- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
cilha, correia ou faixa de tecido forte que passa por baixo da barriga das cavalgaduras para segurar a carga ou a sela
medida tomada em torno de coisa mais ou menos cilíndrica
verbo transitivo e intransitivo
pôr cilha
apertar com cilha
medir o perímetro, a circunferência de
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationship girth / seat girthptperímetro da bacia
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationship girthptperímetro da anca
- industrial structuresheel girthptperímetro de entrada
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationscalf girthptperímetro da barriga da perna
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsknee girthptperímetro do joelho
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsbust girthptperímetro do peito
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsneck girthptperímetro do pescoço
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationshead girthptperímetro da cabeça
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbelly girth / belly band / belly beltptcilha
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESgirth limit / minimum girthptcircunferência limite
- industrial structuresankle girthptbaixo da perna
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESgirth classptclasse de circunferência
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsankle girthptperímetro do tornozelo
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsthigh girthptperímetro da coxa
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationswrist girthptperímetro do punho
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationselbow girthptperímetro do cotovelo
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationswaist girthptperímetro da cintura
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationschest girthptperímetro do peito
- industrial structuresinstep girthptperímetro do pé
- land transport / TRANSPORTgirth effectptefeito de cilha
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsform quotient / girth quotient / diameter quotient / form ratioptquociente de forma
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsarm scye girthptperímetro da cava
- leisurestrap for girthptcorreia para a cilha
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsupper arm girthptperímetro do braço dobrado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsneck base girthptperímetro de decote
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsunderbust girthptperímetro abaixo do peito
- industrial structureslow instep girthptperímetro do pé
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsunder knee girthptperímetro do jarrete
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsminimal leg girthptperímetro mínimo da perna
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESdiameter above buttress / girth above buttress / d.a.b. / g.a.b.ptdiâmetro acima dos contrafortes, circunferência acima dos contrafortes
- leisureto tighten the girth / to pull up the girthptajustar a cinta
- leisureto slacken the girthptafrouxar a cinta
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsHaakon Dahl measure / quarter girt measure / quarter girth measure / Hoppus measureptmétodo de cubagem Hoppus
- continuous girth weldptsoldadura contínua com fita, soldadura contínua com cinta, soldadura circunferencial contínua, soldadura de virola em contínuo
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – girth no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-18 01:25:27]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationship girth / seat girthptperímetro da bacia
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationship girthptperímetro da anca
- industrial structuresheel girthptperímetro de entrada
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationscalf girthptperímetro da barriga da perna
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsknee girthptperímetro do joelho
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsbust girthptperímetro do peito
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsneck girthptperímetro do pescoço
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationshead girthptperímetro da cabeça
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbelly girth / belly band / belly beltptcilha
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESgirth limit / minimum girthptcircunferência limite
- industrial structuresankle girthptbaixo da perna
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESgirth classptclasse de circunferência
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsankle girthptperímetro do tornozelo
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsthigh girthptperímetro da coxa
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationswrist girthptperímetro do punho
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationselbow girthptperímetro do cotovelo
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationswaist girthptperímetro da cintura
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationschest girthptperímetro do peito
- industrial structuresinstep girthptperímetro do pé
- land transport / TRANSPORTgirth effectptefeito de cilha
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsform quotient / girth quotient / diameter quotient / form ratioptquociente de forma
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsarm scye girthptperímetro da cava
- leisurestrap for girthptcorreia para a cilha
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsupper arm girthptperímetro do braço dobrado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsneck base girthptperímetro de decote
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsunderbust girthptperímetro abaixo do peito
- industrial structureslow instep girthptperímetro do pé
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsunder knee girthptperímetro do jarrete
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsminimal leg girthptperímetro mínimo da perna
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESdiameter above buttress / girth above buttress / d.a.b. / g.a.b.ptdiâmetro acima dos contrafortes, circunferência acima dos contrafortes
- leisureto tighten the girth / to pull up the girthptajustar a cinta
- leisureto slacken the girthptafrouxar a cinta
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsHaakon Dahl measure / quarter girt measure / quarter girth measure / Hoppus measureptmétodo de cubagem Hoppus
- continuous girth weldptsoldadura contínua com fita, soldadura contínua com cinta, soldadura circunferencial contínua, soldadura de virola em contínuo
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – girth no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-18 01:25:27]. Disponível em
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