- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
fabrico; produção
steel manufacture
produção de aço
of Portuguese manufacture
de fabrico português
the woollen manufacture
a indústria de lanifícios
verbo transitivo
fabricar; produzir; manufaturar
figurado, depreciativo produzir em série
to manufacture novels
produzir romances em série
figurado, depreciativo (inventar) arranjar; forjar
to manufacture an excuse
arranjar uma desculpa
manufacture on the flow principle
produção contínua
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- chemistry / pharmaceutical industrymanufactureptfabricação
- mechanical engineeringice manufactureptfabricação de gelo
- chemical compoundshoe manufacture / shoe makingptmanufatura de calçado
- ENVIRONMENTcement manufactureptfabrico de cimento
- INDUSTRY / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESstarch manufactureptfabrico de fécula
- ENVIRONMENTmachine manufactureptindústria mecânica, indústria de máquinas
- customs regulationsstage of manufactureptfase do fabrico
- industrial structuresmanufacture of paperptfabricação do papel
- electronics and electrical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESmanufacture of sugarptfabrico de açúcar
- plant health product / fertiliser / pharmaceutical industrymethod of manufacture / manufacturing method / manufacturing route / manufacturing processptmétodo de fabrico, processo de fabrico
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresimperfect manufactureptdefeito de laboração
- materials technologypreformed manufactureptfabrico com pré-enformação
- pharmaceutical industry / production techniqueCM / continuous manufacturing process / continuous manufacturing / continuous manufacture / continuous productionptprodução contínua
- ENVIRONMENTinstrument manufactureptfabrico de instrumentos
- materials technology / technology and technical regulationsquality of manufactureptqualidade de fabrico
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of glass fibre / manufacture of glass fiberptfabricação de fibra de vidro
- materials technology / land transport / TRANSPORTto proceed with manufacture of / to release for manufactureptprosseguir com a fabricação, libertar para fabricação
- iron, steel and other metal industries / statisticsmanufacture of steel tubesptfabricação de tubos de aço
- standardisation / INDUSTRY / technologycertificate of manufactureptcertificado de fabrico
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of ceramic goodsptfabricação de produtos cerâmicos
- miscellaneous industriesmanufacture of small bottlesptindústria de frascaria
- chemical compound / industrial structurescontinuous sheet manufactureptfabricação contínua de chapa de vidro
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESresidues of the starch industry / residues of starch manufactureptresíduos de fabricação de amido
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of rubber productsptindústria da borracha
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of wooden furnitureptindústria do mobiliário em madeira
- information technology and data processingtheory of automated manufactureptteoria de fabrico automatizado
- INDUSTRY / information technology and data processingholonic production / computer integrated manufacture / CIM / agile production / computer integrated manufacturingptPAC, prodútica, fabrico integrado por computador, Fabrico Integrado Assistido por Computador, fabricação integrada assistida por computador
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of wooden containersptfabricação de embalagem em madeira
- INDUSTRY / technologymodel certificate of manufactureptmodelo de certificado de fabrico
- technology and technical regulationsunit construction principle / unit machine construction / sectionalized machine manufacture / unitized construction / unit construction system / unitized designptconstrução por unidades de trabalho, construção por elementos estandardizados
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of musical instrumentsptfabricação de instrumentos musicais
- chemical industrymanufacture of technical glasswareptfabricação de vidro técnico
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of glass and glasswareptindústria de vidro
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESmanufacture of other food productsptfabricação de produtos alimentares
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of common pottery goodsptfabricação de olaria em barro comum
- industrial structuresmanufacture of pulp,paper and boardptfabricação da pasta de papel, do papel e do cartão
- industrial structuresmanufacture of floor and wall tilesptfabricação de mosaicos e azulejos
- industrial structuresmanufacture of furs and of fur goodsptindústria das peles
- industrial structuresmanufacture of toys and sports goodsptfabricação de jogos, brinquedos e artigos de desporto
- computer systems / industrial manufacturingCAD/CAM / CAD-M / computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing / computer-aided design and manufacture / Cadcam / computer aided design and manufacturingptconceção e fabrico assistidos por computador, CFAO, Conceção Assistida por Computador / Maquinação Assistida por Computador
- statistics / chemical compoundmanufacture of pharmaceutical productsptfabricação de produtos farmacêuticos
- chemical compoundround block for gear wheel manufactureptmanufatura de rodas dentadas através de cilindros recortados
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTmanufacture of aggregates and concreteptpreparação dos inertes e do betão
- chemical compoundmanufacture of cement,lime and plasterptfabricação de cimento, de cal e de gesso
- ENVIRONMENTwastes from asbestos-cement manufactureptresíduos do fabrico de produtos de fibrocimento
- LAWto exploit the invention by manufactureptexplorar a invenção pelo fabrico
- statisticsmanufacture of other means of transportptfabricação de outro material de transporte
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – manufacture no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-11 15:32:17]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- chemistry / pharmaceutical industrymanufactureptfabricação
- mechanical engineeringice manufactureptfabricação de gelo
- chemical compoundshoe manufacture / shoe makingptmanufatura de calçado
- ENVIRONMENTcement manufactureptfabrico de cimento
- INDUSTRY / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESstarch manufactureptfabrico de fécula
- ENVIRONMENTmachine manufactureptindústria mecânica, indústria de máquinas
- customs regulationsstage of manufactureptfase do fabrico
- industrial structuresmanufacture of paperptfabricação do papel
- electronics and electrical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESmanufacture of sugarptfabrico de açúcar
- plant health product / fertiliser / pharmaceutical industrymethod of manufacture / manufacturing method / manufacturing route / manufacturing processptmétodo de fabrico, processo de fabrico
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresimperfect manufactureptdefeito de laboração
- materials technologypreformed manufactureptfabrico com pré-enformação
- pharmaceutical industry / production techniqueCM / continuous manufacturing process / continuous manufacturing / continuous manufacture / continuous productionptprodução contínua
- ENVIRONMENTinstrument manufactureptfabrico de instrumentos
- materials technology / technology and technical regulationsquality of manufactureptqualidade de fabrico
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of glass fibre / manufacture of glass fiberptfabricação de fibra de vidro
- materials technology / land transport / TRANSPORTto proceed with manufacture of / to release for manufactureptprosseguir com a fabricação, libertar para fabricação
- iron, steel and other metal industries / statisticsmanufacture of steel tubesptfabricação de tubos de aço
- standardisation / INDUSTRY / technologycertificate of manufactureptcertificado de fabrico
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of ceramic goodsptfabricação de produtos cerâmicos
- miscellaneous industriesmanufacture of small bottlesptindústria de frascaria
- chemical compound / industrial structurescontinuous sheet manufactureptfabricação contínua de chapa de vidro
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESresidues of the starch industry / residues of starch manufactureptresíduos de fabricação de amido
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of rubber productsptindústria da borracha
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of wooden furnitureptindústria do mobiliário em madeira
- information technology and data processingtheory of automated manufactureptteoria de fabrico automatizado
- INDUSTRY / information technology and data processingholonic production / computer integrated manufacture / CIM / agile production / computer integrated manufacturingptPAC, prodútica, fabrico integrado por computador, Fabrico Integrado Assistido por Computador, fabricação integrada assistida por computador
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of wooden containersptfabricação de embalagem em madeira
- INDUSTRY / technologymodel certificate of manufactureptmodelo de certificado de fabrico
- technology and technical regulationsunit construction principle / unit machine construction / sectionalized machine manufacture / unitized construction / unit construction system / unitized designptconstrução por unidades de trabalho, construção por elementos estandardizados
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of musical instrumentsptfabricação de instrumentos musicais
- chemical industrymanufacture of technical glasswareptfabricação de vidro técnico
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of glass and glasswareptindústria de vidro
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESmanufacture of other food productsptfabricação de produtos alimentares
- statistics / industrial structuresmanufacture of common pottery goodsptfabricação de olaria em barro comum
- industrial structuresmanufacture of pulp,paper and boardptfabricação da pasta de papel, do papel e do cartão
- industrial structuresmanufacture of floor and wall tilesptfabricação de mosaicos e azulejos
- industrial structuresmanufacture of furs and of fur goodsptindústria das peles
- industrial structuresmanufacture of toys and sports goodsptfabricação de jogos, brinquedos e artigos de desporto
- computer systems / industrial manufacturingCAD/CAM / CAD-M / computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing / computer-aided design and manufacture / Cadcam / computer aided design and manufacturingptconceção e fabrico assistidos por computador, CFAO, Conceção Assistida por Computador / Maquinação Assistida por Computador
- statistics / chemical compoundmanufacture of pharmaceutical productsptfabricação de produtos farmacêuticos
- chemical compoundround block for gear wheel manufactureptmanufatura de rodas dentadas através de cilindros recortados
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTmanufacture of aggregates and concreteptpreparação dos inertes e do betão
- chemical compoundmanufacture of cement,lime and plasterptfabricação de cimento, de cal e de gesso
- ENVIRONMENTwastes from asbestos-cement manufactureptresíduos do fabrico de produtos de fibrocimento
- LAWto exploit the invention by manufactureptexplorar a invenção pelo fabrico
- statisticsmanufacture of other means of transportptfabricação de outro material de transporte
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – manufacture no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-11 15:32:17]. Disponível em
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