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conservação de si mesmo, conservação da própria vida

Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
  • communications / information technology and data processing
    monitoring system for self-preservation
    sistema de vigilância para autodefesa
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
  • partilhar whatsapp
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – self-preservation no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-11 07:34:53]. Disponível em
veja também
bleak, breathe, competence, cookie, fear, fling, good, home, leg, movement, penny, racketing, scarlet, scratch along, see, self, self-abasement, self-abnegation, self-absorbed, self-absorption, self-abuse, self-accusation, self-accusing, self-acting, self-addressed, self-adhesive, self-adjusting, self-admiration, self-admirer, self-analysis, self-apparent, self-appointed, self-assertion, self-assertive, self-assessment, self-assurance, self-assured, self-aware, self-awareness, self-binder, self-calibrating, self-catering, self-censorship, self-centred, self-centredness, self-checking, self-cleaning, self-closing, self-collected, self-colour, self-coloured, self-command, self-communion, self-complacence, self-complacency, self-complacent, self-composed, self-composure, self-conceit, self-conceited, self-concept, self-confessed, self-confidence, self-confident, self-confidently, self-conscious, self-consciously, self-contained, self-control, self-controlled, self-convicted, self-created, self-critical, self-criticism, self-culture, self-cultured, self-deceit, self-deception, self-defeating, self-defence, self-defense, self-defensive, self-denial, self-denying, self-denyingly, self-dependence, self-dependent, self-deprecating, self-destruct, self-destruction, self-destructive, self-discipline, self-discovery, self-distrust, self-drive, self-driven, self-educated, self-education, self-effacement, self-effacing, self-elected, self-employed, self-employment, self-esteem, self-evident, self-examination, self-excitation, self-exciter, self-existence, self-existent, self-experience, self-explanatory, self-expression, self-feeding, self-fertilizing, self-filling, self-fulfilling, self-governed, self-governing, self-government, self-hardening, self-heating, self-help, self-ignition, self-image, self-importance, self-important, self-imposed, self-improvement, self-inductance, self-induction, self-indulgence, self-indulgent, self-inflicted, self-instructed, self-instruction, self-interest, self-interested, self-knowledge, self-limiting, self-locking, self-love, self-lubricating, self-lubrication, self-luminous, self-made, self-mastery, self-medication, self-motivated, self-motivation, self-moving, self-murder, self-murderer, self-neglect, self-oiling, self-opening, self-opinionated, self-pity, self-pitying, self-portrait, self-possessed, self-possession, self-praise, self-proclaimed, self-propelled, self-propelling, self-protection, self-raising, self-regard, self-regulating, self-reliance, self-reliant, self-reproach, self-respect, self-respecting, self-restrained, self-restraint, self-righteous, self-rising, self-rule, self-sacrifice, self-sacrificing, self-satisfaction, self-satisfied, self-sealing, self-seeker, self-seeking, self-service, self-sown, self-starter, self-starting, self-styled, self-sufficiency, self-sufficient, self-sufficing, self-supporting, self-sustaining, self-taught, self-tracking, self-will, self-willed, self-winding, self-worship, set up

Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
  • communications / information technology and data processing
    monitoring system for self-preservation
    sistema de vigilância para autodefesa
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
  • partilhar whatsapp
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – self-preservation no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-11 07:34:53]. Disponível em

hilaridade ou hilariedade?

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à última hora ou à última da hora?

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tiles ou tis?

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à parte ou aparte?

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gratuito ou gratuíto?

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