- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
a representative selection
uma seleção representativa
representative government
POLÍTICA governo representativo
típico [of, de]
district representative
representante regional
foreign representative
representante no estrangeiro
substituto, sucessor; herdeiro
POLÍTICA deputado numa assembleia representativa
their representative in the House of Commons
Grã-Bretanha o deputado que os representa na Câmara dos Comuns
representative agent
representatives of the press
jornalistas; repórteres
Estados Unidos da América House of Representatives
Câmara dos Representantes
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- migrationspecial representative / representative / legal representativeptrepresentante, representante legal, representante especial
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCErepresentativeptrepresentante
- criminal law / international law / justicerepresentativeptrepresentativo
- statisticsrepresentativeptrepresentativo
- EUROPEAN UNION / parliamentrepresentativeptrepresentante
- taxationtax representativeptrepresentante fiscal
- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHigh Representative / HR / High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovinaptalto representante na Bósnia-Herzegovina
- nuclear energysite representativeptrepresentante do local
- chemistryonly representativeptrepresentante único
- ECONOMICS / social sciencesgreen rate / representative ratepttaxa verde, taxa representativa, taxa de conversão representativa
- cultural policyrepresentative artsptartes figurativas
- public finance and budget policyRepresentative itemsptitens representativos
- LAW / FINANCEholder of power / attorney / legal representativeptrepresentante legal
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSsales representative / commercial representativeptcaixeiro-viajante, representante comercial, caixeiro viajante
- common agricultural policyrepresentative priceptpreço representativo
- LAWjoint representativeptrepresentante comum
- legal profession / LAWlegal representativeptrepresentante jurídico, procurador
- healthrepresentative personptpessoa representativa
- statistics / SCIENCErepresentative sampleptamostra representativa
- working conditions / labour relationssafety representative / workers' representative with specific responsibility for the safety and health of workersptdelegado de segurança, representante dos trabalhadores em matéria de proteção da segurança e da saúde
- FINANCE / information technology and data processingrepresentative marketptmercado representativo
- United NationsSpecial Representative of the Secretary-General / Special Representative / SRSG / UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General / UN SRSGptRepresentante Especial do Secretário-Geral, Representante Especial do Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas, RESG, RESGNU
- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / European Unionspecial representative / EU Special Representative / EUSRptrepresentante especial da União Europeia, REUE
- African Union / public officeAfrican Union High Representative / High Representative of the African Union / AU High Representativeptalto representante da União Africana, alto representante da UA
- tariff policycustoms representativeptrepresentante aduaneiro
- land transport / technology and technical regulationsrepresentative vehicleptveículo representativo
- pharmaceutical industrymedical detailer / representative in pharmaceutical products / medical representativeptdelegado de informação médica
- statistics / SCIENCErepresentative inquiryptinquérito representativo
- preparation for market / LAWcompany representativeptrepresentante da empresa
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWrepresentative councilptassembleia representativa
- defence / European Unionmilitary representative / MILREP / military delegateptREPMIL, Representante Militar
- parliamentary proceedings / European Parliamentinterest representativeptrepresentante de um grupo de interesses
- LAWrepresentative ad litemptmandatário ad litem
- organisation of professions / social affairs / social partners / labour relationsemployees' representative / workers' representativeptrepresentante dos trabalhadores
- medical sciencerepresentative fractionptescala numérica
- EU institutions and European civil service / international affairsEU ambassador / permanent representative / Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative / PRptrepresentante permanente
- political philosophy / political rightsrepresentative democracyptdemocracia representativa
- LAWrepresentative committeeptcomité de representantes
- social affairsrepresentative of a partyptrepresentante de uma parte
- FINANCEregistered representativeptrepresentante acreditado, membro negociador
- administrative law / standardisation / European Union / technologyJRB / Joint Representative BodyptORC, organismo representativo comum
- FINANCE / taxationrepresentative market ratepttaxa representativa de mercado
- EUROPEAN UNION / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESrepresentative market ratepttaxa representativa do mercado
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStrade union representative / shop stewardptdelegado sindical
- intellectual propertyprofessional representativeptmandatário autorizado
- common agricultural policyrepresentative market priceptpreço representativo de mercado
- medical sciencerepresentative animal modelptmodelo animal representativo
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – representative no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-03 23:34:29]. Disponível em
veja também
assemblage, backwoodsman, burgess, chair, classic, crown, Crown, folk, heritor, law, Lord, Nativity, Piscean, proper, supernumerary, understudy, wifely
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- migrationspecial representative / representative / legal representativeptrepresentante, representante legal, representante especial
- EUROPEAN UNION / FINANCErepresentativeptrepresentante
- criminal law / international law / justicerepresentativeptrepresentativo
- statisticsrepresentativeptrepresentativo
- EUROPEAN UNION / parliamentrepresentativeptrepresentante
- taxationtax representativeptrepresentante fiscal
- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHigh Representative / HR / High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovinaptalto representante na Bósnia-Herzegovina
- nuclear energysite representativeptrepresentante do local
- chemistryonly representativeptrepresentante único
- ECONOMICS / social sciencesgreen rate / representative ratepttaxa verde, taxa representativa, taxa de conversão representativa
- cultural policyrepresentative artsptartes figurativas
- public finance and budget policyRepresentative itemsptitens representativos
- LAW / FINANCEholder of power / attorney / legal representativeptrepresentante legal
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSsales representative / commercial representativeptcaixeiro-viajante, representante comercial, caixeiro viajante
- common agricultural policyrepresentative priceptpreço representativo
- LAWjoint representativeptrepresentante comum
- legal profession / LAWlegal representativeptrepresentante jurídico, procurador
- healthrepresentative personptpessoa representativa
- statistics / SCIENCErepresentative sampleptamostra representativa
- working conditions / labour relationssafety representative / workers' representative with specific responsibility for the safety and health of workersptdelegado de segurança, representante dos trabalhadores em matéria de proteção da segurança e da saúde
- FINANCE / information technology and data processingrepresentative marketptmercado representativo
- United NationsSpecial Representative of the Secretary-General / Special Representative / SRSG / UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General / UN SRSGptRepresentante Especial do Secretário-Geral, Representante Especial do Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas, RESG, RESGNU
- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS / European Unionspecial representative / EU Special Representative / EUSRptrepresentante especial da União Europeia, REUE
- African Union / public officeAfrican Union High Representative / High Representative of the African Union / AU High Representativeptalto representante da União Africana, alto representante da UA
- tariff policycustoms representativeptrepresentante aduaneiro
- land transport / technology and technical regulationsrepresentative vehicleptveículo representativo
- pharmaceutical industrymedical detailer / representative in pharmaceutical products / medical representativeptdelegado de informação médica
- statistics / SCIENCErepresentative inquiryptinquérito representativo
- preparation for market / LAWcompany representativeptrepresentante da empresa
- EUROPEAN UNION / LAWrepresentative councilptassembleia representativa
- defence / European Unionmilitary representative / MILREP / military delegateptREPMIL, Representante Militar
- parliamentary proceedings / European Parliamentinterest representativeptrepresentante de um grupo de interesses
- LAWrepresentative ad litemptmandatário ad litem
- organisation of professions / social affairs / social partners / labour relationsemployees' representative / workers' representativeptrepresentante dos trabalhadores
- medical sciencerepresentative fractionptescala numérica
- EU institutions and European civil service / international affairsEU ambassador / permanent representative / Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative / PRptrepresentante permanente
- political philosophy / political rightsrepresentative democracyptdemocracia representativa
- LAWrepresentative committeeptcomité de representantes
- social affairsrepresentative of a partyptrepresentante de uma parte
- FINANCEregistered representativeptrepresentante acreditado, membro negociador
- administrative law / standardisation / European Union / technologyJRB / Joint Representative BodyptORC, organismo representativo comum
- FINANCE / taxationrepresentative market ratepttaxa representativa de mercado
- EUROPEAN UNION / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESrepresentative market ratepttaxa representativa do mercado
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStrade union representative / shop stewardptdelegado sindical
- intellectual propertyprofessional representativeptmandatário autorizado
- common agricultural policyrepresentative market priceptpreço representativo de mercado
- medical sciencerepresentative animal modelptmodelo animal representativo
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – representative no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-03 23:34:29]. Disponível em
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