- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
numérico; numeral; relativo a número
cardinal numeral
numeral cardinal
ordinal numeral
numeral ordinal
Roman numerals
numeração romana
Arabic numerals
algarismos árabes
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- money marketnumeral / value numeralptalgarismo
- medical sciencenumeralptnumeral
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingoctal numeralptnumeral octal
- data processing / information technology and data processingRoman numeralptnumeral Romano
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsbinary numeralptnumeral binário
- information technology and data processingdecimal numeralptnumeral decimal, número decimal
- materials technologyhardness numeral / hardness number / index of hardnessptíndice de dureza
- communications / information technology and data processingnon-decimal numeralptnumeral não decimal
- technology and technical regulations / information technology and data processingbinary number system / binary numeral system / BNSptsistema de numeração binária
- materials technology / land transport / TRANSPORTmarking and identifying by numeral punchesptmarcação e identificação com punções numerais
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulations / communications systems / researchnumeric / numericalptnumérico
- mathematicsnominator / numeratorptnumerador
- pharmaceutical industryNumeratorptNumerador
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumeration / number representationptnumeração
- information technology and data processingnumeric keypttecla numérica
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumerical data / numeric dataptdado numérico
- information technology and data processingnumeric code / digital codeptcódigo numérico, código digital
- construction and town planning / information technology and data processingnumeric codeptcódigo numérico
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumeric codeptcódigo numérico
- administrative lawnumeric codeptcódigo numérico
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumeric wordptpalavra digital
- information technology and data processingnumeric tapeptbanda numérica
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric sort / numerical sortptordenação numérica
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric cell / numerical cellptcélula numérica
- artificial intelligencenumeric modelptmodelo numérico
- information technology and data processingalphanumeric / alphanumerical / alpha-numeric / alpha-numericalptalfanumérico
- information technology and data processingnumeric shiftptdeslocamento numérico
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric-data field / numerical-data field / numeric field / numerical fieldptcampo do tipo numérico
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric match / numerical matchptcorrespondência numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric codingptcodificação numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric stringptcadeia numérica
- criminal law / international law / justicenumerical dataptdados numéricos
- information technology and data processingnumerical codeptcódigo numérico
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric matrix / numerical matrixptmatriz numérica
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumerical format / numeric formatptformato numérico
- natural and applied sciences / statistics / chemistrymeasure / numerical valueptmedida, valor numérico
- documentation / information technology and data processingnumerical order / numerical arrangementptordem numérica
- electronics and electrical engineeringdigital pupil / numerical pupilptpupila digital
- documentation / information technology and data processingnumerical indexptíndice numérico
- information technology and data processingnumeric printerptimpressora numérica
- education / information technology and data processingnumerical skills / numeracy / numerical literacyptnumeracia
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsradix notation / radix numeration system / radix numerationptsistema de numeração de base
- information technology and data processingnumeric databank / numeric data bankptbanco de dados numéricos
- documentation / information technology and data processingnumeric notationptnotação numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric constantptconstante numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric analysisptanálise numérica
- communications policy / information technology and data processingnumerical answerptresposta numérica
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – numeral no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-19 17:51:44]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- money marketnumeral / value numeralptalgarismo
- medical sciencenumeralptnumeral
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingoctal numeralptnumeral octal
- data processing / information technology and data processingRoman numeralptnumeral Romano
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsbinary numeralptnumeral binário
- information technology and data processingdecimal numeralptnumeral decimal, número decimal
- materials technologyhardness numeral / hardness number / index of hardnessptíndice de dureza
- communications / information technology and data processingnon-decimal numeralptnumeral não decimal
- technology and technical regulations / information technology and data processingbinary number system / binary numeral system / BNSptsistema de numeração binária
- materials technology / land transport / TRANSPORTmarking and identifying by numeral punchesptmarcação e identificação com punções numerais
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulations / communications systems / researchnumeric / numericalptnumérico
- mathematicsnominator / numeratorptnumerador
- pharmaceutical industryNumeratorptNumerador
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumeration / number representationptnumeração
- information technology and data processingnumeric keypttecla numérica
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumerical data / numeric dataptdado numérico
- information technology and data processingnumeric code / digital codeptcódigo numérico, código digital
- construction and town planning / information technology and data processingnumeric codeptcódigo numérico
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumeric codeptcódigo numérico
- administrative lawnumeric codeptcódigo numérico
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsnumeric wordptpalavra digital
- information technology and data processingnumeric tapeptbanda numérica
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric sort / numerical sortptordenação numérica
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric cell / numerical cellptcélula numérica
- artificial intelligencenumeric modelptmodelo numérico
- information technology and data processingalphanumeric / alphanumerical / alpha-numeric / alpha-numericalptalfanumérico
- information technology and data processingnumeric shiftptdeslocamento numérico
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric-data field / numerical-data field / numeric field / numerical fieldptcampo do tipo numérico
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric match / numerical matchptcorrespondência numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric codingptcodificação numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric stringptcadeia numérica
- criminal law / international law / justicenumerical dataptdados numéricos
- information technology and data processingnumerical codeptcódigo numérico
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumeric matrix / numerical matrixptmatriz numérica
- data processing / information technology and data processingnumerical format / numeric formatptformato numérico
- natural and applied sciences / statistics / chemistrymeasure / numerical valueptmedida, valor numérico
- documentation / information technology and data processingnumerical order / numerical arrangementptordem numérica
- electronics and electrical engineeringdigital pupil / numerical pupilptpupila digital
- documentation / information technology and data processingnumerical indexptíndice numérico
- information technology and data processingnumeric printerptimpressora numérica
- education / information technology and data processingnumerical skills / numeracy / numerical literacyptnumeracia
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsradix notation / radix numeration system / radix numerationptsistema de numeração de base
- information technology and data processingnumeric databank / numeric data bankptbanco de dados numéricos
- documentation / information technology and data processingnumeric notationptnotação numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric constantptconstante numérica
- information technology and data processingnumeric analysisptanálise numérica
- communications policy / information technology and data processingnumerical answerptresposta numérica
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Bom Português
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – numeral no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-19 17:51:44]. Disponível em
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