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(carvão) coque
coloquial (droga) coca, cocaína
coloquial [com maiúscula] Coca-Cola
verbo transitivo
transformar em coque
coloquial go and eat coke!
sai da minha vista!
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- cokecokeptcoque
- oil industryraw coke / green petroleum coke / green cokeptCVP, coque verde de petróleo, coque verde
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesquenching car / coke car / coke quenching car / hot carptvagão de extinção, carro do coque, vagão de coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundrun-of-retort coke / raw coke / run-of-oven cokeptcoque bruto
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke bin / coke boxptcaixa para coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundpan cokeptcoque recuperado
- oil industrycoke drumpttambor de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriessemi cokeptsemicoque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoal size / particle size / coke size / lump sizeptdimensão do coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke yard / coke storage ground / coke groundptparque de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke cake / block of cakeptaglomerado de coque
- INDUSTRY / ENERGYcoke derived from hard coal / hard cokeptcoque de forno, coque de hulha
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke sideptface do coque
- INDUSTRYcoke ovenptforno de coque, coqueria
- ENERGYform cokeptcoque moldado
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoking plant / coke plant / coke oven plant / coking worksptfábrica de coque, fábrica com forno a coque
- chemical compoundpitch cokeptcoque de breu
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke wharfptcais de descarga do coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke guideptrede de distribuição do coque, condução do coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke yieldptrendimento em coque, produção em coque
- coal industry / earth sciencescoke yieldptrendimento em coque
- ENERGYpitch cokeptcoque de breu
- chemistrybed coke filter / coke filterptfiltro de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesformcoke / formed cokeptcoque moldado
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke bagger / coke loaderptensacador
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke breezeptfragmentos de coque
- ENERGYcoke breezeptpó de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke cutterpttriturador de coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundbroken cokeptcoque quebrado
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundblocky cokeptcoque em blocos
- coal industryspongy cokeptcoque esponjoso
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundporous cokeptcoque poroso
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke buttonptbotão de coque
- iron, steel and other metal industriescoke firingptaquecimento a coque
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONScoke carmanptmaquinista de coke-car
- electronics and electrical engineering / coal industryformed cokeptcoque moldado
- coal industrylignite cokeptcoque de lenhite
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriespushing / coke pushingptdescarga
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundprismatic coke / fingery cokeptcoque prismático
- INDUSTRYfurnace coke / blast furnace cokeptcoque de alto-forno
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industries / technology and technical regulationsfoundry cokeptcoque metelúrgico, coque para fundição
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke residueptresíduo de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke strength / coke physical strengthptresistência mecânica do coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundrun of mill coke / ungraded cokeptcoque tout-venant
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundhousehold coke / domestic cokeptcoque doméstico
- ENERGYgasworks cokeptcoque de gás
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundscreened cokeptcoque crivado
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke cleavageptclivagem do coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesquenching track / coke car track / quench track / quench car trackptvia do vagão de extinção
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – coke no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-04 06:12:32]. Disponível em
veja também
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- cokecokeptcoque
- oil industryraw coke / green petroleum coke / green cokeptCVP, coque verde de petróleo, coque verde
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesquenching car / coke car / coke quenching car / hot carptvagão de extinção, carro do coque, vagão de coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundrun-of-retort coke / raw coke / run-of-oven cokeptcoque bruto
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke bin / coke boxptcaixa para coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundpan cokeptcoque recuperado
- oil industrycoke drumpttambor de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriessemi cokeptsemicoque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoal size / particle size / coke size / lump sizeptdimensão do coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke yard / coke storage ground / coke groundptparque de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke cake / block of cakeptaglomerado de coque
- INDUSTRY / ENERGYcoke derived from hard coal / hard cokeptcoque de forno, coque de hulha
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke sideptface do coque
- INDUSTRYcoke ovenptforno de coque, coqueria
- ENERGYform cokeptcoque moldado
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoking plant / coke plant / coke oven plant / coking worksptfábrica de coque, fábrica com forno a coque
- chemical compoundpitch cokeptcoque de breu
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke wharfptcais de descarga do coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke guideptrede de distribuição do coque, condução do coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke yieldptrendimento em coque, produção em coque
- coal industry / earth sciencescoke yieldptrendimento em coque
- ENERGYpitch cokeptcoque de breu
- chemistrybed coke filter / coke filterptfiltro de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesformcoke / formed cokeptcoque moldado
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke bagger / coke loaderptensacador
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke breezeptfragmentos de coque
- ENERGYcoke breezeptpó de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke cutterpttriturador de coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundbroken cokeptcoque quebrado
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundblocky cokeptcoque em blocos
- coal industryspongy cokeptcoque esponjoso
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundporous cokeptcoque poroso
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundcoke buttonptbotão de coque
- iron, steel and other metal industriescoke firingptaquecimento a coque
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONScoke carmanptmaquinista de coke-car
- electronics and electrical engineering / coal industryformed cokeptcoque moldado
- coal industrylignite cokeptcoque de lenhite
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriespushing / coke pushingptdescarga
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundprismatic coke / fingery cokeptcoque prismático
- INDUSTRYfurnace coke / blast furnace cokeptcoque de alto-forno
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industries / technology and technical regulationsfoundry cokeptcoque metelúrgico, coque para fundição
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke residueptresíduo de coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke strength / coke physical strengthptresistência mecânica do coque
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundrun of mill coke / ungraded cokeptcoque tout-venant
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundhousehold coke / domestic cokeptcoque doméstico
- ENERGYgasworks cokeptcoque de gás
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundscreened cokeptcoque crivado
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriescoke cleavageptclivagem do coque
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesquenching track / coke car track / quench track / quench car trackptvia do vagão de extinção
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – coke no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-04 06:12:32]. Disponível em
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