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Present participle do verbo deflect
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- natural and applied sciences / climateCoriolis force / deviating force / deflecting forceptforça de Coriolis
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationsdeflecting torque / driving torqueptbinário motor
- mechanical engineeringdeflecting pulley / deflecting sheaveptpolia de desvio
- chemical compounddeflecting bladesptpás defletoras
- land transport / TRANSPORTswitching section / deflecting sectionptramal desviado
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflecting electrode / deflector plateptelétrodo de deflexão
- TRANSPORT / land transport / mechanical engineeringexhaust deflecting ringptanel defletor de escape
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesdeflecting vane anemometerptanemómetro de placa
- life sciencesmicroscope with deflecting prismptmicroscópio com prisma
- mechanical engineeringdeflection / travelptmovimento, deslocação, curso
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflectionptdeflexão
- earth sciencesdeflectionptdeflexão, desvio
- communications policycall deflection service / CF / CD / call deflection / call forwardingptreencaminhamento de chamadas, desvio de chamadas, reencaminhamento de chamada
- electronics and electrical engineering / communicationsdeflection unit / deflection yokeptunidade de deflexão
- communicationsdeflection coilptbobina de deflexão
- mechanical engineeringroll deflectionptdeflexão do rolo, deflexão do cilindro
- information technology and data processingdeflection unitptunidade de deflexão
- mechanical engineeringflap deflectionptdeflexão de flape
- administrative lawload deflectionptdeflexão sob carga
- technical regulations / land transportchest deflectionptdeformação do tórax, deformação da caixa torácica, deformação do peito
- land transport / TRANSPORTdeflection plane / spoilerptplano de deflexão
- communications / information technology and data processingangle of deviation / deflection angleptângulo de desvio, ângulo de deflexão
- communicationsdeflection angleptângulo de deflexão
- communications / electrical engineeringdeflection coilsptbobinas de deflexão
- land transport / TRANSPORTblade deflectionptdeflexão da pá
- land transport / TRANSPORTtotal deflectionptdeflexão total
- earth sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStotal deflectionptdeformação total
- mechanical engineeringdeflection sheave / diverter pulley / pulleyptroda de desvio
- mechanical engineeringpulley / deflection sheaveptroda de desvio
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingdeflection signalptsinal de deflexão
- mechanical engineering / land transport / social sciences / TRANSPORTrudder deflectionptdeflexão leme de direção
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTthrust deflectionptdeflexão de jato
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTdeflection of tyre / deflection of tireptdeformação
- chemical compound / industrial structuresrupture deflectionptflecha de rutura
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationsmaximum deflectionptcomprimento da escala
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflection currentptcorrente de deflexão
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflection voltagepttensão de deflexão
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTpointer deflectionptdesvio de agulha
- mechanical engineeringaileron deflectionptdeflexão de ailerão
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmaximum deflectionptdeflexão máxima
- iron, steel and other metal industries / earth sciencesdeflection controlptcontrolo da deflexão
- FINANCE / TRANSPORTdetra / DITRA / deflection of trade / distortion of tradeptdesvio do tráfego
- data processing / information technology and data processingbaseline jump / baseline deflectionptdesvio da linha de base
- land transport / industrial structures / TRANSPORTsidewall deflection / sidewall bulgeptachatamento
- communicationsvertical deflectionptdeflexão vertical
- electronics and electrical engineeringmagnetic deflectionptdeflexão magnética
- angle of deflectionptângulo de desvio
- iron, steel and other metal industries / building and public worksresidual deflectionptflecha residual
- mechanical engineeringelevator deflectionptdeflexão do leme de profundidade
- European Union / FINANCEdeflections of trade / trade diversionptdesvios de tráfego
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – deflecting no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 14:24:18]. Disponível em
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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- natural and applied sciences / climateCoriolis force / deviating force / deflecting forceptforça de Coriolis
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationsdeflecting torque / driving torqueptbinário motor
- mechanical engineeringdeflecting pulley / deflecting sheaveptpolia de desvio
- chemical compounddeflecting bladesptpás defletoras
- land transport / TRANSPORTswitching section / deflecting sectionptramal desviado
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflecting electrode / deflector plateptelétrodo de deflexão
- TRANSPORT / land transport / mechanical engineeringexhaust deflecting ringptanel defletor de escape
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesdeflecting vane anemometerptanemómetro de placa
- life sciencesmicroscope with deflecting prismptmicroscópio com prisma
- mechanical engineeringdeflection / travelptmovimento, deslocação, curso
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflectionptdeflexão
- earth sciencesdeflectionptdeflexão, desvio
- communications policycall deflection service / CF / CD / call deflection / call forwardingptreencaminhamento de chamadas, desvio de chamadas, reencaminhamento de chamada
- electronics and electrical engineering / communicationsdeflection unit / deflection yokeptunidade de deflexão
- communicationsdeflection coilptbobina de deflexão
- mechanical engineeringroll deflectionptdeflexão do rolo, deflexão do cilindro
- information technology and data processingdeflection unitptunidade de deflexão
- mechanical engineeringflap deflectionptdeflexão de flape
- administrative lawload deflectionptdeflexão sob carga
- technical regulations / land transportchest deflectionptdeformação do tórax, deformação da caixa torácica, deformação do peito
- land transport / TRANSPORTdeflection plane / spoilerptplano de deflexão
- communications / information technology and data processingangle of deviation / deflection angleptângulo de desvio, ângulo de deflexão
- communicationsdeflection angleptângulo de deflexão
- communications / electrical engineeringdeflection coilsptbobinas de deflexão
- land transport / TRANSPORTblade deflectionptdeflexão da pá
- land transport / TRANSPORTtotal deflectionptdeflexão total
- earth sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStotal deflectionptdeformação total
- mechanical engineeringdeflection sheave / diverter pulley / pulleyptroda de desvio
- mechanical engineeringpulley / deflection sheaveptroda de desvio
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingdeflection signalptsinal de deflexão
- mechanical engineering / land transport / social sciences / TRANSPORTrudder deflectionptdeflexão leme de direção
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTthrust deflectionptdeflexão de jato
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTdeflection of tyre / deflection of tireptdeformação
- chemical compound / industrial structuresrupture deflectionptflecha de rutura
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationsmaximum deflectionptcomprimento da escala
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflection currentptcorrente de deflexão
- electronics and electrical engineeringdeflection voltagepttensão de deflexão
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTpointer deflectionptdesvio de agulha
- mechanical engineeringaileron deflectionptdeflexão de ailerão
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmaximum deflectionptdeflexão máxima
- iron, steel and other metal industries / earth sciencesdeflection controlptcontrolo da deflexão
- FINANCE / TRANSPORTdetra / DITRA / deflection of trade / distortion of tradeptdesvio do tráfego
- data processing / information technology and data processingbaseline jump / baseline deflectionptdesvio da linha de base
- land transport / industrial structures / TRANSPORTsidewall deflection / sidewall bulgeptachatamento
- communicationsvertical deflectionptdeflexão vertical
- electronics and electrical engineeringmagnetic deflectionptdeflexão magnética
- angle of deflectionptângulo de desvio
- iron, steel and other metal industries / building and public worksresidual deflectionptflecha residual
- mechanical engineeringelevator deflectionptdeflexão do leme de profundidade
- European Union / FINANCEdeflections of trade / trade diversionptdesvios de tráfego
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – deflecting no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 14:24:18]. Disponível em
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