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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Procedural lawdefendantptdemandado
- EU institution / operation of the Institutions / judicial proceedingsdefendantptdemandado
- European Union law / civil lawrespondent / defendant / defending partyptdemandado, recorrido, parte requerida, requerido
- LAWdefendant / respondentptparte demandada
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWrejoinder from the defendantpttréplica do recorrido
- LAWcapacity to be made a defendantptlegitimidade passiva
- preparation for market / ECONOMICSindemnification of the defendantptindemnização do requerido
- FINANCEindemnification of the defendantptindemnização do requerido
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWform of order sought by the defendantptconclusões do recorrido
- Procedural lawservice of the application on the defendantptnotificação da petição ao demandado
- EU institution / operation of the Institutions / judicial proceedingsservice of the application on the defendantptnotificação da petição ao demandado
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWif the defendant fails to enter an appearanceptem caso de revelia do requerido
- LAWdefendant validly represented during the proceedingsptrequerido validamente representado na instância
- LAWorder prohibiting the defendant from proceeding with the infringements actsptdecisão proibindo-o de prosseguir os atos de contrafação
- Procedural lawdefendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly servedptdemandado devidamente citado
- EU institution / operation of the Institutions / judicial proceedingsdefendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly servedptdemandado devidamente citado
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWto be sued otherwise than in the courts of a State 3 of the Convention of 27.9.1968 provides that a defendant may be sued otherwise than in the courts of the State where he is domiciled only in the cases expressly provided for in the Conventionpteximir-se aos tribunais de um Estado
- land transport / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS / TRANSPORThearing-protective device / ear defender / hearing protector / ear protectorptprotetor do ouvido, protetor de orelha
- healthear muff / ear defenderptprotetor auditivo, proteção auricular
- rights and freedomshuman rights defender / HRDptdefensor dos direitos humanos
- rights and freedomswoman human rights defender / female human rights defender / WHRDptmulher defensora dos direitos humanos, defensora dos direitos humanos
- gender equalityWHRDs / women’s human rights defendersptdefensores dos direitos humanos das mulheres
- human rights / cooperation policyHRD Committee / Human Rights Defenders CommitteeptComité de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos
- EUROPEAN UNION / rights and freedomsEU Human Rights Defender mechanism / European Union Human Rights Defenders mechanism / EU Human Rights Defenders mechanismptmecanismo da UE para proteção dos defensores dos direitos humanos
- international instrument / rights and freedomsHuman Rights Defenders Declaration / Declaration on Human Rights Defenders / Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental FreedomsptDeclaração sobre os Defensores de Direitos Humanos, Declaração sobre o Direito e a Responsabilidade dos Indivíduos, Grupos ou Órgãos da Sociedade de Promover e Proteger os Direitos Humanos e Liberdades Fundamentais Universalmente Reconhecidos
- Criminal lawwitness on his [the defendant's] behalfpttestemunha de defesa
- European Union / rights and freedomsEU Guidelines on Human Rights DefendersptOrientações da União Europeia relativas aos defensores dos direitos humanos
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWjurisdiction of the defendant's domicileptforo do domicílio do requerido
- United Nations / social affairs / rights and freedomsSpecial Rapporteur on human rights defenders / Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defendersptRelator Especial para a situação dos defensores dos direitos humanos
- financing / rights and freedomsemergency fund for HRDs at risk / EU emergency fund for human rights defenders at risk / emergency fund for human rights defenders at riskptfundo de emergência da UE para os defensores dos direitos humanos em situação de risco
- medical scienceear defenders with receiver for LF induction loopptprecinta com recetor para circuito de indução de baixa frequência
- executive power and public service / European constructionWhite Paper on defending and promoting the public serviceptLivro Branco sobre a defesa e promoção do serviço público
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWprocedural requirement that the various defendants be joinedptindivisibilidade entre os diversos requeridos
- LAWto have been afforded,in good time,the opportunity of defending his rightsptfazer valer os seus direitos em devido tempo
- criminal law / European constructionGreen Paper from the Commission - Procedural Safeguards for Suspects and Defendants in Criminal Proceedings throughout the European UnionptLivro Verde da Comissão - Garantias processuais dos suspeitos e arguidos em procedimentos penais na União Europeia
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – defendant no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-18 04:00:09]. Disponível em
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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Procedural lawdefendantptdemandado
- EU institution / operation of the Institutions / judicial proceedingsdefendantptdemandado
- European Union law / civil lawrespondent / defendant / defending partyptdemandado, recorrido, parte requerida, requerido
- LAWdefendant / respondentptparte demandada
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWrejoinder from the defendantpttréplica do recorrido
- LAWcapacity to be made a defendantptlegitimidade passiva
- preparation for market / ECONOMICSindemnification of the defendantptindemnização do requerido
- FINANCEindemnification of the defendantptindemnização do requerido
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWform of order sought by the defendantptconclusões do recorrido
- Procedural lawservice of the application on the defendantptnotificação da petição ao demandado
- EU institution / operation of the Institutions / judicial proceedingsservice of the application on the defendantptnotificação da petição ao demandado
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWif the defendant fails to enter an appearanceptem caso de revelia do requerido
- LAWdefendant validly represented during the proceedingsptrequerido validamente representado na instância
- LAWorder prohibiting the defendant from proceeding with the infringements actsptdecisão proibindo-o de prosseguir os atos de contrafação
- Procedural lawdefendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly servedptdemandado devidamente citado
- EU institution / operation of the Institutions / judicial proceedingsdefendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly servedptdemandado devidamente citado
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWto be sued otherwise than in the courts of a State 3 of the Convention of 27.9.1968 provides that a defendant may be sued otherwise than in the courts of the State where he is domiciled only in the cases expressly provided for in the Conventionpteximir-se aos tribunais de um Estado
- land transport / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS / TRANSPORThearing-protective device / ear defender / hearing protector / ear protectorptprotetor do ouvido, protetor de orelha
- healthear muff / ear defenderptprotetor auditivo, proteção auricular
- rights and freedomshuman rights defender / HRDptdefensor dos direitos humanos
- rights and freedomswoman human rights defender / female human rights defender / WHRDptmulher defensora dos direitos humanos, defensora dos direitos humanos
- gender equalityWHRDs / women’s human rights defendersptdefensores dos direitos humanos das mulheres
- human rights / cooperation policyHRD Committee / Human Rights Defenders CommitteeptComité de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos
- EUROPEAN UNION / rights and freedomsEU Human Rights Defender mechanism / European Union Human Rights Defenders mechanism / EU Human Rights Defenders mechanismptmecanismo da UE para proteção dos defensores dos direitos humanos
- international instrument / rights and freedomsHuman Rights Defenders Declaration / Declaration on Human Rights Defenders / Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental FreedomsptDeclaração sobre os Defensores de Direitos Humanos, Declaração sobre o Direito e a Responsabilidade dos Indivíduos, Grupos ou Órgãos da Sociedade de Promover e Proteger os Direitos Humanos e Liberdades Fundamentais Universalmente Reconhecidos
- Criminal lawwitness on his [the defendant's] behalfpttestemunha de defesa
- European Union / rights and freedomsEU Guidelines on Human Rights DefendersptOrientações da União Europeia relativas aos defensores dos direitos humanos
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWjurisdiction of the defendant's domicileptforo do domicílio do requerido
- United Nations / social affairs / rights and freedomsSpecial Rapporteur on human rights defenders / Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defendersptRelator Especial para a situação dos defensores dos direitos humanos
- financing / rights and freedomsemergency fund for HRDs at risk / EU emergency fund for human rights defenders at risk / emergency fund for human rights defenders at riskptfundo de emergência da UE para os defensores dos direitos humanos em situação de risco
- medical scienceear defenders with receiver for LF induction loopptprecinta com recetor para circuito de indução de baixa frequência
- executive power and public service / European constructionWhite Paper on defending and promoting the public serviceptLivro Branco sobre a defesa e promoção do serviço público
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWprocedural requirement that the various defendants be joinedptindivisibilidade entre os diversos requeridos
- LAWto have been afforded,in good time,the opportunity of defending his rightsptfazer valer os seus direitos em devido tempo
- criminal law / European constructionGreen Paper from the Commission - Procedural Safeguards for Suspects and Defendants in Criminal Proceedings throughout the European UnionptLivro Verde da Comissão - Garantias processuais dos suspeitos e arguidos em procedimentos penais na União Europeia
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – defendant no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-18 04:00:09]. Disponível em
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