- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
verbo transitivo
dividir-se em
it falls into three categories
divide-se em três categorias
inserir-se em; incluir-se em
to fall into error / to fall into sin / to fall into temptation
cair em erro / cair em pecado / cair em tentação
phrasal verb de fall
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- parliamentary procedure / European Parliament / rules of procedurefallptcaducar
- climatefall / rainfall / precipitationptprecipitação
- humanitiesfallptqueda
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksfallptbaixa do nível de águas
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTfallptdescida
- ENVIRONMENTdeposition / contaminant fall-out / fall-outptprecipitação de poluentes
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsfall off / taperptadelgaçamento
- building and public worksbed drop / bed fallptdesnivelamento do leito
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall-offptdiminuição
- earth sciencesash fallptchuva de cinzas
- fall out / radioactive fall outptchuva radioativa
- mechanical engineering / building and public workscylinder fall / well drop / cylinder drop / well fallptqueda em poço
- mechanical engineering / building and public workscomplete drop / free drop / complete fall / free fallptqueda livre
- electronics and electrical engineeringpulse fall delay / fall time / fall delayptatraso de descida
- dust / atmospheric pollutionto precipitate dusts / dust fallptprecipitação de poeira
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall timepttempo de queda
- electronics and electrical engineeringgain fallptqueda do ganho
- industrial structuresball fallptviscosímetro de esfera
- mechanical engineeringfall timepttempo de descida
- communicationsfall timepttempo de queda
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall timepttempo de descida
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall timepttempo de descida
- mechanical engineering / air transportfree fallptqueda livre
- air transportfree fallptqueda livre
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTcross slope / transverse gradient / transverse slope / cross fallptdeclive transversal
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksnotch drop / notch fallptqueda com vertedouro
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmeter fall / meter dropptqueda aferidora
- pricesprice fall / price setbackptbaixa dos preços, declínio dos preços
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESboat fallsptcabo de talha do turco de embarcação
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfall blockptroldana de levantamento, polia de carga
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbackcut / felling cut / falling cutpttraço de abate, entalhe complementar
- FINANCEto expire / to fall due / to matureptvencer-se, expirar
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksbaffle fall / baffle dropptqueda com parede defletora
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksflumed drop / flumed fallptqueda com estreitamento da secção
- fisheriesfalling gearptarte de arremesso, arte lançada, arte de pesca de arremesso
- inland waterway transport / building and public worksladder of drops / ladder of falls / fall drop in series / cascade drop / steepped drop / stepped fall / full fall in series / cascade fallptquedas em cascata
- mechanical engineering / building and public workssubmerged drop / submerged fall / drowned drop / drowned fallptqueda afogada
- life sciencesebb tide / falling tide / ebbptmaré descendente, vazante, maré baixa, maré de vazante
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesdriving gradient / forced gradient / driving fallptperda no acionamento, perda motora
- communicationsfalling edge / trailing edgeptflanco descendente
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTstepped fall / steepped dropptquedas em degraus
- earth sciencescathode drop / cathode fallptfalha catódica
- communicationsfalling overptqueda ao mesmo nível
- leisure / air transportfalling leafptfolha seca
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksinclined fall structure / inclined drop structure / glacis type fall / glacis type drop / glacis type fall structure / glacis type drop structure / inclined fall / inclined dropptqueda inclinada
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksvertical fall structure / vertical drop structure / vertical fall / vertical dropptqueda vertical
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Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – fall into no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-16 22:03:40]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- parliamentary procedure / European Parliament / rules of procedurefallptcaducar
- climatefall / rainfall / precipitationptprecipitação
- humanitiesfallptqueda
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksfallptbaixa do nível de águas
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTfallptdescida
- ENVIRONMENTdeposition / contaminant fall-out / fall-outptprecipitação de poluentes
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsfall off / taperptadelgaçamento
- building and public worksbed drop / bed fallptdesnivelamento do leito
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall-offptdiminuição
- earth sciencesash fallptchuva de cinzas
- fall out / radioactive fall outptchuva radioativa
- mechanical engineering / building and public workscylinder fall / well drop / cylinder drop / well fallptqueda em poço
- mechanical engineering / building and public workscomplete drop / free drop / complete fall / free fallptqueda livre
- electronics and electrical engineeringpulse fall delay / fall time / fall delayptatraso de descida
- dust / atmospheric pollutionto precipitate dusts / dust fallptprecipitação de poeira
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall timepttempo de queda
- electronics and electrical engineeringgain fallptqueda do ganho
- industrial structuresball fallptviscosímetro de esfera
- mechanical engineeringfall timepttempo de descida
- communicationsfall timepttempo de queda
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall timepttempo de descida
- electronics and electrical engineeringfall timepttempo de descida
- mechanical engineering / air transportfree fallptqueda livre
- air transportfree fallptqueda livre
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTcross slope / transverse gradient / transverse slope / cross fallptdeclive transversal
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksnotch drop / notch fallptqueda com vertedouro
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmeter fall / meter dropptqueda aferidora
- pricesprice fall / price setbackptbaixa dos preços, declínio dos preços
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESboat fallsptcabo de talha do turco de embarcação
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfall blockptroldana de levantamento, polia de carga
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbackcut / felling cut / falling cutpttraço de abate, entalhe complementar
- FINANCEto expire / to fall due / to matureptvencer-se, expirar
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksbaffle fall / baffle dropptqueda com parede defletora
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksflumed drop / flumed fallptqueda com estreitamento da secção
- fisheriesfalling gearptarte de arremesso, arte lançada, arte de pesca de arremesso
- inland waterway transport / building and public worksladder of drops / ladder of falls / fall drop in series / cascade drop / steepped drop / stepped fall / full fall in series / cascade fallptquedas em cascata
- mechanical engineering / building and public workssubmerged drop / submerged fall / drowned drop / drowned fallptqueda afogada
- life sciencesebb tide / falling tide / ebbptmaré descendente, vazante, maré baixa, maré de vazante
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesdriving gradient / forced gradient / driving fallptperda no acionamento, perda motora
- communicationsfalling edge / trailing edgeptflanco descendente
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTstepped fall / steepped dropptquedas em degraus
- earth sciencescathode drop / cathode fallptfalha catódica
- communicationsfalling overptqueda ao mesmo nível
- leisure / air transportfalling leafptfolha seca
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksinclined fall structure / inclined drop structure / glacis type fall / glacis type drop / glacis type fall structure / glacis type drop structure / inclined fall / inclined dropptqueda inclinada
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksvertical fall structure / vertical drop structure / vertical fall / vertical dropptqueda vertical
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
- Philip Glass...for Planet 8" (1986), "The
Fall of the House of Usher", "The Juniper Tree" (1985), "Hydrogen Jukebox - Celine Dion...que incluiu temas como "Think Twice", "When I
Fall In Love", "Because You Loved Me" e "The Power Of - Eugene O'Neill...obra-prima só se tornou conhecida postumamente, em 1956, e intitula-se Long Day's Journey
into Night. A - Adam SmithSmith é sobretudo conhecido pela obra An Inquiry
into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations - Allen GinsbergPlanet News (1964), The
Fall of America (1972) e First Blues (1975). Ginsberg publicou ainda volumes de - Edward Jenner...monumentos de homenagem em várias cidades inglesas. A sua obra principal é An inquiry
into the causes and - Theodor Schwann...(Microscopic Researches
into Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants, 1839). - Evelyn Waugh...and
Fall , livro baseado nas suas experiências de lecionação, Black Mischief, Vile Bodies, Scoop - Liv TylerAerosmith. Inclinada a tornar-se atriz, aceitou desempenhar um pequeno papel no filme Silent
Fall (Sem - Ashley Montagu...humanos e para fundamentar qualquer tipo de ação social e política. Principais obras: 1938, Coming
into - Julee Cruise...trio de artistas gravou Floating
Into the Night, álbum que musicou a série televisiva "Twin Peaks", e - Diana Krall...(1997); When I Look
Into Your Eyes (1999; Grammy melhor intérprete jazz). - Dirk Geeraerts...dissertação Paradigm and paradox. An exploration
into a paradigmatic theory of meaning and its epistemological - Diana Ross..."Endless Love" (1981), em dueto com Lionel Richie, "Why Do Fools
Fall In Love" (1981), "Muscles" (1982 - Edmund BurkeEnquiry
into the Sublime and the Beautiful. Em 1759 fundou, em colaboração com Dodsley, o Annual Register - George LakoffEmbodied Mind Brings Mathematics
into Being. (com Rafael Núñez). Basic Books. 2000. George Lakoff pertence - Oliver Goldsmith...primeiro trabalho significativo, An Enquiry
into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe; entretanto - Kurt WeillConcerto (1925), The Threepenny Opera (Bertolt Brecht, 1928), Rise and
Fall of the City of Mahagonny - Van Morrisson...com
Into The Music, um trabalho que examinava o estado do Cristianismo, inaugurando uma viagem mística - James Anthony Froude...com o título History of England form the
Fall of Wolsey to the Death of the Spanish Armada (também - Arthur MillerView from the Bridge, After the
Fall , The Price, Playing for Time que ganhou o Peabody Award, entre - Barry Eisler...frequentou o Centro Internacional de Judo Kodokan, em Tóquio, onde se tornou cinturão preto. Rain
Fall , o seu - Bernardo Sassetti..."
Into The Blue", editado pela Verve, seria nomeado para os Mercury Awards do ano de 1995, como um dos - Edward Burnett TylorFaleceu cinco anos mais tarde em Sommerset, Inglaterra. Para além de Primitive Culture: Researches
Into - David Byrne...quatro anos até que David Byrne regressasse ao ativo com Look
Into the Eyeball, onde mantém nas letras o - As Moradas 1 & 2...podes e tens. / keep thy state; come not
into their confusion. / constrói, sim, o teu reino, o teu mundo - Anne Enright...lançar o premiado The Gathering em 2007, Anne Enright editou Making Babies: Stumbling
into Motherhood em - Meat LoafBad Out of Hell II: Back
Into Hell. O registo materializou a continuação da temática maior do primeiro - David Bowie...álbum The Rise &
Fall of Ziggy Stardust (1972) constitui o marco da época Glam Rock de Bowie, tendo - Daniel Bell...1960-1980 1981, Social Sciences since the Second World War 1988, Bringing your Employees
into the
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – fall into no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-16 22:03:40]. Disponível em
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