- Língua portuguesa
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- Verbos
Past participle do verbo exhaust
Simple past do verbo exhaust
he, she, it
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- medical scienceexhausted / run-downptcansado, esgotado, exausto
- means of communicationout of print edition / exhausted editionptedição esgotada
- INDUSTRY / ENVIRONMENT / TRANSPORTspent catalytic converter / exhausted catalyst / spent catalystptcatalisador esgotado, catalisador usado
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundexhausted hydride bedptleito de hidretos exausto
- chemistry / ENVIRONMENTexhausted tempering saltsptsais de têmpera esgotados
- chemistryto dedeuterize exhausted resinptextrair o deutério da resina gasta, extrair o deutério da resina exausta
- LAWall available domestic remedies have been exhaustedptesgotados todos os recursos internos disponíveis
- means of communicationexhaustptesgotar uma edição
- ENVIRONMENTexhaustptaspirar
- statisticsexhaustsptbeneficiários do período máximo
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesexhausterptexaustor de gás, exaustor
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhausterptaspirador
- ENVIRONMENTexhausterptaspirador
- European Union law / competition law / research and intellectual propertyexhaustionptesgotamento
- statistics / SCIENCEexhaustiveptexaustivo
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTexhaustion / exhaustive searchptpesquisa exaustiva
- healthexhaustionptexaustão, debilidade, exinanição, prostação extrema, esgotamento
- industrial structuresexhaustionptesgotamento
- criminal law / international law / justiceexhaustiveptexaustivo
- ENVIRONMENT / mechanical engineeringexhaust gasptgás de escape, gás residual de escape
- construction and town planningexhaust air / extracted airptar extraído
- housingair exhaust / air extractptexaustão de ar
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust box / mufflerptsilencioso, panela de escape
- construction and town planning / building and public worksexhaust airptar saído para o exterior
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust air / exit airptar de saída, ar de exaustão
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresexhaust port / outlet portptabertura de saída dos fumos, queimador do lado dos fumos
- mechanical engineeringtail pipe / exhaust pipepttubo de escape
- chemical compoundexhaust port / exhaust off-takeptsaída de fumos, exaustor
- TRANSPORT / INDUSTRYexhaust pipe / EPpttubo de escape, EP
- mechanical engineeringturbine frame outer case / exhaust caseptcaixa de escape
- space transporttailpipe / exhaust pipeptcano de descarga, cano de escapamento
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringexhaust casing / exhaust hoodptcorpo de escape
- mechanical engineeringopen exhaustptescape livre
- mechanical engineeringexhaust lineptconduta de escape
- industrial structuresexhaust unitptaspirador
- building and public works / industrial structuresdust exhaustptaspirador de poeira, aspirador de serrim, extrator de poeira
- mechanical engineeringexhaust pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust portptfresta de escape, orifício de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de ejeção
- mechanical engineeringexhaust caseptcárter de escape
- space transportexhaust portptfresta de descarga, fresta de escape, orifício de escapamento
- TRANSPORT / land transport / mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de escape
- land transport / life sciences / TRANSPORTexhaust trail / engine-exhaust trailptrasto do escape
- ENVIRONMENTplume / exhaust plumeptpenacho de fumo
- mechanical engineeringexhaust stack / stack pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust valve / outlet valveptválvula de escape
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust plumeptrasto provocado pelos escapes
- TRANSPORT / land transportexhaust coverptobturador de escape
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesexhaust steamptvapor escape
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust brakeptretardador
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – exhausted no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 05:05:41]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- medical scienceexhausted / run-downptcansado, esgotado, exausto
- means of communicationout of print edition / exhausted editionptedição esgotada
- INDUSTRY / ENVIRONMENT / TRANSPORTspent catalytic converter / exhausted catalyst / spent catalystptcatalisador esgotado, catalisador usado
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundexhausted hydride bedptleito de hidretos exausto
- chemistry / ENVIRONMENTexhausted tempering saltsptsais de têmpera esgotados
- chemistryto dedeuterize exhausted resinptextrair o deutério da resina gasta, extrair o deutério da resina exausta
- LAWall available domestic remedies have been exhaustedptesgotados todos os recursos internos disponíveis
- means of communicationexhaustptesgotar uma edição
- ENVIRONMENTexhaustptaspirar
- statisticsexhaustsptbeneficiários do período máximo
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesexhausterptexaustor de gás, exaustor
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhausterptaspirador
- ENVIRONMENTexhausterptaspirador
- European Union law / competition law / research and intellectual propertyexhaustionptesgotamento
- statistics / SCIENCEexhaustiveptexaustivo
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTexhaustion / exhaustive searchptpesquisa exaustiva
- healthexhaustionptexaustão, debilidade, exinanição, prostação extrema, esgotamento
- industrial structuresexhaustionptesgotamento
- criminal law / international law / justiceexhaustiveptexaustivo
- ENVIRONMENT / mechanical engineeringexhaust gasptgás de escape, gás residual de escape
- construction and town planningexhaust air / extracted airptar extraído
- housingair exhaust / air extractptexaustão de ar
- land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust box / mufflerptsilencioso, panela de escape
- construction and town planning / building and public worksexhaust airptar saído para o exterior
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust air / exit airptar de saída, ar de exaustão
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresexhaust port / outlet portptabertura de saída dos fumos, queimador do lado dos fumos
- mechanical engineeringtail pipe / exhaust pipepttubo de escape
- chemical compoundexhaust port / exhaust off-takeptsaída de fumos, exaustor
- TRANSPORT / INDUSTRYexhaust pipe / EPpttubo de escape, EP
- mechanical engineeringturbine frame outer case / exhaust caseptcaixa de escape
- space transporttailpipe / exhaust pipeptcano de descarga, cano de escapamento
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringexhaust casing / exhaust hoodptcorpo de escape
- mechanical engineeringopen exhaustptescape livre
- mechanical engineeringexhaust lineptconduta de escape
- industrial structuresexhaust unitptaspirador
- building and public works / industrial structuresdust exhaustptaspirador de poeira, aspirador de serrim, extrator de poeira
- mechanical engineeringexhaust pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust portptfresta de escape, orifício de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de ejeção
- mechanical engineeringexhaust caseptcárter de escape
- space transportexhaust portptfresta de descarga, fresta de escape, orifício de escapamento
- TRANSPORT / land transport / mechanical engineeringexhaust coneptcone de escape
- land transport / life sciences / TRANSPORTexhaust trail / engine-exhaust trailptrasto do escape
- ENVIRONMENTplume / exhaust plumeptpenacho de fumo
- mechanical engineeringexhaust stack / stack pipepttubo de escape
- mechanical engineeringexhaust valve / outlet valveptválvula de escape
- electronics and electrical engineeringexhaust plumeptrasto provocado pelos escapes
- TRANSPORT / land transportexhaust coverptobturador de escape
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesexhaust steamptvapor escape
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTexhaust brakeptretardador
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – exhausted no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 05:05:41]. Disponível em
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