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- Verbos
carácter remoto, distante
aspeto vago, incerto
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- regions and regional policy / GEOGRAPHYremotenessptperifericidade, grande afastamento
- financial institutions and creditbankruptcy remotenessptproteção contra a falência
- regions and regional policy / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / European UnionProgramme of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity / POSEIptPrograma de Opções Específicas para fazer face ao Afastamento e à Insularidade, POSEI
- communicationsremote switching unit / RSU / dependent exchange / satellite exchange / remote switching system / RSS / remote switch / remoteptcentral satélite
- communicationsOB / remote / outside broadcastptreportagem exterior, reportagem
- data processing / information technology and data processing / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSremoteptà distância, remoto
- information technology and data processingremote IDptidentificação remota
- communicationsremote PBX / satellite-operated PBX / satellite PBXptPBX satélite, PBX remoto
- communications / healthremote care / telehomecare / telecare / telenursingptteleassistência
- EUROPEAN UNIONremote region / remote areaptregião remota
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringseparate feed / remote feedptavanço separado, tração separada
- electronics and electrical engineeringremote gateptporta remota
- air and space transportairport outfield position / outfield position / remote stand / non-gate position / outfield post / aircraft remote standptplaca de estacionamento remota
- air and space transportremote pilot / person operating an unmanned aircraft / drone operator / drone pilotptpiloto remoto
- electronics and electrical engineeringremote ground / remote earthptterra longínqua
- data processing / information technology and data processingremote entryptrecolha remota
- communicationsremote alarmptalarme remoto
- information technology and data processingremote groupptgrupo remoto
- organisation of work / social affairs / information technology and data processing / non-standard employmentteleworker / remote worker / telecommuterptteletrabalhador
- communications systems / information technology and data processingremote accessptacesso remoto
- electronics and electrical engineeringlogic inhibit/enable / remote on/offptcontrolo remoto
- ENVIRONMENTdistant source / remote sourceptfonte distante
- communications policy / information technology and data processingremote moduleptmódulo remoto
- electronics industry / information technology and data processingremote muldexptmuldex remoto
- communicationsremote aimingpttelepontaria
- life sciencesremote targetptalvo distante
- information technology and data processingWOL / remote wake-up / Wake-on-LAN / RWUptWOL, Wake-on-LAN
- organisation of work / non-standard employmentremote working / distance workingpttrabalho à distância
- natural and applied sciencesRS / remote sensingptteledeteção, deteção remota
- financial servicesremote payment / distance paymentptpagamento à distância, pagamento remoto
- communicationsdistant control / telecontrol / teleregulation / remote controlpttelerregulação, verificação à distância, comando à distância, telecomando
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStelecontrol / remote control / distant controlptcomando à distância, controlo remoto, telecomando
- communicationsoutstation / controlled station / remote stationptestação satélite, estação controlada, estação remota
- materials technology / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / information technology and data processingtelecontrol / remote-controlptcontrolo remoto
- mechanical engineeringremote reading / remote controlptcontrolo remoto
- European Parliament / EU institutions and European civil service / social affairs / organisation of work / information technology and data processing / teleworkingremote meetingptreunião à distância
- communicationsremote displayptvisualização remota
- information technology and data processingremote stationptestação remota
- information technology and data processingremote inquiryptinterrogação remota, interrogação à distância
- mechanical engineeringremote controlpttelecomando, comando à distância
- communicationssense remotelyptdetetar à distância
- information technology and data processingremote commandptcomando remoto
- information technology and data processingremote loadingptcarregamento remoto, telecarregamento, carga remota, telecarga
- information technology and data processingremote controlptcontrolo à distância, controlo remoto
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – remoteness no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-19 03:33:10]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- regions and regional policy / GEOGRAPHYremotenessptperifericidade, grande afastamento
- financial institutions and creditbankruptcy remotenessptproteção contra a falência
- regions and regional policy / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / European UnionProgramme of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity / POSEIptPrograma de Opções Específicas para fazer face ao Afastamento e à Insularidade, POSEI
- communicationsremote switching unit / RSU / dependent exchange / satellite exchange / remote switching system / RSS / remote switch / remoteptcentral satélite
- communicationsOB / remote / outside broadcastptreportagem exterior, reportagem
- data processing / information technology and data processing / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSremoteptà distância, remoto
- information technology and data processingremote IDptidentificação remota
- communicationsremote PBX / satellite-operated PBX / satellite PBXptPBX satélite, PBX remoto
- communications / healthremote care / telehomecare / telecare / telenursingptteleassistência
- EUROPEAN UNIONremote region / remote areaptregião remota
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringseparate feed / remote feedptavanço separado, tração separada
- electronics and electrical engineeringremote gateptporta remota
- air and space transportairport outfield position / outfield position / remote stand / non-gate position / outfield post / aircraft remote standptplaca de estacionamento remota
- air and space transportremote pilot / person operating an unmanned aircraft / drone operator / drone pilotptpiloto remoto
- electronics and electrical engineeringremote ground / remote earthptterra longínqua
- data processing / information technology and data processingremote entryptrecolha remota
- communicationsremote alarmptalarme remoto
- information technology and data processingremote groupptgrupo remoto
- organisation of work / social affairs / information technology and data processing / non-standard employmentteleworker / remote worker / telecommuterptteletrabalhador
- communications systems / information technology and data processingremote accessptacesso remoto
- electronics and electrical engineeringlogic inhibit/enable / remote on/offptcontrolo remoto
- ENVIRONMENTdistant source / remote sourceptfonte distante
- communications policy / information technology and data processingremote moduleptmódulo remoto
- electronics industry / information technology and data processingremote muldexptmuldex remoto
- communicationsremote aimingpttelepontaria
- life sciencesremote targetptalvo distante
- information technology and data processingWOL / remote wake-up / Wake-on-LAN / RWUptWOL, Wake-on-LAN
- organisation of work / non-standard employmentremote working / distance workingpttrabalho à distância
- natural and applied sciencesRS / remote sensingptteledeteção, deteção remota
- financial servicesremote payment / distance paymentptpagamento à distância, pagamento remoto
- communicationsdistant control / telecontrol / teleregulation / remote controlpttelerregulação, verificação à distância, comando à distância, telecomando
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStelecontrol / remote control / distant controlptcomando à distância, controlo remoto, telecomando
- communicationsoutstation / controlled station / remote stationptestação satélite, estação controlada, estação remota
- materials technology / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / information technology and data processingtelecontrol / remote-controlptcontrolo remoto
- mechanical engineeringremote reading / remote controlptcontrolo remoto
- European Parliament / EU institutions and European civil service / social affairs / organisation of work / information technology and data processing / teleworkingremote meetingptreunião à distância
- communicationsremote displayptvisualização remota
- information technology and data processingremote stationptestação remota
- information technology and data processingremote inquiryptinterrogação remota, interrogação à distância
- mechanical engineeringremote controlpttelecomando, comando à distância
- communicationssense remotelyptdetetar à distância
- information technology and data processingremote commandptcomando remoto
- information technology and data processingremote loadingptcarregamento remoto, telecarregamento, carga remota, telecarga
- information technology and data processingremote controlptcontrolo à distância, controlo remoto
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – remoteness no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-19 03:33:10]. Disponível em
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