- Língua portuguesa
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- Verbos
cubic capacity
GEOMETRIA cubic centimetre / cubic metre
centímetro cúbico / metro cúbico
MATEMÁTICA cubic equation
equação do terceiro grau
GEOMETRIA cubic foot
GEOMETRIA cubic inch
polegada cúbica
GEOMETRIA cubic measure
medida de volume
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationscu.ft / c.ft / cubic foot / cube foot / cubeptpé cúbico
- SCIENCEcubic rootptraiz cúbica
- food additive / chemistry / chemical compound / industrial structures / iron, steel and other metal industriessodium nitrate / Chile saltpetre / cubic nitre / soda nitreptnitrato de sódio, nitrato sódico, nitrato do Chile, salitre do Chile
- technology and technical regulationscubic meterptmetro cúbico
- technology and technical regulationscubic systemptsistema cúbico
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringcubic crystalptcristal cúbico
- building and public works / life sciencescubic parabolaptparábola cúbica
- technology and technical regulationscubic centimetre / cm³ / cu cmptcentímetro cúbico, cm³
- electronics and electrical engineeringcubic distortionptdistorção cúbica
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesnormal cubic metre / Nm³ptmetro cúbico normalizado, m3 (PTN), m3N
- fisheries / maritime and inland waterway transportbale cubic capacity / bale measure / bale capacityptcapacidade volumétrica em fardos
- standardisation / technologym³(st) / standard cubic metre / Sm³ptmetro cúbico padrão
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesstandard cubic metreptmetro cúbico standard
- chemistrycubic boron nitride filmptpelícula de nitrero de boro cúbico
- iron, steel and other metal industries / earth sciencesface-centered cubic lattice / face-centred cubic latticeptrede cúbica de faces centradas
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbody-centred cubic lattice / body-centered cubic latticeptrede cúbica centrada
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringbody-centered cubic structure / BCC structure / body-centred cubic structureptestrutura cúbica com átomo central, estrutura BCC
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringface-centered cubic structure / face-centred cubic structureptestrutura cúbica com centros faciais
- mechanical engineeringcubic capacity of a cylinderptcilindrada
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringface-centred cubic close packing / face-centered cubic close packingptestrutura cúbica compacta de centros faciais
- standardisation / technologymilligram per normal cubic metre / mg/Nm3ptmg/m3N, miligrama por metro cúbico normal
- statistics / SCIENCEcubic designs with three associate classesptplanos cúbicos com três classes associadas
- natural and applied sciencescoefficient of cubical thermal expansionptcoeficiente de dilatação térmica volumétrica
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – cubic no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-12 02:03:08]. Disponível em
veja também
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationscu.ft / c.ft / cubic foot / cube foot / cubeptpé cúbico
- SCIENCEcubic rootptraiz cúbica
- food additive / chemistry / chemical compound / industrial structures / iron, steel and other metal industriessodium nitrate / Chile saltpetre / cubic nitre / soda nitreptnitrato de sódio, nitrato sódico, nitrato do Chile, salitre do Chile
- technology and technical regulationscubic meterptmetro cúbico
- technology and technical regulationscubic systemptsistema cúbico
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringcubic crystalptcristal cúbico
- building and public works / life sciencescubic parabolaptparábola cúbica
- technology and technical regulationscubic centimetre / cm³ / cu cmptcentímetro cúbico, cm³
- electronics and electrical engineeringcubic distortionptdistorção cúbica
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesnormal cubic metre / Nm³ptmetro cúbico normalizado, m3 (PTN), m3N
- fisheries / maritime and inland waterway transportbale cubic capacity / bale measure / bale capacityptcapacidade volumétrica em fardos
- standardisation / technologym³(st) / standard cubic metre / Sm³ptmetro cúbico padrão
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesstandard cubic metreptmetro cúbico standard
- chemistrycubic boron nitride filmptpelícula de nitrero de boro cúbico
- iron, steel and other metal industries / earth sciencesface-centered cubic lattice / face-centred cubic latticeptrede cúbica de faces centradas
- iron, steel and other metal industriesbody-centred cubic lattice / body-centered cubic latticeptrede cúbica centrada
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringbody-centered cubic structure / BCC structure / body-centred cubic structureptestrutura cúbica com átomo central, estrutura BCC
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringface-centered cubic structure / face-centred cubic structureptestrutura cúbica com centros faciais
- mechanical engineeringcubic capacity of a cylinderptcilindrada
- chemistry / electronics and electrical engineeringface-centred cubic close packing / face-centered cubic close packingptestrutura cúbica compacta de centros faciais
- standardisation / technologymilligram per normal cubic metre / mg/Nm3ptmg/m3N, miligrama por metro cúbico normal
- statistics / SCIENCEcubic designs with three associate classesptplanos cúbicos com três classes associadas
- natural and applied sciencescoefficient of cubical thermal expansionptcoeficiente de dilatação térmica volumétrica
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – cubic no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-12 02:03:08]. Disponível em
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