceassisted reproductive techniques / ART / assisted reproductive technology / assisted reproduction technologypttecnologia de reprodução assistida
- therapeuticsantiretroviral treatment / combined antiretroviral therapy / combination therapy / ART / highly active antiretroviral therapy / antiretroviral therapyptTAR, tratamento antirretroviral, terapêutica combinada
- electronics and electrical engineeringART / additional reference carrier transmissionpttransmissão com portadora de referência suplementar
- educationart / art educationpteducação artística
- ENVIRONMENTartptarte
- statisticsannual retail trade survey / ARTSptinquérito anual ao comércio retalhista, inquérito anual ao comércio a retalho
- statisticsartsptartes
- EUROPEAN UNIONart.73 / surgical expenses staff reg.ptdespesas cirúrgicas
- criminal lawart crime / cultural heritage crimeptcrime contra o património cultural
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH / technology and technical regulationsstate of the art / prior artptestado da técnica, estado da arte
- preparation for market / cultural policyart tradeptcomércio de arte
- industrial structuresart-sergeptart-serge
- LAWprior artptestado anterior da técnica
- cultural policyart marketptmercado da arte
- preparation for market / cultural policy / artswork of artptobjeto de arte
- cultural policy / culturecultural centre / arts centreptcentro cultural
- medical scienceart therapyptarteterapia
- Criminal lawaccessory / art and part / accompliceptcúmplice
- cultural policyplastic artsptartes plásticas
- cultural policygraphic artsptartes gráficas
- cultural policyart criticismptcrítica de arte
- cultural policy / LAWdifferent artptarte diferente
- cultural policyperforming artsptartes do espetáculo
- cultural policy / humanitiesarts managementptgestão do património artístico
- communications / information technology and data processingarts programmesptprogramas de arte
- cultural policydecorative artsptartes decorativas
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHstate of the artptestado da arte
- artsparticipatory artptarte participativa
- cultural policyart administratorptadministrador cultural
- means of communicationfine art publisher / publisher of printspteditor de estampas
- cultural policyfine art publisherpteditor de arte
- administrative law / artsarts administratorptadministrador cultural
- means of communicationart of stereotyping / stereotype foundryptestereotipia
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsimitation art paperptpapel superfriccionado, papel imitação estucado
- humanitieshumanities and artsptartes e humanidades
- insurancefine arts insuranceptseguro de belas-artes
- cultural policywork of plastic artptobra de arte plástica
- cultural policyrepresentative artsptartes figurativas
- cultural policypatronage of the artsptmecenato cultural
- preparation for market / cultural policydealer in works of artptcomerciante de obras de arte
- documentation / information technology and data processingstate-of-the-art reportptestado da arte
- LAWstate of the art searchptbusca de anterioridade
- deterioration of the environmentstate of the art defenceptisenção relacionada com o estado do conhecimento científico e técnico
- intellectual propertyperson skilled in the artptperito na especialidade
- technology and technical regulationsstate-of-the-art technology / leading-edge technology / cutting-edge technologypttecnologia de ponta
- criminal law / culture and religion / European Uniontrafficking in works of artpttráfico de obras de arte roubadas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – artful no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-09 20:35:23]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- medical scienceassisted reproductive techniques / ART / assisted reproductive technology / assisted reproduction technologypttecnologia de reprodução assistida
- therapeuticsantiretroviral treatment / combined antiretroviral therapy / combination therapy / ART / highly active antiretroviral therapy / antiretroviral therapyptTAR, tratamento antirretroviral, terapêutica combinada
- electronics and electrical engineeringART / additional reference carrier transmissionpttransmissão com portadora de referência suplementar
- educationart / art educationpteducação artística
- ENVIRONMENTartptarte
- statisticsannual retail trade survey / ARTSptinquérito anual ao comércio retalhista, inquérito anual ao comércio a retalho
- statisticsartsptartes
- EUROPEAN UNIONart.73 / surgical expenses staff reg.ptdespesas cirúrgicas
- criminal lawart crime / cultural heritage crimeptcrime contra o património cultural
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH / technology and technical regulationsstate of the art / prior artptestado da técnica, estado da arte
- preparation for market / cultural policyart tradeptcomércio de arte
- industrial structuresart-sergeptart-serge
- LAWprior artptestado anterior da técnica
- cultural policyart marketptmercado da arte
- preparation for market / cultural policy / artswork of artptobjeto de arte
- cultural policy / culturecultural centre / arts centreptcentro cultural
- medical scienceart therapyptarteterapia
- Criminal lawaccessory / art and part / accompliceptcúmplice
- cultural policyplastic artsptartes plásticas
- cultural policygraphic artsptartes gráficas
- cultural policyart criticismptcrítica de arte
- cultural policy / LAWdifferent artptarte diferente
- cultural policyperforming artsptartes do espetáculo
- cultural policy / humanitiesarts managementptgestão do património artístico
- communications / information technology and data processingarts programmesptprogramas de arte
- cultural policydecorative artsptartes decorativas
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHstate of the artptestado da arte
- artsparticipatory artptarte participativa
- cultural policyart administratorptadministrador cultural
- means of communicationfine art publisher / publisher of printspteditor de estampas
- cultural policyfine art publisherpteditor de arte
- administrative law / artsarts administratorptadministrador cultural
- means of communicationart of stereotyping / stereotype foundryptestereotipia
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsimitation art paperptpapel superfriccionado, papel imitação estucado
- humanitieshumanities and artsptartes e humanidades
- insurancefine arts insuranceptseguro de belas-artes
- cultural policywork of plastic artptobra de arte plástica
- cultural policyrepresentative artsptartes figurativas
- cultural policypatronage of the artsptmecenato cultural
- preparation for market / cultural policydealer in works of artptcomerciante de obras de arte
- documentation / information technology and data processingstate-of-the-art reportptestado da arte
- LAWstate of the art searchptbusca de anterioridade
- deterioration of the environmentstate of the art defenceptisenção relacionada com o estado do conhecimento científico e técnico
- intellectual propertyperson skilled in the artptperito na especialidade
- technology and technical regulationsstate-of-the-art technology / leading-edge technology / cutting-edge technologypttecnologia de ponta
- criminal law / culture and religion / European Uniontrafficking in works of artpttráfico de obras de arte roubadas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – artful no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-09 20:35:23]. Disponível em
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