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Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingrobotptautómato, robô
- research / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsroboticsptrobótica
- information technology and data processingweb robot / web spider / web crawlerptrobô de pesquisa, batedor
- computer systems / space transportspace robotptrobô espacial
- natural and applied sciencesAI roboticsptrobótica inteligente
- TRANSPORTrobot pilotptpiloto automático
- information technology and data processingfixed robotptrobô de posto fixo
- military equipmentlethal autonomous weapons system / LAWS / killer robotptSALA, sistema de armas letais autónomo, robô assassino
- industrial manufacturing / information technology and data processingmobile robot / mobile platformptrobô móvel
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulations / researchparcel robotptrobô para carga e descarga de contentores
- air transportrobotic testptteste robótico
- health / information technology industrysurgery robot / surgical robot / robotic surgical systemptrobô cirúrgico, sistema cirúrgico robótico
- information technology and data processingcrawler robot / crawling robot / walking robotptrobô rastejante
- information technology and data processingwalking robotptrobô locomotor
- information technology and data processingmodular robotptrobô modular
- information technology and data processinghumanoid robotptrobô humanoide
- information technology and data processingadvanced robotptrobô evoluído, robô avançado
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHconsumer robotptrobô de consumo
- information technology and data processingrobot language / ROLptlinguagem ROL
- information technology and data processingspraying robotptrobô de projeção
- information technology and data processingelectric robotptautómato elétrico
- health / electronics industryrobot-assisted surgery / robotic surgeryptcirurgia robótica, cirurgia assistida por robô
- information technology and data processingnetworked robotptrobô interligado
- information technology and data processingcartesian robot / rectangular robot / cartesian coordinate robotptrobô de coordenadas cartesianas
- information technology and data processingopen loop robotptrobô em ciclo aberto
- information technology and data processingsightless robotptrobô cego
- information technology and data processinghydraulic robotptrobô hidráulico
- mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingindustrial robotptrobô industrial
- precision engineering / information technology and data processingprosthetic robotptprótese robótica
- information technology and data processingautonomous robotptrobô autónomo
- information technology and data processingmultitasking robot / multi-task robot / multi-service autonomous robotptrobô autónomo multisserviço
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingunderwater teleoperator / underwater robotptrobô submarino
- information technology and data processingreversible robotptrobô reversível
- information technology and data processingnuclear roboticsptrobótica nuclear
- artificial intelligencerobot manipulator / robotic manipulatorptmanipulador robótico
- information technology and data processingmaintenance robotptrobô de manutenção
- mechanical engineeringarticulated robotptrobô articulado
- public health / automationdisinfecting robot / disinfection robotptrobô de desinfeção
- industrial robot / INDUSTRY / technologycollaborative robot / cobotptrobô colaborativo, cobot
- nuclear power station / nuclear industryrobotic maintenanceptmanutenção robótica
- computer systems / industrial manufacturingindustrial roboticsptprodútica
- electrical engineeringrobot vacuum cleanerptaspirador-robô
- chemical compound / industrial structuresrobot glass gathererptcolhedor de vidro automático, robô colhedor de vidro
- information technology and data processingrobot control systemptsistema que comanda o robô
- information technology and data processinganthropomorphic robotptrobô antropomórfico
- information technology and data processingrobot coupling systemptacoplamento de robôs
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – robotize no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 17:50:08]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingrobotptautómato, robô
- research / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsroboticsptrobótica
- information technology and data processingweb robot / web spider / web crawlerptrobô de pesquisa, batedor
- computer systems / space transportspace robotptrobô espacial
- natural and applied sciencesAI roboticsptrobótica inteligente
- TRANSPORTrobot pilotptpiloto automático
- information technology and data processingfixed robotptrobô de posto fixo
- military equipmentlethal autonomous weapons system / LAWS / killer robotptSALA, sistema de armas letais autónomo, robô assassino
- industrial manufacturing / information technology and data processingmobile robot / mobile platformptrobô móvel
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulations / researchparcel robotptrobô para carga e descarga de contentores
- air transportrobotic testptteste robótico
- health / information technology industrysurgery robot / surgical robot / robotic surgical systemptrobô cirúrgico, sistema cirúrgico robótico
- information technology and data processingcrawler robot / crawling robot / walking robotptrobô rastejante
- information technology and data processingwalking robotptrobô locomotor
- information technology and data processingmodular robotptrobô modular
- information technology and data processinghumanoid robotptrobô humanoide
- information technology and data processingadvanced robotptrobô evoluído, robô avançado
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHconsumer robotptrobô de consumo
- information technology and data processingrobot language / ROLptlinguagem ROL
- information technology and data processingspraying robotptrobô de projeção
- information technology and data processingelectric robotptautómato elétrico
- health / electronics industryrobot-assisted surgery / robotic surgeryptcirurgia robótica, cirurgia assistida por robô
- information technology and data processingnetworked robotptrobô interligado
- information technology and data processingcartesian robot / rectangular robot / cartesian coordinate robotptrobô de coordenadas cartesianas
- information technology and data processingopen loop robotptrobô em ciclo aberto
- information technology and data processingsightless robotptrobô cego
- information technology and data processinghydraulic robotptrobô hidráulico
- mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingindustrial robotptrobô industrial
- precision engineering / information technology and data processingprosthetic robotptprótese robótica
- information technology and data processingautonomous robotptrobô autónomo
- information technology and data processingmultitasking robot / multi-task robot / multi-service autonomous robotptrobô autónomo multisserviço
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingunderwater teleoperator / underwater robotptrobô submarino
- information technology and data processingreversible robotptrobô reversível
- information technology and data processingnuclear roboticsptrobótica nuclear
- artificial intelligencerobot manipulator / robotic manipulatorptmanipulador robótico
- information technology and data processingmaintenance robotptrobô de manutenção
- mechanical engineeringarticulated robotptrobô articulado
- public health / automationdisinfecting robot / disinfection robotptrobô de desinfeção
- industrial robot / INDUSTRY / technologycollaborative robot / cobotptrobô colaborativo, cobot
- nuclear power station / nuclear industryrobotic maintenanceptmanutenção robótica
- computer systems / industrial manufacturingindustrial roboticsptprodútica
- electrical engineeringrobot vacuum cleanerptaspirador-robô
- chemical compound / industrial structuresrobot glass gathererptcolhedor de vidro automático, robô colhedor de vidro
- information technology and data processingrobot control systemptsistema que comanda o robô
- information technology and data processinganthropomorphic robotptrobô antropomórfico
- information technology and data processingrobot coupling systemptacoplamento de robôs
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – robotize no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 17:50:08]. Disponível em
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