- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
unidade, unicidade
singularidade, carácter único
harmonia, concórdia, acordo
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- stability programme / Economic and Monetary Union / budgetary controlone-off fiscal measure / one-off / one-off measureptmedida orçamental pontual
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksone car / simplexptum elevador, simplex
- communicationsMCI oneptserviço MCI one
- communications / information technology and data processingone-wayptunidirecional
- means of communicationone-shot / one shotptimpressão única
- air transportone stepptum degrau
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingone-chipptcircuito monopastilha, monointegrado
- United Nations / ENVIRONMENTtrack 1 / track oneptvia 1
- information technology and data processingone-outputptum à saída
- electrical energyone-way contract for difference / one-way CfD / one-sided CfD / one-sided contract for differenceptcontrato unilateral para diferenciais
- criminal law / human rightsOne in Five Campaign / One in Fiveptcampanha Uma em Cinco
- communications / public safetyone-one-twoptcento e doze
- information technology and data processingone-for-oneptinstrução a instrução
- iron, steel and other metal industriessingle piece work / construction in single units / individual construction / one-off job / single piece production / single part productionptfabrico da peça única, fabricação unitária
- chemical compounddimethylformaldehyde / 2-propanone / propan-2-one / propanone / acetone / β-ketopropane / dimethyl ketoneptdimetilcetona, propanona, acetona
- fisheriesone-net ruleptregra de uma só rede
- cultivation techniquesvertical disk plow / vertical disk tiller / disk weeder / disk cultivator / wheatland disk / wheatland plow / gold digger / cylinder plow / disk tiller, rigid type / tiller disk plow / one way disk / one way disk plow / disc topsoil plough / harrow disk plow / plow harrow / poly-disc plough / harrow plough / disc tiller / polydisc tiller / diskallptcharrua-grade
- information technology and data processingonce-only key / one-time keyptchave de utilização única
- communications / information technology and data processingone-bit codeptcódigo de um bit
- communications / information technology and data processingone-way linkptligação unidirecional
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesone-way tripptrolete escamoteável
- leisure / cultural policyone man showptespetáculo a solo
- chemistrypentan-3-oneptpentano-3-ona
- executive power and public servicesingle entry point / single window / PSC / point of single contact / SPOC / single point of contact / OSS / one-stop shopptPUC, ponto único de contacto, balcão único
- means of agricultural production / chemical compoundundecan-2-one / methyl nonyl ketoneptundecan-2-ona, metilnonilcetona
- land transport / TRANSPORT / technology and technical regulationsDC rim / one-piece rim / drop-centre rim / DCptjante cónica
- communications systemsOGT / one-way trunk / outgoing trunkpttronco de saída, tronca de saída
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESsingle crop farm / single crop unit or holding / one-crop farmptexploração de monocultura
- air transportstandard rate turn / rate 1 turn / rate one turn / ROTptvolta à velocidade angular normal, volta com pranchamento padrão
- statisticsone-way ANOVA / one way analysis of varianceptANOVA a um fator, análise de variância com um critério de classificação, análise de variância com um fator, análise de variância a um fator, ANOVA com um fator
- mechanical engineeringone-piece rim / single-piece rimptaro fixo, aro de uma só peça
- materials technology / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESone-piece canptembalagem metálica de uma peça
- mechanical engineeringone-roll millptmoinho monorrolo
- information technology and data processingone conditionptcondição "um"
- information technology and data processingone-time tapeptbanda de utilização única
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmatt one sideptuma face mate
- data processing / information technology and data processingone-to-n copy / one-to-many copyptcópia um para muitos
- information technology and data processingone-way trunkptjunção unidirecional
- statisticsone-tailed test of significance / single tail test / one-tailed test / one-sided testptteste unilateral, teste assimétrico, teste unicaudal
- climate / environmental policyone-way target / positively binding target / no-lose targetptobjetivo sem risco
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressee-through mirror / one-way mirror / two-way mirrorptespelho semitransparente, espelho espião
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTspeed at one-hour rating / one-hour speedptvelocidade em regime uni-horário, velocidade em regime de uma hora
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – oneness no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-12 20:53:54]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- stability programme / Economic and Monetary Union / budgetary controlone-off fiscal measure / one-off / one-off measureptmedida orçamental pontual
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksone car / simplexptum elevador, simplex
- communicationsMCI oneptserviço MCI one
- communications / information technology and data processingone-wayptunidirecional
- means of communicationone-shot / one shotptimpressão única
- air transportone stepptum degrau
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingone-chipptcircuito monopastilha, monointegrado
- United Nations / ENVIRONMENTtrack 1 / track oneptvia 1
- information technology and data processingone-outputptum à saída
- electrical energyone-way contract for difference / one-way CfD / one-sided CfD / one-sided contract for differenceptcontrato unilateral para diferenciais
- criminal law / human rightsOne in Five Campaign / One in Fiveptcampanha Uma em Cinco
- communications / public safetyone-one-twoptcento e doze
- information technology and data processingone-for-oneptinstrução a instrução
- iron, steel and other metal industriessingle piece work / construction in single units / individual construction / one-off job / single piece production / single part productionptfabrico da peça única, fabricação unitária
- chemical compounddimethylformaldehyde / 2-propanone / propan-2-one / propanone / acetone / β-ketopropane / dimethyl ketoneptdimetilcetona, propanona, acetona
- fisheriesone-net ruleptregra de uma só rede
- cultivation techniquesvertical disk plow / vertical disk tiller / disk weeder / disk cultivator / wheatland disk / wheatland plow / gold digger / cylinder plow / disk tiller, rigid type / tiller disk plow / one way disk / one way disk plow / disc topsoil plough / harrow disk plow / plow harrow / poly-disc plough / harrow plough / disc tiller / polydisc tiller / diskallptcharrua-grade
- information technology and data processingonce-only key / one-time keyptchave de utilização única
- communications / information technology and data processingone-bit codeptcódigo de um bit
- communications / information technology and data processingone-way linkptligação unidirecional
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesone-way tripptrolete escamoteável
- leisure / cultural policyone man showptespetáculo a solo
- chemistrypentan-3-oneptpentano-3-ona
- executive power and public servicesingle entry point / single window / PSC / point of single contact / SPOC / single point of contact / OSS / one-stop shopptPUC, ponto único de contacto, balcão único
- means of agricultural production / chemical compoundundecan-2-one / methyl nonyl ketoneptundecan-2-ona, metilnonilcetona
- land transport / TRANSPORT / technology and technical regulationsDC rim / one-piece rim / drop-centre rim / DCptjante cónica
- communications systemsOGT / one-way trunk / outgoing trunkpttronco de saída, tronca de saída
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESsingle crop farm / single crop unit or holding / one-crop farmptexploração de monocultura
- air transportstandard rate turn / rate 1 turn / rate one turn / ROTptvolta à velocidade angular normal, volta com pranchamento padrão
- statisticsone-way ANOVA / one way analysis of varianceptANOVA a um fator, análise de variância com um critério de classificação, análise de variância com um fator, análise de variância a um fator, ANOVA com um fator
- mechanical engineeringone-piece rim / single-piece rimptaro fixo, aro de uma só peça
- materials technology / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESone-piece canptembalagem metálica de uma peça
- mechanical engineeringone-roll millptmoinho monorrolo
- information technology and data processingone conditionptcondição "um"
- information technology and data processingone-time tapeptbanda de utilização única
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmatt one sideptuma face mate
- data processing / information technology and data processingone-to-n copy / one-to-many copyptcópia um para muitos
- information technology and data processingone-way trunkptjunção unidirecional
- statisticsone-tailed test of significance / single tail test / one-tailed test / one-sided testptteste unilateral, teste assimétrico, teste unicaudal
- climate / environmental policyone-way target / positively binding target / no-lose targetptobjetivo sem risco
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressee-through mirror / one-way mirror / two-way mirrorptespelho semitransparente, espelho espião
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTspeed at one-hour rating / one-hour speedptvelocidade em regime uni-horário, velocidade em regime de uma hora
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – oneness no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-12 20:53:54]. Disponível em
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