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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- education / postgraduate educationdoctoral degree / doctorateptgrau de doutor
- educationdoctoral dissertation / thesis / dissertation / doctoral thesispttese de doutoramento
- health care professionphysician / medical doctor / doctor / medical practitionerptmédico
- educationdoctorptdoutor
- mechanical engineeringfiler / saw filer / saw doctorptlimador
- building and public works / industrial structuresdoctor rollptcilindro doseador
- materials technology / industrial structuresdoctor rollptrolo doseador
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdoctor rollptrolo equalizador
- materials technology / printing / metal coatingdoctor blade / doctor knifeptraspador
- medical sciencedoctor's feepthonorários médicos
- medical sciencefamily physician / family doctorptmédico de família
- medical scienceschool doctor / school medical officerptmédico escolar
- industrial structuresdoctor streakptmarca da racle, passagem da racle
- medical scienceship's doctorptmédico de bordo
- medical sciencehospital practitioner / hospital doctorptmédico hospitalar
- insurance / health policyexamining doctorptmédico-inspetor
- medical sciencepart-time doctorptmédico em tempo parcial
- medical sciencefull-time doctorptmédico a tempo inteiro
- health care professionhouse officer / resident / foundation doctorptmédico interno
- chemistryMayer bar / wire-wound doctor / wire-wound coating rodptdosificador helicoidal
- medical scienceconsultant doctorptmédico consultor, consultor
- materials technology / chemical compounddoctor kiss coaterptmáquina para revestimento com doseamento por raspa inferior
- medical sciencedoctor's assistantptauxiliar de ação médica, ajudante médico
- health care professionprimary care doctor / primary care physician / primary care practitionerptmédico de cuidados primários
- doctor blade or bar / paste metering bladeptbarra flexível de aplicação de pasta
- SOCIAL QUESTIONS / healthDoctors of the World / Médecins du MondeptMédicos do Mundo
- administrative law / health / European civil service / social protectionmedical certificate / doctor's certificateptatestado médico
- medical sciencedoctor's office testptensaio para consultório médico
- education / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSfinal doctors'diplomaptdiploma de médico
- educationpost-doctoral researchptinvestigação pós-doutoramento
- administrative lawcoat with doctor knifeptrevestir à espátula
- health / organisation / rights and freedomsMédecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders / MSFptMSF, Médicos sem Fronteiras
- educationpost-doctoral researcherptinvestigador pós-doutoramento
- educationpost-doctoral fellowshipptdotação pós-doutoramento
- educationpost-doctoral fellowshipptbolsa de estudo ao nível de pós-graduação
- medical scienceliberal attitude of doctorsptatitude liberal dos médicos
- health / diploma / school lifediploma of doctor of medicineptdiploma de licenciatura em medicina
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifediploma of specialised doctorptdiploma de médico especialista
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifediploma of specialised doctorptdiploma de médico especialista
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifecertificate of specialist doctorptdiploma de médico especialista
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifeuniversity certificate of doctorptcertificado universitário de médico
- health / diploma / school lifeState diploma of doctor of medicineptdiploma de Estado de doutor em medicina
- healthvisit to the doctor's consulting roomptconsulta no consultório médico
- healthinformatics environment of the doctorptmeio informático do médico
- educationresearch officer at pre-doctoral levelptinvestigador não doutorado
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – doctoral no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-17 22:23:13]. Disponível em
veja também
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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- education / postgraduate educationdoctoral degree / doctorateptgrau de doutor
- educationdoctoral dissertation / thesis / dissertation / doctoral thesispttese de doutoramento
- health care professionphysician / medical doctor / doctor / medical practitionerptmédico
- educationdoctorptdoutor
- mechanical engineeringfiler / saw filer / saw doctorptlimador
- building and public works / industrial structuresdoctor rollptcilindro doseador
- materials technology / industrial structuresdoctor rollptrolo doseador
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdoctor rollptrolo equalizador
- materials technology / printing / metal coatingdoctor blade / doctor knifeptraspador
- medical sciencedoctor's feepthonorários médicos
- medical sciencefamily physician / family doctorptmédico de família
- medical scienceschool doctor / school medical officerptmédico escolar
- industrial structuresdoctor streakptmarca da racle, passagem da racle
- medical scienceship's doctorptmédico de bordo
- medical sciencehospital practitioner / hospital doctorptmédico hospitalar
- insurance / health policyexamining doctorptmédico-inspetor
- medical sciencepart-time doctorptmédico em tempo parcial
- medical sciencefull-time doctorptmédico a tempo inteiro
- health care professionhouse officer / resident / foundation doctorptmédico interno
- chemistryMayer bar / wire-wound doctor / wire-wound coating rodptdosificador helicoidal
- medical scienceconsultant doctorptmédico consultor, consultor
- materials technology / chemical compounddoctor kiss coaterptmáquina para revestimento com doseamento por raspa inferior
- medical sciencedoctor's assistantptauxiliar de ação médica, ajudante médico
- health care professionprimary care doctor / primary care physician / primary care practitionerptmédico de cuidados primários
- doctor blade or bar / paste metering bladeptbarra flexível de aplicação de pasta
- SOCIAL QUESTIONS / healthDoctors of the World / Médecins du MondeptMédicos do Mundo
- administrative law / health / European civil service / social protectionmedical certificate / doctor's certificateptatestado médico
- medical sciencedoctor's office testptensaio para consultório médico
- education / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSfinal doctors'diplomaptdiploma de médico
- educationpost-doctoral researchptinvestigação pós-doutoramento
- administrative lawcoat with doctor knifeptrevestir à espátula
- health / organisation / rights and freedomsMédecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders / MSFptMSF, Médicos sem Fronteiras
- educationpost-doctoral researcherptinvestigador pós-doutoramento
- educationpost-doctoral fellowshipptdotação pós-doutoramento
- educationpost-doctoral fellowshipptbolsa de estudo ao nível de pós-graduação
- medical scienceliberal attitude of doctorsptatitude liberal dos médicos
- health / diploma / school lifediploma of doctor of medicineptdiploma de licenciatura em medicina
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifediploma of specialised doctorptdiploma de médico especialista
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifediploma of specialised doctorptdiploma de médico especialista
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifecertificate of specialist doctorptdiploma de médico especialista
- health / EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS / school lifeuniversity certificate of doctorptcertificado universitário de médico
- health / diploma / school lifeState diploma of doctor of medicineptdiploma de Estado de doutor em medicina
- healthvisit to the doctor's consulting roomptconsulta no consultório médico
- healthinformatics environment of the doctorptmeio informático do médico
- educationresearch officer at pre-doctoral levelptinvestigador não doutorado
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – doctoral no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-17 22:23:13]. Disponível em
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