- Língua portuguesa
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- Língua portuguesa
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petróleo, petróleo bruto
petroleum derivative
derivado de petróleo
petroleum engineering
engenharia de indústria petrolífera
petroleum ether
petroleum industry
indústria petrolífera
petroleum jelly
petroleum lamp
candeeiro a querosene
petroleum oil
óleo de petróleo
petroleum solvent
dissolvente com base de petróleo
petroleum stove
forno de petróleo
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- mechanical engineering / chemical compoundpetroleum / mineral naphtha / rock oilptnafta mineral
- ENERGYpetroleum gasptgás de petróleo
- cosmetics industry / metal coating / chemical compound / miscellaneous industries / explosivewhite petrolatum / soft paraffin / petrolatum / petroleum jellyptpetrolato, vaselina
- chemistrylight petroleum / petroleum etherptéter de petróleo
- land transport / TRANSPORTpetroleum pitch / residual bitumenptbreu de petróleo
- INDUSTRY / ENERGY / chemistrylight petroleumptéter
- chemistrypetroleum resinptresina de petróleo
- maritime transportpetroleum tanker / oil tankerptpetroleiro, navio petroleiro
- chemical industrywhite spirit / petroleum spirit / solvent naphthaptwhite spirit
- chemical compoundhydrocarbon resins / petroleum resinsptresinas de petróleo
- oil industry / chemistrypetroleum cokingptcoquefação de petróleo
- oil industry / chemical compoundpetroleum productptproduto petrolífero
- INDUSTRY / ENERGYpetroleum bitumenptbetume de petróleo
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industrieswash oil / petroleum wash oilptóleo de lavagem, petróleo de lavagem
- INDUSTRY / ENERGYpetroleum refiningptrefinação de petróleo
- ENVIRONMENTpetroleum industryptindústria petrolífera
- oil industrypetroleum fractionptfração petrolífera
- chemical compound / mechanical engineeringdomestic kerosene / burning oil / lamp oil / paraffin oil / kerosine / illuminating oil) / rectified petroleum / kerosine distillate / signal oilptpetróleo iluminante, querosene
- oil industryraw coke / green petroleum coke / green cokeptCVP, coque verde de petróleo, coque verde
- statisticspetroleum refineriesptrefinarias de petróleo
- chemistrypetroleum sulphonateptsulfonato de petróleo
- ENVIRONMENTpetroleum consumptionptconsumo de petróleo
- land transport / oil industryLPG / liquefied petroleum gasptGPL, gás de petróleo liquefeito
- coal industry / statisticsextraction of petroleumptextração do petróleo
- oil industry / chemistryaromatic petroleum streamptcorrente aromática do petróleo
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSpetroleum refining workerpttrabalhador de refinação do petróleo
- oil industry / taxationtax on petroleum productsptimposto sobre produtos petrolíferos
- ENERGYtonne petroleum equivalent / tonne oil equivalent / toe / tonne of oil equivalent / tpepttep, tonelada equivalente de petróleo, tonelada equivalente-petróleo
- statistics / chemical compoundstrategic petroleum reserveptreserva estratégica de petróleo
- maritime transport / ENERGYLPG carrier / liquefied petroleum gas carrier / liquefied petroleum gas tanker / LPG tankerptbutaneiro
- cosmetics industry / food additive / miscellaneous industries / mineralogymicrocrystalline petroleum wax / microcrystalline waxptcera de petróleo microcristalina
- wasteoily sludges and solid wastes / wastes from petroleum refiningptlamas e resíduos sólidos contendo hidrocarbonetos
- mechanical engineeringLPG engine / liquefied petroleum gas engineptmotor a gás de petróleo liquefeito
- chemistry / chemical compoundhydrotreated petroleum distillateptdestilado petrolífero tratado com hidrogénio
- ENERGY / taxationdomestic tax on petroleum productsptTaxa Interna sobre os Produtos Petrolíferos, TIPP
- ENVIRONMENTconservation of petroleum resourcesptconservação dos recursos petrolíferos
- oil industry / taxationsuperfund tax on petroleum productsptimposto sobre a importação de produtos petrolíferos
- coal industryextraction of petroleum and natural gasptextração de petróleo e de gás natural
- coal industryexploration for petroleum and natural gasptpesquisa do petróleo e do gás natural
- INDUSTRY / industrial structures and policy / ENERGYAEGPL / European Liquefied Petroleum Gas AssociationptAEGPL, Associação Europeia dos Gases de Petróleo Liquefeitos
- statisticscrude oil and petroleum products-gross inland consumptionptpetróleo bruto e produtos petrolíferos-consumo interno bruto
- oil industryCommittee of European Manufacturers of Petroleum Measuring and Distributing Equipment / CECODptComité dos Fabricantes Europeus de Equipamento de Medição e de Distribuição de Petróleo, CECOD
- wastewastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coalptresíduos da refinação de petróleo, a purificação de gás natural, e do tratamento pirolítico de carvão
- oil industry / European treatiesProtocol concerning imports into the European Economic Community of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles / Protocol concerning imports into the European Union of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands AntillesptProtocolo relativo às Importações na União Europeia de Produtos Petrolíferos Refinados nas Antilhas Neerlandesas, Protocolo relativo às Importações na Comunidade Económica Europeia de Produtos Petrolíferos Refinados nas Antilhas Neerlandesas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – petroleum no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 15:58:43]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- mechanical engineering / chemical compoundpetroleum / mineral naphtha / rock oilptnafta mineral
- ENERGYpetroleum gasptgás de petróleo
- cosmetics industry / metal coating / chemical compound / miscellaneous industries / explosivewhite petrolatum / soft paraffin / petrolatum / petroleum jellyptpetrolato, vaselina
- chemistrylight petroleum / petroleum etherptéter de petróleo
- land transport / TRANSPORTpetroleum pitch / residual bitumenptbreu de petróleo
- INDUSTRY / ENERGY / chemistrylight petroleumptéter
- chemistrypetroleum resinptresina de petróleo
- maritime transportpetroleum tanker / oil tankerptpetroleiro, navio petroleiro
- chemical industrywhite spirit / petroleum spirit / solvent naphthaptwhite spirit
- chemical compoundhydrocarbon resins / petroleum resinsptresinas de petróleo
- oil industry / chemistrypetroleum cokingptcoquefação de petróleo
- oil industry / chemical compoundpetroleum productptproduto petrolífero
- INDUSTRY / ENERGYpetroleum bitumenptbetume de petróleo
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industrieswash oil / petroleum wash oilptóleo de lavagem, petróleo de lavagem
- INDUSTRY / ENERGYpetroleum refiningptrefinação de petróleo
- ENVIRONMENTpetroleum industryptindústria petrolífera
- oil industrypetroleum fractionptfração petrolífera
- chemical compound / mechanical engineeringdomestic kerosene / burning oil / lamp oil / paraffin oil / kerosine / illuminating oil) / rectified petroleum / kerosine distillate / signal oilptpetróleo iluminante, querosene
- oil industryraw coke / green petroleum coke / green cokeptCVP, coque verde de petróleo, coque verde
- statisticspetroleum refineriesptrefinarias de petróleo
- chemistrypetroleum sulphonateptsulfonato de petróleo
- ENVIRONMENTpetroleum consumptionptconsumo de petróleo
- land transport / oil industryLPG / liquefied petroleum gasptGPL, gás de petróleo liquefeito
- coal industry / statisticsextraction of petroleumptextração do petróleo
- oil industry / chemistryaromatic petroleum streamptcorrente aromática do petróleo
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSpetroleum refining workerpttrabalhador de refinação do petróleo
- oil industry / taxationtax on petroleum productsptimposto sobre produtos petrolíferos
- ENERGYtonne petroleum equivalent / tonne oil equivalent / toe / tonne of oil equivalent / tpepttep, tonelada equivalente de petróleo, tonelada equivalente-petróleo
- statistics / chemical compoundstrategic petroleum reserveptreserva estratégica de petróleo
- maritime transport / ENERGYLPG carrier / liquefied petroleum gas carrier / liquefied petroleum gas tanker / LPG tankerptbutaneiro
- cosmetics industry / food additive / miscellaneous industries / mineralogymicrocrystalline petroleum wax / microcrystalline waxptcera de petróleo microcristalina
- wasteoily sludges and solid wastes / wastes from petroleum refiningptlamas e resíduos sólidos contendo hidrocarbonetos
- mechanical engineeringLPG engine / liquefied petroleum gas engineptmotor a gás de petróleo liquefeito
- chemistry / chemical compoundhydrotreated petroleum distillateptdestilado petrolífero tratado com hidrogénio
- ENERGY / taxationdomestic tax on petroleum productsptTaxa Interna sobre os Produtos Petrolíferos, TIPP
- ENVIRONMENTconservation of petroleum resourcesptconservação dos recursos petrolíferos
- oil industry / taxationsuperfund tax on petroleum productsptimposto sobre a importação de produtos petrolíferos
- coal industryextraction of petroleum and natural gasptextração de petróleo e de gás natural
- coal industryexploration for petroleum and natural gasptpesquisa do petróleo e do gás natural
- INDUSTRY / industrial structures and policy / ENERGYAEGPL / European Liquefied Petroleum Gas AssociationptAEGPL, Associação Europeia dos Gases de Petróleo Liquefeitos
- statisticscrude oil and petroleum products-gross inland consumptionptpetróleo bruto e produtos petrolíferos-consumo interno bruto
- oil industryCommittee of European Manufacturers of Petroleum Measuring and Distributing Equipment / CECODptComité dos Fabricantes Europeus de Equipamento de Medição e de Distribuição de Petróleo, CECOD
- wastewastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coalptresíduos da refinação de petróleo, a purificação de gás natural, e do tratamento pirolítico de carvão
- oil industry / European treatiesProtocol concerning imports into the European Economic Community of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles / Protocol concerning imports into the European Union of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands AntillesptProtocolo relativo às Importações na União Europeia de Produtos Petrolíferos Refinados nas Antilhas Neerlandesas, Protocolo relativo às Importações na Comunidade Económica Europeia de Produtos Petrolíferos Refinados nas Antilhas Neerlandesas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
- G. A. Olah...vários prémios, como o ACS awards in
Petroleum Chemistry (1964), o Creative Work in Synthetic Organic - Biafra...a BP (British
Petroleum ). Com receio de se iniciar um conjunto de secessões em África, a OUA viu com - Questão do Biafra...americanos da Gulf Oil, de forma sub-reptícia; com o Governo Federal, o Reino Unido e a BP (British
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – petroleum no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 15:58:43]. Disponível em
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