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Present participle do verbo smart
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Council of the European Union / institutional structureDigital Services Department / Digital ServicesptDepartamento dos Serviços Digitais
- data processing / information technology and data processingprogrammable / smartptprogramável
- Council of the European Union / institutional structureDigital Platforms DirectorateptDireção das Plataformas Digitais
- institutional structure / Council of the European UnionDigital Solutions DirectorateptDireção das Soluções Digitais
- communicationssmart TV / connected TV / hybrid TVptTV inteligente, televisão conectada, TV conectada
- communications / information technology and data processingRFID tag / smart tag / RF tagptetiqueta RFID
- pollution control measures / ENERGYsmart electricity grid / smart energy grid / smart power grid / smart energy network / smart electricity network / smart gridptrede inteligente, rede inteligente de energia, rede energética inteligente
- information technology and data processing / electronics and electrical engineeringintegrated circuit card / smart card / microcircuit card / ICC / chip cardptcartão com circuito integrado, cartão inteligente
- information technology and data processingsmart plugpttomada inteligente
- information technology and data processing / building servicessmart home / intelligent home / smart house / automated homeptresidência inteligente
- energy policysmart cityptcidade inteligente
- beverages and sugarnootropic drink / smart drinkptbebida nootrópica
- electronics industryadvanced power circuit / smart powerptcircuito de potencial avançado, circuito de potência inteligente
- ENVIRONMENT / ENERGYsmart meter / intelligent meterptcontador inteligente
- pollution control measures / European UnionEuropean Initiative on Smart Cities / European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities / EIP-SCC / Smart CitiesptIniciativa Europeia das Cidades Inteligentes, Cidades Inteligentes
- information technology and data processingintelligent device / smart deviceptdispositivo inteligente
- EUROPEAN UNION / migration / TRANSPORTsmart borderptfronteira inteligente
- economic conditionssmart growthptcrescimento inteligente
- ENVIRONMENTclimate-smartptinteligente no domínio do clima
- economic policysmart economypteconomia inteligente
- defencesmart defenceptdefesa inteligente
- tourismsmart tourismptturismo inteligente
- natural and applied sciences / soft energysmart controlptcontrolo inteligente
- organisation of work and working conditionssmart workingpttrabalho inteligente
- information technology and data processing / agricultural policysmart villageptaldeia inteligente
- information technology and data processingintelligent gateway / smart gatewayptplataforma inteligente
- land transport / TRANSPORTsmart vehicleptveículo inteligente
- materials technologyintelligent material / smart material / responsive material / stimuli-responsive materialptmaterial inteligente
- energy consumptionsmart energy metering / intelligent metering system / smart metering / smart metering systemptcontagem inteligente
- building industrysmart building / intelligent buildingptedifício inteligente
- road transport / energy policy / electric vehiclesmart charging / smart rechargingptcarregamento inteligente
- BUSINESS AND COMPETITION / information technology and data processingsmart contractptcontrato inteligente
- transport policysmart mobilityptmobilidade inteligente
- production policy / business organisation / managementsmart-sourcingptterceirização inteligente, externalização inteligente
- health / information technology and data processingsmart hospitalpthospital inteligente
- international law / European Union / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSsmart sanctionptsanção inteligente
- energy policy / construction and town planning / building industrysmart readinessptaptidão para tecnologias inteligentes
- organisation of work and working conditions / organisation of transportsmart tachographpttacógrafo inteligente
- legislative proceduresmart regulationptregulamentação inteligente
- social sciencessmart youth workpttrabalho inteligente com jovens
- information technology and data processingsmart city systemptsistema urbano inteligente
- energy policybuilding intelligence / building smartnessptinteligência dos edifícios
- education / information technology and data processingsmart learning aidptauxiliar de ensino inteligente
- economic policy / public finance and budget policy / ECONOMICSgrowth-friendly fiscal consolidation / smart fiscal consolidation / smart consolidationptconsolidação orçamental favorável ao crescimento, consolidação orçamental inteligente
- land transport / construction and town planning / traffic regulationssmart traffic lightptsemáforo inteligente
- energy policy / construction and town planning / building industrysmart-ready serviceptserviço com aptidão para tecnologias inteligentes
- natural and applied sciences / technical regulationssmart control factor / SCFptfator de controlo inteligente
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHsmart specialisationptespecialização inteligente
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – smarting no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-05 08:03:48]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Council of the European Union / institutional structureDigital Services Department / Digital ServicesptDepartamento dos Serviços Digitais
- data processing / information technology and data processingprogrammable / smartptprogramável
- Council of the European Union / institutional structureDigital Platforms DirectorateptDireção das Plataformas Digitais
- institutional structure / Council of the European UnionDigital Solutions DirectorateptDireção das Soluções Digitais
- communicationssmart TV / connected TV / hybrid TVptTV inteligente, televisão conectada, TV conectada
- communications / information technology and data processingRFID tag / smart tag / RF tagptetiqueta RFID
- pollution control measures / ENERGYsmart electricity grid / smart energy grid / smart power grid / smart energy network / smart electricity network / smart gridptrede inteligente, rede inteligente de energia, rede energética inteligente
- information technology and data processing / electronics and electrical engineeringintegrated circuit card / smart card / microcircuit card / ICC / chip cardptcartão com circuito integrado, cartão inteligente
- information technology and data processingsmart plugpttomada inteligente
- information technology and data processing / building servicessmart home / intelligent home / smart house / automated homeptresidência inteligente
- energy policysmart cityptcidade inteligente
- beverages and sugarnootropic drink / smart drinkptbebida nootrópica
- electronics industryadvanced power circuit / smart powerptcircuito de potencial avançado, circuito de potência inteligente
- ENVIRONMENT / ENERGYsmart meter / intelligent meterptcontador inteligente
- pollution control measures / European UnionEuropean Initiative on Smart Cities / European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities / EIP-SCC / Smart CitiesptIniciativa Europeia das Cidades Inteligentes, Cidades Inteligentes
- information technology and data processingintelligent device / smart deviceptdispositivo inteligente
- EUROPEAN UNION / migration / TRANSPORTsmart borderptfronteira inteligente
- economic conditionssmart growthptcrescimento inteligente
- ENVIRONMENTclimate-smartptinteligente no domínio do clima
- economic policysmart economypteconomia inteligente
- defencesmart defenceptdefesa inteligente
- tourismsmart tourismptturismo inteligente
- natural and applied sciences / soft energysmart controlptcontrolo inteligente
- organisation of work and working conditionssmart workingpttrabalho inteligente
- information technology and data processing / agricultural policysmart villageptaldeia inteligente
- information technology and data processingintelligent gateway / smart gatewayptplataforma inteligente
- land transport / TRANSPORTsmart vehicleptveículo inteligente
- materials technologyintelligent material / smart material / responsive material / stimuli-responsive materialptmaterial inteligente
- energy consumptionsmart energy metering / intelligent metering system / smart metering / smart metering systemptcontagem inteligente
- building industrysmart building / intelligent buildingptedifício inteligente
- road transport / energy policy / electric vehiclesmart charging / smart rechargingptcarregamento inteligente
- BUSINESS AND COMPETITION / information technology and data processingsmart contractptcontrato inteligente
- transport policysmart mobilityptmobilidade inteligente
- production policy / business organisation / managementsmart-sourcingptterceirização inteligente, externalização inteligente
- health / information technology and data processingsmart hospitalpthospital inteligente
- international law / European Union / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSsmart sanctionptsanção inteligente
- energy policy / construction and town planning / building industrysmart readinessptaptidão para tecnologias inteligentes
- organisation of work and working conditions / organisation of transportsmart tachographpttacógrafo inteligente
- legislative proceduresmart regulationptregulamentação inteligente
- social sciencessmart youth workpttrabalho inteligente com jovens
- information technology and data processingsmart city systemptsistema urbano inteligente
- energy policybuilding intelligence / building smartnessptinteligência dos edifícios
- education / information technology and data processingsmart learning aidptauxiliar de ensino inteligente
- economic policy / public finance and budget policy / ECONOMICSgrowth-friendly fiscal consolidation / smart fiscal consolidation / smart consolidationptconsolidação orçamental favorável ao crescimento, consolidação orçamental inteligente
- land transport / construction and town planning / traffic regulationssmart traffic lightptsemáforo inteligente
- energy policy / construction and town planning / building industrysmart-ready serviceptserviço com aptidão para tecnologias inteligentes
- natural and applied sciences / technical regulationssmart control factor / SCFptfator de controlo inteligente
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHsmart specialisationptespecialização inteligente
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – smarting no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-05 08:03:48]. Disponível em
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