- Língua portuguesa
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- Verbos
- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
que desembarcou; que aterrou
relativo a bens de raiz
landed property
bens de raiz
com terras
landed proprietor
terra-tenente, proprietário de terras
Past participle do verbo land
Simple past do verbo land
he, she, it
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- demography and population / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland / landed propertyptterra, terreno
- agricultural structures and productionlandowner / estate owner / land holder / ground landlord / landed proprietorptterratenente, proprietário fundiário
- chemical compoundlanded plunger mold / landed positive mold / semi-positive mouldptmolde semipositivo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESby-catch landed unsortedptcaptura acessória desembarcada não separada, captura acessória desembarcada em conjunto
- demography and population / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESstructure of landed property / structure of land tenureptestrutura da propriedade
- regions of Germany / regional and local authorities / executive power and public serviceState / LandptEstado, Estado federado
- defence / LAWLand / LaenderptEstado federado, Land, Laender
- iron, steel and other metal industrieslandptcostura de rebarba, patamar de rebarba
- ENVIRONMENTlandptterra
- defencelandptaterrar
- ENVIRONMENT / fisherieslandingptdesembarque
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESdump / bank ground / landing / processing yard / yard / rampsite / skids / log dump / banking ground / rampptcarregadouro
- building and public workslanding / stair-landingptpatamar
- air transportlandingptaterragem
- land transport / TRANSPORTlandingptplataforma, zona de acesso e de saída
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCEby landptpor via terrestre
- air transportre-landptaterrar
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processinglandingptligações capilares
- construction and town planning / ENVIRONMENT / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland use / LUptuso da terra, uso do solo, utilização das terras
- taxationproperty tax / land taxptimposto sobre imóveis, imposto fundiário
- chemical compounddie land / orifice landptsecção de transição, crivo
- industrial structures / FINANCElandingsptpassadores
- FINANCEland taxptcontribuição sobre prédios rústicos
- LAW / source of law / rights and freedomsLand Actsptleis relativas à propriedade fundiária
- fallow / land usefallow land / fallow / idle land / waste land / land lying fallowptterras em pousio, pousio
- crop production / biodiversityland race / landrace / native breedptvariedade autóctone, raça rústica
- deterioration of the environment / ENVIRONMENTland takepttomada de solo
- mechanical engineering / building and public workssubsurface drain / buried drain / underdrain / covered drain / drain tile / field drain pipe / lateral drain / field drain / subsoil pipe / land pipeptconduta de drenagem
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / animal healthlandrace / native breed / landrace / hardy breed / indigenous Breed / autochtonous breed / land raceptraça não melhorada, raça rústica
- electronics and electrical engineeringoverland path / terrestrial path / land pathpttrajetória terrestre
- land transport / TRANSPORTwind tee / landing tee / landing-TptT de aterragem
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland tire / land wheelptroda de comando, roda exterior
- building and public works / ENVIRONMENTderelict land / wild landptterreno inculto
- military equipmentland mineptmina terrestre
- electronics and electrical engineeringland-lineptlinha terrestre
- ENVIRONMENTarid landptzonas áridas, terra árida
- life sciencestide landptterras cobertas quando a maré sobe
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / FINANCEland rentptencargos fundiários
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresland areaptsuperfície de contacto
- administrative lawland fillptdescarga controlada
- life sciencesland formptrelevo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life scienceswild landptterra virgem
- building and public worksland drain / drainptdreno
- air transportland planeptavião terrestre
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – landed no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-09 19:32:17]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- demography and population / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland / landed propertyptterra, terreno
- agricultural structures and productionlandowner / estate owner / land holder / ground landlord / landed proprietorptterratenente, proprietário fundiário
- chemical compoundlanded plunger mold / landed positive mold / semi-positive mouldptmolde semipositivo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESby-catch landed unsortedptcaptura acessória desembarcada não separada, captura acessória desembarcada em conjunto
- demography and population / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESstructure of landed property / structure of land tenureptestrutura da propriedade
- regions of Germany / regional and local authorities / executive power and public serviceState / LandptEstado, Estado federado
- defence / LAWLand / LaenderptEstado federado, Land, Laender
- iron, steel and other metal industrieslandptcostura de rebarba, patamar de rebarba
- ENVIRONMENTlandptterra
- defencelandptaterrar
- ENVIRONMENT / fisherieslandingptdesembarque
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESdump / bank ground / landing / processing yard / yard / rampsite / skids / log dump / banking ground / rampptcarregadouro
- building and public workslanding / stair-landingptpatamar
- air transportlandingptaterragem
- land transport / TRANSPORTlandingptplataforma, zona de acesso e de saída
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCEby landptpor via terrestre
- air transportre-landptaterrar
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processinglandingptligações capilares
- construction and town planning / ENVIRONMENT / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland use / LUptuso da terra, uso do solo, utilização das terras
- taxationproperty tax / land taxptimposto sobre imóveis, imposto fundiário
- chemical compounddie land / orifice landptsecção de transição, crivo
- industrial structures / FINANCElandingsptpassadores
- FINANCEland taxptcontribuição sobre prédios rústicos
- LAW / source of law / rights and freedomsLand Actsptleis relativas à propriedade fundiária
- fallow / land usefallow land / fallow / idle land / waste land / land lying fallowptterras em pousio, pousio
- crop production / biodiversityland race / landrace / native breedptvariedade autóctone, raça rústica
- deterioration of the environment / ENVIRONMENTland takepttomada de solo
- mechanical engineering / building and public workssubsurface drain / buried drain / underdrain / covered drain / drain tile / field drain pipe / lateral drain / field drain / subsoil pipe / land pipeptconduta de drenagem
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / animal healthlandrace / native breed / landrace / hardy breed / indigenous Breed / autochtonous breed / land raceptraça não melhorada, raça rústica
- electronics and electrical engineeringoverland path / terrestrial path / land pathpttrajetória terrestre
- land transport / TRANSPORTwind tee / landing tee / landing-TptT de aterragem
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland tire / land wheelptroda de comando, roda exterior
- building and public works / ENVIRONMENTderelict land / wild landptterreno inculto
- military equipmentland mineptmina terrestre
- electronics and electrical engineeringland-lineptlinha terrestre
- ENVIRONMENTarid landptzonas áridas, terra árida
- life sciencestide landptterras cobertas quando a maré sobe
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / FINANCEland rentptencargos fundiários
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresland areaptsuperfície de contacto
- administrative lawland fillptdescarga controlada
- life sciencesland formptrelevo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life scienceswild landptterra virgem
- building and public worksland drain / drainptdreno
- air transportland planeptavião terrestre
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – landed no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-09 19:32:17]. Disponível em
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