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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- FINANCEsettlement finalityptcaráter definitivo da liquidação
- financial institutions and creditSFD / Settlement Finality Directive / Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systemsptDiretiva Caráter Definitivo da Liquidação, Diretiva do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho relativa ao caráter definitivo da liquidação nos sistemas de pagamentos e de liquidação de valores mobiliários
- FINANCEtransfer with intraday finalitypttransferência numa base intradiária
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWinfringement of the principle of finality of a judgmentptquebra da força de caso julgado da sentença
- international agreement / LAWFinal ActptAto Final
- forestry policyfinal felling / final cutting / final cutptcorte definitivo, corte final
- communicationsF,all frames contain P/F,the poll/final bit,in command frames,the P/F bit is referred to as the P bit,in response frames,it is referred to as the F bit / final bit / Fptbit final, F
- chemical compound / building and public worksfinal setptfim de presa
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresfinal setptmadeira preparada
- industrial structures / chemical compoundfinal runptcordão final, passe final, passe de vista
- parliamentary procedure / European Parliamentfinal voteptvotação final
- iron, steel and other metal industries / technology and technical regulationsultimate stress / final load / breaking loadptcarga limite
- building and public works / life sciencesfinal test / pumping testptensaio de bombagem
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfinal host / definitive hostpthospedeiro definitivo
- chemical compoundtop coat / final coatptacabamento final
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresfinal blowptsopro final
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfinal cropptpovoamento principal
- FINANCEfinal dutyptdireito final
- ENVIRONMENTfinal siteptárea final, local final
- mechanical engineering / applied sciences / land transportfinal drivepttransmissão final
- electronics and electrical engineeringoutput stage / final stageptandar de saída
- information technology and data processingfinal valueptvalor final
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfinal yieldptproduto (material lenhoso) a corte final
- industrial structuresfinal twistpttorção final
- medical sciencefinal stageptestágio terminal
- international balancefinal status / permanent statusptestatuto definitivo, estatuto permanente
- ENERGYfinal energyptenergia final
- wood industrynett uptake in pressure processes / net uptake in pressure processes / nett loading / net loading / nett absorption / net absorption / final uptake / final retention / final loading / final absorption / net retention / nett retentionptabsorção final, retenção
- mechanical engineering / land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTfinal resultptresultado final
- EUROPEAN UNIONfinal reportptrelatório final
- humanitiesfinal reportptrelatório final
- industrial structuresfinal reliefptdescarga final, desgaseificação final
- building and public worksfinal designptprojeto definitivo, projeto de execução
- LAW / FINANCEfinal periodptperíodo final
- Community budget / EU financing / regions and regional policy / budgetfinal payment / payment of balance / payment of the final balanceptpagamento final, pagamento do saldo
- production / INDUSTRYend product / final product / finished productptproduto acabado
- tariff policy / trade policy / international tradefinished product / end-product / final productptproduto final
- electronics and electrical engineeringfinal voltage / output voltagepttensão final
- electronics and electrical engineering / building and public worksfinal circuitptcircuito terminal
- ENVIRONMENTfinal storageptarmazenagem final
- electronics and electrical engineeringfinal currentptcorrente de corte
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksfinal invoiceptúltima fatura
- pharmaceutical industryfinal productptproduto acabado
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCEfinal bookingptimputação definitiva
- Procedural lawfinal judgment / judgment which closes the proceedingsptacórdão que põe termo à instância, acórdão que põe termo ao processo
- LAWjudgment which has entered into force / judgment which has obtained the force of "res judicata" / sentence having obtained the force of "res judicata" / judgment which has the force of "res judicata" / final decision / decision which has become final / judgment which is res judicata / judgment which has become finalptdecisão transitada em julgado, sentença transitada em julgado
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – finality no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-12 01:10:38]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- FINANCEsettlement finalityptcaráter definitivo da liquidação
- financial institutions and creditSFD / Settlement Finality Directive / Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systemsptDiretiva Caráter Definitivo da Liquidação, Diretiva do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho relativa ao caráter definitivo da liquidação nos sistemas de pagamentos e de liquidação de valores mobiliários
- FINANCEtransfer with intraday finalitypttransferência numa base intradiária
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWinfringement of the principle of finality of a judgmentptquebra da força de caso julgado da sentença
- international agreement / LAWFinal ActptAto Final
- forestry policyfinal felling / final cutting / final cutptcorte definitivo, corte final
- communicationsF,all frames contain P/F,the poll/final bit,in command frames,the P/F bit is referred to as the P bit,in response frames,it is referred to as the F bit / final bit / Fptbit final, F
- chemical compound / building and public worksfinal setptfim de presa
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresfinal setptmadeira preparada
- industrial structures / chemical compoundfinal runptcordão final, passe final, passe de vista
- parliamentary procedure / European Parliamentfinal voteptvotação final
- iron, steel and other metal industries / technology and technical regulationsultimate stress / final load / breaking loadptcarga limite
- building and public works / life sciencesfinal test / pumping testptensaio de bombagem
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfinal host / definitive hostpthospedeiro definitivo
- chemical compoundtop coat / final coatptacabamento final
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresfinal blowptsopro final
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfinal cropptpovoamento principal
- FINANCEfinal dutyptdireito final
- ENVIRONMENTfinal siteptárea final, local final
- mechanical engineering / applied sciences / land transportfinal drivepttransmissão final
- electronics and electrical engineeringoutput stage / final stageptandar de saída
- information technology and data processingfinal valueptvalor final
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESfinal yieldptproduto (material lenhoso) a corte final
- industrial structuresfinal twistpttorção final
- medical sciencefinal stageptestágio terminal
- international balancefinal status / permanent statusptestatuto definitivo, estatuto permanente
- ENERGYfinal energyptenergia final
- wood industrynett uptake in pressure processes / net uptake in pressure processes / nett loading / net loading / nett absorption / net absorption / final uptake / final retention / final loading / final absorption / net retention / nett retentionptabsorção final, retenção
- mechanical engineering / land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTfinal resultptresultado final
- EUROPEAN UNIONfinal reportptrelatório final
- humanitiesfinal reportptrelatório final
- industrial structuresfinal reliefptdescarga final, desgaseificação final
- building and public worksfinal designptprojeto definitivo, projeto de execução
- LAW / FINANCEfinal periodptperíodo final
- Community budget / EU financing / regions and regional policy / budgetfinal payment / payment of balance / payment of the final balanceptpagamento final, pagamento do saldo
- production / INDUSTRYend product / final product / finished productptproduto acabado
- tariff policy / trade policy / international tradefinished product / end-product / final productptproduto final
- electronics and electrical engineeringfinal voltage / output voltagepttensão final
- electronics and electrical engineering / building and public worksfinal circuitptcircuito terminal
- ENVIRONMENTfinal storageptarmazenagem final
- electronics and electrical engineeringfinal currentptcorrente de corte
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksfinal invoiceptúltima fatura
- pharmaceutical industryfinal productptproduto acabado
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCEfinal bookingptimputação definitiva
- Procedural lawfinal judgment / judgment which closes the proceedingsptacórdão que põe termo à instância, acórdão que põe termo ao processo
- LAWjudgment which has entered into force / judgment which has obtained the force of "res judicata" / sentence having obtained the force of "res judicata" / judgment which has the force of "res judicata" / final decision / decision which has become final / judgment which is res judicata / judgment which has become finalptdecisão transitada em julgado, sentença transitada em julgado
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – finality no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-12 01:10:38]. Disponível em
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