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Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- structural adjustment / European CommissionDirectorate-General for Structural Reform Support / DG Structural Reform SupportptDireção-Geral do Apoio às Reformas Estruturais, DG Apoio às Reformas Estruturais
- hydrocarbonreformerptreformador
- chemical compoundreformateptreformado
- oil industry / chemistryreformingptreformação
- fiscal policy / ECONOMICS / cooperation policy / taxationtaxation reform / tax reformptreforma fiscal
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESreform cow / culled cowptvaca de reforma
- agricultural policyland reform / agrarian reformptreforma agrária
- LAW / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland reformptreforma fundiária
- demography and populationland reformptreforma fundiária
- electronics and electrical engineeringreformed gasptgás reformado
- deepening of the European Union / international agreement / European treaties / European UnionReform Treaty / Treaty of Lisbon / Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European CommunityptTratado de Lisboa, Tratado de Lisboa que altera o Tratado da União Europeia e o Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia
- administrative law / LAWreform packageptpacote de reformas
- hydrogen production / energy industrysteam reforming / SRptreformação a vapor
- ECONOMICS / FINANCEmonetary reform / monetary rehabilitation / financial rehabilitation / reestablishment of the currencyptsaneamento monetário
- ECONOMICSeconomic reformptreforma económica
- medical sciencehospital reformptreforma hospitalar
- culture and religion / humanitiesReformation dayptDia da Reforma
- FINANCEeconomic reformptreforma económica
- electoral reformelectoral reformptreforma eleitoral
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundprimary reformerptreformador primário
- ECONOMICSstructural reformptreforma estrutural
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundreformer effluentptefluente do reformador
- electronics and electrical engineeringmethanol reformerptreformador de metanol
- hydrocarbon / chemical compoundcatalytic reformerptreformador catalítico
- educationeducational reformptreforma do ensino
- chemistry / chemical compoundreformer raffinateptrefinado do reformador
- chemistry / chemical compoundchemical reformingptreformagem química
- oil industry / chemistrycatalytic reformingptreformação catalítica
- POLITICS / FINANCElabour market reformptreforma do mercado de trabalho
- civil lawreform of family lawptreforma do direito de família
- economic policy / EUROPEAN UNIONreform delivery toolptinstrumento de execução das reformas
- social affairsreform of the pension system / pension system reformptreforma dos regimes de pensões
- political partyEstonian Reform Party / Reform Party-Liberals / ERP / RptR, Partido Reformista da Estónia
- cooperation policy / defencesecurity sector reform / SSR / security system reformptreforma do setor da segurança, RSS
- vote / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / international balancequota and voice reformptreforma das quotas e representação, reforma das quotas e direitos de voto
- electronics and electrical engineeringgate-oxide reformationptreformação do óxido da porta
- FINANCEsystemic pension reformptreforma sistémica dos regimes de pensões
- agricultural policyadvocate of land reformptpartidário da reforma agrária
- chemistry / chemical compoundreforming heavy fractionptfração pesada do reformado
- Economic and Monetary Union / structural adjustmentReform and Investment Support Programme / Reform Support ProgrammeptPrograma de Apoio às Reformas
- political framework / enlargement of the Union / economic developmentERP / economic reform programmeptPRE, programa de reforma económica
- monetary relations / budgetary procedure / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSnational reform programme / NRPptPrograma Nacional de Reformas, PNR
- European UnionCTF / EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina Consultative Task Force / RPM / Reform Process MonitoringptGrupo Consultivo UE/Bósnia-Herzegovina
- LAWreform of the penal systemptreforma penitenciária
- ECONOMICS / social scienceseconomic and social reformptreforma económica e social
- oil industry / chemistryreforming hydrotreater gasptgás de tratamento com hidrogénio de reformação
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – reformational no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-11 12:46:02]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- structural adjustment / European CommissionDirectorate-General for Structural Reform Support / DG Structural Reform SupportptDireção-Geral do Apoio às Reformas Estruturais, DG Apoio às Reformas Estruturais
- hydrocarbonreformerptreformador
- chemical compoundreformateptreformado
- oil industry / chemistryreformingptreformação
- fiscal policy / ECONOMICS / cooperation policy / taxationtaxation reform / tax reformptreforma fiscal
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESreform cow / culled cowptvaca de reforma
- agricultural policyland reform / agrarian reformptreforma agrária
- LAW / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESland reformptreforma fundiária
- demography and populationland reformptreforma fundiária
- electronics and electrical engineeringreformed gasptgás reformado
- deepening of the European Union / international agreement / European treaties / European UnionReform Treaty / Treaty of Lisbon / Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European CommunityptTratado de Lisboa, Tratado de Lisboa que altera o Tratado da União Europeia e o Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia
- administrative law / LAWreform packageptpacote de reformas
- hydrogen production / energy industrysteam reforming / SRptreformação a vapor
- ECONOMICS / FINANCEmonetary reform / monetary rehabilitation / financial rehabilitation / reestablishment of the currencyptsaneamento monetário
- ECONOMICSeconomic reformptreforma económica
- medical sciencehospital reformptreforma hospitalar
- culture and religion / humanitiesReformation dayptDia da Reforma
- FINANCEeconomic reformptreforma económica
- electoral reformelectoral reformptreforma eleitoral
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundprimary reformerptreformador primário
- ECONOMICSstructural reformptreforma estrutural
- electronics and electrical engineering / chemical compoundreformer effluentptefluente do reformador
- electronics and electrical engineeringmethanol reformerptreformador de metanol
- hydrocarbon / chemical compoundcatalytic reformerptreformador catalítico
- educationeducational reformptreforma do ensino
- chemistry / chemical compoundreformer raffinateptrefinado do reformador
- chemistry / chemical compoundchemical reformingptreformagem química
- oil industry / chemistrycatalytic reformingptreformação catalítica
- POLITICS / FINANCElabour market reformptreforma do mercado de trabalho
- civil lawreform of family lawptreforma do direito de família
- economic policy / EUROPEAN UNIONreform delivery toolptinstrumento de execução das reformas
- social affairsreform of the pension system / pension system reformptreforma dos regimes de pensões
- political partyEstonian Reform Party / Reform Party-Liberals / ERP / RptR, Partido Reformista da Estónia
- cooperation policy / defencesecurity sector reform / SSR / security system reformptreforma do setor da segurança, RSS
- vote / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / international balancequota and voice reformptreforma das quotas e representação, reforma das quotas e direitos de voto
- electronics and electrical engineeringgate-oxide reformationptreformação do óxido da porta
- FINANCEsystemic pension reformptreforma sistémica dos regimes de pensões
- agricultural policyadvocate of land reformptpartidário da reforma agrária
- chemistry / chemical compoundreforming heavy fractionptfração pesada do reformado
- Economic and Monetary Union / structural adjustmentReform and Investment Support Programme / Reform Support ProgrammeptPrograma de Apoio às Reformas
- political framework / enlargement of the Union / economic developmentERP / economic reform programmeptPRE, programa de reforma económica
- monetary relations / budgetary procedure / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSnational reform programme / NRPptPrograma Nacional de Reformas, PNR
- European UnionCTF / EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina Consultative Task Force / RPM / Reform Process MonitoringptGrupo Consultivo UE/Bósnia-Herzegovina
- LAWreform of the penal systemptreforma penitenciária
- ECONOMICS / social scienceseconomic and social reformptreforma económica e social
- oil industry / chemistryreforming hydrotreater gasptgás de tratamento com hidrogénio de reformação
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – reformational no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-11 12:46:02]. Disponível em
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