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- Verbos
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- EU actpointptponto
- EU actpointptponto
- FINANCEtick / point / minimum price fluctuationptmínima flutuação de preço
- fisheriespoint / point of a hookptponta de um anzol
- means of communicationpoint / registerptregistar
- ENVIRONMENTpointptponto, pontos (parâmetro)
- industrial structurespointptagulha de transferência
- means of communicationpointptponto tipográfico
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / mechanical engineeringpointptsoca de proteção
- land transport / building and public works / mechanical engineeringturnout / points / switchptagulha, AMV, aparelho de mudança de via
- FINANCEloan discount points / pointsptpontos de desconto sobre o empréstimo
- technical regulations / means of transportseating reference point / R pointptponto de referência do banco, Ponto R
- technical regulations / road transportH point / manikin H-pointptponto H
- mechanical engineering / land transportV-pointptponto V
- land transportH pointptponto H
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESscoring / score judging / pointingptpontuação
- means of communication12-point / pica / twelve-pointptcorpo doze, cícero
- means of communicationpica / 12-point / ciceroptcícero
- iron, steel and other metal industriesAr-point / arrest pointptponto AR
- iron, steel and other metal industriesAc-pointptponto AC
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTpointingptrefechamento das juntas
- physical sciences / chemistrydewpoint / dew pointptponto de condensação, ponto de orvalho
- technical regulations / electrical industry / electronics and electrical engineering / automationset pointptponto de regulação
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTpoint operating stretcher / point rod / throw rodpttirante de manobra da agulha
- European organisation / ENVIRONMENT / TRANSPORTEco point / Ecopointptecoponto
- materials technology / life sciences / technology and technical regulationscentre of run / mid-pointptponto médio
- mechanical engineering / life sciencesnew pointptnovo ponto
- TRANSPORTpoint rodptalavanca para comando de agulhas
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressag pointptponto de flexão
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressag pointptponto de flexão, ponto de curvamento
- cultural policydry-pointptponta-seca
- earth sciencesgel pointptponto de gelificação, ponto de gel
- building and public works / life sciencestie pointptponto de fecho
- electronics and electrical engineeringbreakthrough / end pointptponto de saturação de um filtro
- oil industry / chemistrypour point / pour-point temperatureptponto de fluidez, ponto de fluxão, ponto de escoamento
- land transport / technology and technical regulationsheel point / accelerator heel pointptponto do calcanhar
- chemistryfire pointptponto de combustão, ponto de combustão
- land transportpoint frog / frog / points crossing / crossing frog / frog-pointptbico da cróssima, cróssima
- natural and applied sciencestrio point / trigonometrical point / triangulation point / trig pointpttriangulação por pontos
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesconcentrated loading / concentrated load / point loading / point loadptcarga concentrada
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTdead point / dead centre / neutral gear / dead centerptponto morto
- means of communicationpoint size / body size / type size / size of type bodyptforça do corpo
- data processing / information technology and data processing / life sciencesinput point / data point / information pointptponto de informação
- mechanical engineering / building and public workswell point / drive point / sand pointptponta de perfuração de um poço
- technology and technical regulationsbeginning of the impact / zero pointptponto zero, início do impacte
- physical sciencesNéel point / Néel temperaturepttemperatura de Néel, ponto de Néel
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – pointe no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-08 03:55:24]. Disponível em
veja também
aglet, arrowheaded, flat-nosed, handpick, ignipuncture, lift, padsaw, ring finger, sax, sharply, snag, sparable, stump, tail, tiptoe, toe
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- EU actpointptponto
- EU actpointptponto
- FINANCEtick / point / minimum price fluctuationptmínima flutuação de preço
- fisheriespoint / point of a hookptponta de um anzol
- means of communicationpoint / registerptregistar
- ENVIRONMENTpointptponto, pontos (parâmetro)
- industrial structurespointptagulha de transferência
- means of communicationpointptponto tipográfico
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / mechanical engineeringpointptsoca de proteção
- land transport / building and public works / mechanical engineeringturnout / points / switchptagulha, AMV, aparelho de mudança de via
- FINANCEloan discount points / pointsptpontos de desconto sobre o empréstimo
- technical regulations / means of transportseating reference point / R pointptponto de referência do banco, Ponto R
- technical regulations / road transportH point / manikin H-pointptponto H
- mechanical engineering / land transportV-pointptponto V
- land transportH pointptponto H
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESscoring / score judging / pointingptpontuação
- means of communication12-point / pica / twelve-pointptcorpo doze, cícero
- means of communicationpica / 12-point / ciceroptcícero
- iron, steel and other metal industriesAr-point / arrest pointptponto AR
- iron, steel and other metal industriesAc-pointptponto AC
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTpointingptrefechamento das juntas
- physical sciences / chemistrydewpoint / dew pointptponto de condensação, ponto de orvalho
- technical regulations / electrical industry / electronics and electrical engineering / automationset pointptponto de regulação
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTpoint operating stretcher / point rod / throw rodpttirante de manobra da agulha
- European organisation / ENVIRONMENT / TRANSPORTEco point / Ecopointptecoponto
- materials technology / life sciences / technology and technical regulationscentre of run / mid-pointptponto médio
- mechanical engineering / life sciencesnew pointptnovo ponto
- TRANSPORTpoint rodptalavanca para comando de agulhas
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressag pointptponto de flexão
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressag pointptponto de flexão, ponto de curvamento
- cultural policydry-pointptponta-seca
- earth sciencesgel pointptponto de gelificação, ponto de gel
- building and public works / life sciencestie pointptponto de fecho
- electronics and electrical engineeringbreakthrough / end pointptponto de saturação de um filtro
- oil industry / chemistrypour point / pour-point temperatureptponto de fluidez, ponto de fluxão, ponto de escoamento
- land transport / technology and technical regulationsheel point / accelerator heel pointptponto do calcanhar
- chemistryfire pointptponto de combustão, ponto de combustão
- land transportpoint frog / frog / points crossing / crossing frog / frog-pointptbico da cróssima, cróssima
- natural and applied sciencestrio point / trigonometrical point / triangulation point / trig pointpttriangulação por pontos
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesconcentrated loading / concentrated load / point loading / point loadptcarga concentrada
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTdead point / dead centre / neutral gear / dead centerptponto morto
- means of communicationpoint size / body size / type size / size of type bodyptforça do corpo
- data processing / information technology and data processing / life sciencesinput point / data point / information pointptponto de informação
- mechanical engineering / building and public workswell point / drive point / sand pointptponta de perfuração de um poço
- technology and technical regulationsbeginning of the impact / zero pointptponto zero, início do impacte
- physical sciencesNéel point / Néel temperaturepttemperatura de Néel, ponto de Néel
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
- Aimé CésaireEscritor e político francês, nascido a 26 de junho de 1913, em Basse-
Pointe , na Martinica, e - Alan ArkinYossarian; Grosse
Pointe Blank (1997), ao lado de John Cussack e Minnie Driver; e Jakob the Liar (1999), um - Minnie DriverGrosse
Pointe Blank (O Último Contrato) assim como o de Good Will Hunting (O Bom Rebelde), de Gus Van - Brazzaville...dos sistemas dos rios Zaire-Ubangui. Está igualmente ligado ao porto de
Pointe -Noire por linha - República do Congo...000 habitantes (2004),
Pointe -Noire (561 200 hab.), Loubomo (92 700 hab.), Nkayi (88 600 hab.) e
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – pointe no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-08 03:55:24]. Disponível em
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