- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
ˈslɪvə, ˈslaɪvə
lasca de madeira
bocado de peixe utilizado como isca
fibra solta (de linho cardado)
verbo transitivo
cortar em lascas
verbo intransitivo
lascar, fender-se, partir em estilhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- building and public works / industrial structuressliver / splinterptestilha
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressliver / staple sliverptfibra de vidro solta, madeixa de fibra de vidro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesspill / sliverptlascar
- industrial structuressliverptfita
- industrial structuressliverptfita de fiação
- INDUSTRYsliverptmecha
- iron, steel and other metal industriesshell / scab / sliver / spillptescama
- industrial structuressliver box / piecing machineptjuntadeira
- industrial structurescard sliverptfita de carda
- industrial structuresdrawing sliver / draft sliverptfita de laminador
- industrial structuressliver draftptestiragem da fita
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuressliver toothptdente desengasgador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guideptguia-mechas
- industrial structurescard sliver canptpote de fita de carda
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guide railptsuporte de guia-mecha
- industrial structuressliver stop motionptquebra-fitas
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver lap machineptreunideira de fitas
- industrial structuresgill box sliver canptpote de fita de laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver can of a flat cardptpote de uma carda de chapéus
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresdoubling-winder sliver boxptjuntadeira
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver can of a speed frameptpote de alimentação de um torce
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver can of a drawing frameptpote da fita de um laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guide in a drawing frameptguia-fitas para cada fita de carda num laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver trumpet of a drawing frameptfunil para a fita de um laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guide rail of a speed frameptsuporte do guia-fitas de um torce
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver lap guide in a drawing frameptguia-fitas para o conjunto das fitas de carda num laminador
- industrial structuresweft-knitted sliver high-pile fabricptmalha de peluche de mechas
- industrial structuresslivers / coarse rejectptrejeitados grossos
- chemical compound / industrial structuresflare sliversptlascas do corte de calotes
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsdyeing machine for slivers and towptmáquina de tingimento para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsprinting equipment for slivers or take / printing equipment for slivers or tops / vigoureux machineptequipamento de estamparia de fitas de fibras, equipamento de estamparia vigoureux
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsdyeing machine for slivers and tow by impregnation and mangle expression / dyeing padding mangle for slivers and towptmáquina de tingimento por fulardagem para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos, foulard de tingimento para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationspressure dyeing machine for slivers and tow / pressure dyeing machine in autoclaves for slivers and towptaparelho de tingimento em autoclave para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsdyeing machine for slivers and tow by sprayingptmáquina de tingimento por pulverização para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsapparatus for dyeing in open vessel for slivers and towptaparelho de tingimento em cuba aberta para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
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Como referenciar
Porto Editora – sliver no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-20 07:13:51]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- building and public works / industrial structuressliver / splinterptestilha
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressliver / staple sliverptfibra de vidro solta, madeixa de fibra de vidro
- iron, steel and other metal industriesspill / sliverptlascar
- industrial structuressliverptfita
- industrial structuressliverptfita de fiação
- INDUSTRYsliverptmecha
- iron, steel and other metal industriesshell / scab / sliver / spillptescama
- industrial structuressliver box / piecing machineptjuntadeira
- industrial structurescard sliverptfita de carda
- industrial structuresdrawing sliver / draft sliverptfita de laminador
- industrial structuressliver draftptestiragem da fita
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuressliver toothptdente desengasgador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guideptguia-mechas
- industrial structurescard sliver canptpote de fita de carda
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guide railptsuporte de guia-mecha
- industrial structuressliver stop motionptquebra-fitas
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver lap machineptreunideira de fitas
- industrial structuresgill box sliver canptpote de fita de laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver can of a flat cardptpote de uma carda de chapéus
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresdoubling-winder sliver boxptjuntadeira
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver can of a speed frameptpote de alimentação de um torce
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver can of a drawing frameptpote da fita de um laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guide in a drawing frameptguia-fitas para cada fita de carda num laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver trumpet of a drawing frameptfunil para a fita de um laminador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver guide rail of a speed frameptsuporte do guia-fitas de um torce
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssliver lap guide in a drawing frameptguia-fitas para o conjunto das fitas de carda num laminador
- industrial structuresweft-knitted sliver high-pile fabricptmalha de peluche de mechas
- industrial structuresslivers / coarse rejectptrejeitados grossos
- chemical compound / industrial structuresflare sliversptlascas do corte de calotes
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsdyeing machine for slivers and towptmáquina de tingimento para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsprinting equipment for slivers or take / printing equipment for slivers or tops / vigoureux machineptequipamento de estamparia de fitas de fibras, equipamento de estamparia vigoureux
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsdyeing machine for slivers and tow by impregnation and mangle expression / dyeing padding mangle for slivers and towptmáquina de tingimento por fulardagem para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos, foulard de tingimento para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationspressure dyeing machine for slivers and tow / pressure dyeing machine in autoclaves for slivers and towptaparelho de tingimento em autoclave para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsdyeing machine for slivers and tow by sprayingptmáquina de tingimento por pulverização para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsapparatus for dyeing in open vessel for slivers and towptaparelho de tingimento em cuba aberta para fitas de fibras e cabos de filamentos
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
- Kurt Cobain...vida e sobre o qual escreveria algumas das suas letras, nomeadamente no tema "
Sliver ". Foi ainda na sua - Sharon Stone...filmes subsequentes procuraram explorar a sensualidade de Sharon:
Sliver (Invasão de Privacidade, 1993 - Phillip Noyce...personagem Jack Ryan. No ano seguinte, realizou o thriller "voyeurista"
Sliver (Violação de Privacidade), com
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – sliver no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-20 07:13:51]. Disponível em
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