- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
potential energy
energia potencial
potential wealth
riqueza potencial
em potência
potential criminals
criminosos em potência
latente; virtual
the potential power of the people
o poder latente do povo
the potential mood
o modo potencial
função potencial
potencial; possibilidades; potencialidades; capacidades
to have great potential
ter muitas potencialidades
to reach the highest potential
realizar todas as potencialidades
the potential for
as possibilidades de
LINGUÍSTICA (morfologia) potential adjective
adjetivo de possibilidade
potential change
mudança de potencial
(gráfico) potential curve
curva do potencial
potential difference
diferença de potencial
potential drop
queda de potencial
ELETRICIDADE potential transformer
transformador de tensão
to have no potential for
não ter as competências necessárias para; não ser material de
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotentialptpotencial
- potentialptpotencialidade
- medical sciencepotential endocrine disruptor / potential hormone disrupting chemical / potential endocrine-disrupting compound / potential endocrine-disrupting substance / potential endocrine-disrupting chemical / potential EDCptdesregulador endócrino potencial
- ECONOMICSpotential GDP / potential gross domestic product / potential production / potential outputptprodução potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoltage drop / potential drop / voltage reduction / loss in voltage / voltage decreaseptabaixamento de tensão, queda de tensão
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationshi-pot / high potential / hipotptalta tensão
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesrest potential / steady state potentialptpotencial em circuito aberto
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencespotential stepptsalto de potencial
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencespotential flowptescoamentos irrotacionais, escoamentos potenciais
- earth sciencespotential humpptbossa de potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringbulk potentialptpotencial interno, potencial na massa
- electronics and electrical engineering / physical sciencesZeta potentialptpotencial zeta
- EUROPEAN UNIONreal potentialptverdadeiras potencialidades
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingneutral / zero potentialptpotencial de referência, potencial zero
- building and public workspotential siteptlocal previsto, local possível
- natural resources / fisheriesmaximum sustainable yield / potential yield / MSY / maximum equilibrium catchptrendimento máximo sustentável, RMS
- chemistryredox potential / oxidation reduction potentialptpotencial redox
- building and public works / life sciencesphysical yield limit / potential yieldptvazão de sobretiragem máxima possível
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesactivationpotential / Flade potentialptpotencial de Flade, potencial de ativação
- chemistryredox potentialptpotencial de oxidorredução
- electronics and electrical engineeringFermi potentialptpotencial de Fermi
- ECONOMICS / FINANCEpotential buyerptadquirente potencial
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemistrypotential nobleptpotencial nobre
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbiological potential / gross biologic capacity / biological capacity / biologic capacity / biologic potential / reproductive potential / gross reproductive capacity / reproductive capacity / gross biological capacity / biotic potentialptpotencial biótico
- medical scienceevoked potential / evoked responseptpotencial de excitação
- ECONOMICSgrowth potentialptpotencial de crescimento
- biologyaction potentialptpotencial de ação
- electronics and electrical engineeringstandard potential / normal potential / standard electrode potentialptpotencial do elétrodo estandardizado
- ECONOMICS / FINANCEproduction potential / potential output / productive capacityptproduto potencial
- ECONOMICSlabour potential / labour forceptpotencial de trabalho, mão de obra potencial
- SCIENCE / electronics and electrical engineeringvector potentialptpotencial vetor
- electronics and electrical engineering / SCIENCEscalar potentialptescalar, potencial
- earth sciences / electronics and electrical engineeringpotential energyptenergia potencial
- earth sciencespotential energyptenergia de potencial
- iron, steel and other metal industriescarbon potentialptpotencial de carbono
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotential changeptsalto de potencial
- FINANCEupside potentialptpotencial de alta
- earth sciencesoxygen potentialptpotencial de oxigénio
- fisheriesfishery production potential / fishery potentialptpotencial de pesca
- electronics and electrical engineeringcontact potential / diffusion voltage / diffusion potentialptpotencial de difusão
- electronics and electrical engineeringsurface voltage / surface potentialptpotencial de superfície
- life sciencesosmotic potential / osmotic forceptpotencial osmótico, força osmótica
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencesexchangeable acidity / potential acidityptacidez potencial
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationsvoltage divider / potential dividerptdivisor de tensão, redutor de tensão
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotential barrierptbarreira de potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotential barrierptbarreira de potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringcontact potentialptpotencial de contacto
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – potential no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-12 13:16:03]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotentialptpotencial
- potentialptpotencialidade
- medical sciencepotential endocrine disruptor / potential hormone disrupting chemical / potential endocrine-disrupting compound / potential endocrine-disrupting substance / potential endocrine-disrupting chemical / potential EDCptdesregulador endócrino potencial
- ECONOMICSpotential GDP / potential gross domestic product / potential production / potential outputptprodução potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoltage drop / potential drop / voltage reduction / loss in voltage / voltage decreaseptabaixamento de tensão, queda de tensão
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationshi-pot / high potential / hipotptalta tensão
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesrest potential / steady state potentialptpotencial em circuito aberto
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencespotential stepptsalto de potencial
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencespotential flowptescoamentos irrotacionais, escoamentos potenciais
- earth sciencespotential humpptbossa de potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringbulk potentialptpotencial interno, potencial na massa
- electronics and electrical engineering / physical sciencesZeta potentialptpotencial zeta
- EUROPEAN UNIONreal potentialptverdadeiras potencialidades
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingneutral / zero potentialptpotencial de referência, potencial zero
- building and public workspotential siteptlocal previsto, local possível
- natural resources / fisheriesmaximum sustainable yield / potential yield / MSY / maximum equilibrium catchptrendimento máximo sustentável, RMS
- chemistryredox potential / oxidation reduction potentialptpotencial redox
- building and public works / life sciencesphysical yield limit / potential yieldptvazão de sobretiragem máxima possível
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesactivationpotential / Flade potentialptpotencial de Flade, potencial de ativação
- chemistryredox potentialptpotencial de oxidorredução
- electronics and electrical engineeringFermi potentialptpotencial de Fermi
- ECONOMICS / FINANCEpotential buyerptadquirente potencial
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemistrypotential nobleptpotencial nobre
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbiological potential / gross biologic capacity / biological capacity / biologic capacity / biologic potential / reproductive potential / gross reproductive capacity / reproductive capacity / gross biological capacity / biotic potentialptpotencial biótico
- medical scienceevoked potential / evoked responseptpotencial de excitação
- ECONOMICSgrowth potentialptpotencial de crescimento
- biologyaction potentialptpotencial de ação
- electronics and electrical engineeringstandard potential / normal potential / standard electrode potentialptpotencial do elétrodo estandardizado
- ECONOMICS / FINANCEproduction potential / potential output / productive capacityptproduto potencial
- ECONOMICSlabour potential / labour forceptpotencial de trabalho, mão de obra potencial
- SCIENCE / electronics and electrical engineeringvector potentialptpotencial vetor
- electronics and electrical engineering / SCIENCEscalar potentialptescalar, potencial
- earth sciences / electronics and electrical engineeringpotential energyptenergia potencial
- earth sciencespotential energyptenergia de potencial
- iron, steel and other metal industriescarbon potentialptpotencial de carbono
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotential changeptsalto de potencial
- FINANCEupside potentialptpotencial de alta
- earth sciencesoxygen potentialptpotencial de oxigénio
- fisheriesfishery production potential / fishery potentialptpotencial de pesca
- electronics and electrical engineeringcontact potential / diffusion voltage / diffusion potentialptpotencial de difusão
- electronics and electrical engineeringsurface voltage / surface potentialptpotencial de superfície
- life sciencesosmotic potential / osmotic forceptpotencial osmótico, força osmótica
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciencesexchangeable acidity / potential acidityptacidez potencial
- electronics and electrical engineering / technology and technical regulationsvoltage divider / potential dividerptdivisor de tensão, redutor de tensão
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotential barrierptbarreira de potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringpotential barrierptbarreira de potencial
- electronics and electrical engineeringcontact potentialptpotencial de contacto
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
- Alan AyckbournComic
Potential (2000). Fazendo culminar um extenso rol de nomeações, títulos e homenagens, Ayckbourn - Raymond Dart...the Achievemente of Human
Potential , em Filadélfia, entre 1963 e 1979. Faleceu em 1989. Obras - ChermayeffCristopher Alexander, em 1963, e Shape of Comunity: Realization of Human
Potential , com Alexander Tzonis, em
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – potential no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-12 13:16:03]. Disponível em
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