- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
ato de alisar, aplanar, etc.
(dificuldades, obstáculos) aplainação
smoothing iron
ferro de passar
(carpintaria) smoothing plane
garlopa; rabote
(carpintaria) smoothing planer
Present participle do verbo smooth
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- statisticssmoothingptalisamento
- industrial structuressmoothing / sandingptlixagem
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresfine cutting / smoothingptlapidação fina, lapidação com roda de passar
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressmoothingptpassagem, amaciamento
- earth sciencessmoothingptajuste
- communicationssmoothingptregularização, filtragem
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksland smoothing / land grading / land formingptnivelamento do terreno
- communications / information technology and data processingdata smoothingptsuavização de dados
- electronics and electrical engineeringsmoothing ironptferro de engomar
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencessmoothing coilptbobina de filtragem
- mechanical engineering / building and public workspulsation dampner / smoothing valveptválvula de nivelação
- financial marketprice smoothingptalisamento dos preços
- statisticssmoothing powerptpotência de alisamento, poder de alisamento
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssmoothing pressptprensa alisadora, prensa offset
- mechanical engineeringsmoothing planeptplaina
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESspike harrow / spike toothed harrow / spike tooth harrow / peg tooth harrow / straight-tined harrow / smoothing harrowptgrade de dentes rígidos
- INDUSTRY / building and public workssmoothing cement / surfacer paintpttinta de acabamento
- SCIENCE / FINANCEsmoothing device / filterptinstrumento de alisamento, filtro
- industrial structuressatining machine / smoothing machineptacetinadora, máquina de acetinar, alisadora, máquina de alisamento
- electronics and electrical engineeringsmoothing inductor / chokeptindutância de nivelamento, bobina de autoindução de alisamento
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesreservoir condenser / filter condenser / filter capacitor / reservoir capacitor / smoothing capacitorptcondensador de filtragem
- statistics / SCIENCEexponential smoothingptsuavização exponencial, nivelamento exponencial
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssmoothing roll coatingptestucagem por rolos alisadores
- statisticsmoving average smoothingptnivelamento por médias móveis, alisamento por médias móveis
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressmoothing of the cylinder / flattening of the cylinderptaplanamento do cilindro, alisamento do cilindro
- statistics / SCIENCEmultiple smoothing methodptmétodo de nivelamento múltiplo
- statisticsrunning medians smoothingptnivelamento por medianas móveis, alisamento por medianas móveis
- industrial structuressmoothing roll coated paperptpapel revestido em rolo alisador
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuressmoothing plane iron scraperptraspador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing woolptalisadeira, maquinaria para amaciamento da lã
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsmachine for smoothing veloursptmáquina de alisar veludo
- earth sciencessmoothing the flow into a propellerptregularização do fluxo da hélice
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing wool with drying on a platformptalisadeira de lã com secagem em tapete
- chemical compoundtwo roll coater with fountain feed and smoothing rollsptcilindros de revestimento com alimentador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing wool with drying on heated cylindersptalisadeira de lã com secagem em cilindros aquecidos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing wool with drying on perforated drumsptalisadeira de lã com secagem em tambores perfurados
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemistrysmooth / flatptextinto, apagado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationssmooth / flatptapagado, extinto
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuressmoothptraspar
- smoothptliso
- iron, steel and other metal industries / ECONOMICSsmoothptliso
- technology and technical regulationsequalize / flatten / smoothptalisar, polir, igualar
- industrial structuresto straighten / to smoothptalisar após pisoamento
- land transport / TRANSPORTto smooth / to regulateptregularizar
- agricultural product / life sciencesgreen peas / garden peas / round seeded pea / Shelling peas / shelling pea / smooth peaptervilhas em vagem
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssmoothnessptlisura, alisamento
- chemical compound / industrial structurespolished roll / polished forming roller / smooth roll / smooth forming rollerptcilindro polido, rolo formador polido, cilindro liso, rolo formador liso
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – smoothing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-14 02:00:35]. Disponível em
veja também
coir, guying, nap, officering, ogling, plastering, pledging, retailer, rifling, singeing, slip along, sluicing, so, SO, steer, supremacy, watertight
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- statisticssmoothingptalisamento
- industrial structuressmoothing / sandingptlixagem
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresfine cutting / smoothingptlapidação fina, lapidação com roda de passar
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressmoothingptpassagem, amaciamento
- earth sciencessmoothingptajuste
- communicationssmoothingptregularização, filtragem
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksland smoothing / land grading / land formingptnivelamento do terreno
- communications / information technology and data processingdata smoothingptsuavização de dados
- electronics and electrical engineeringsmoothing ironptferro de engomar
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencessmoothing coilptbobina de filtragem
- mechanical engineering / building and public workspulsation dampner / smoothing valveptválvula de nivelação
- financial marketprice smoothingptalisamento dos preços
- statisticssmoothing powerptpotência de alisamento, poder de alisamento
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssmoothing pressptprensa alisadora, prensa offset
- mechanical engineeringsmoothing planeptplaina
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESspike harrow / spike toothed harrow / spike tooth harrow / peg tooth harrow / straight-tined harrow / smoothing harrowptgrade de dentes rígidos
- INDUSTRY / building and public workssmoothing cement / surfacer paintpttinta de acabamento
- SCIENCE / FINANCEsmoothing device / filterptinstrumento de alisamento, filtro
- industrial structuressatining machine / smoothing machineptacetinadora, máquina de acetinar, alisadora, máquina de alisamento
- electronics and electrical engineeringsmoothing inductor / chokeptindutância de nivelamento, bobina de autoindução de alisamento
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth sciencesreservoir condenser / filter condenser / filter capacitor / reservoir capacitor / smoothing capacitorptcondensador de filtragem
- statistics / SCIENCEexponential smoothingptsuavização exponencial, nivelamento exponencial
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssmoothing roll coatingptestucagem por rolos alisadores
- statisticsmoving average smoothingptnivelamento por médias móveis, alisamento por médias móveis
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuressmoothing of the cylinder / flattening of the cylinderptaplanamento do cilindro, alisamento do cilindro
- statistics / SCIENCEmultiple smoothing methodptmétodo de nivelamento múltiplo
- statisticsrunning medians smoothingptnivelamento por medianas móveis, alisamento por medianas móveis
- industrial structuressmoothing roll coated paperptpapel revestido em rolo alisador
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuressmoothing plane iron scraperptraspador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing woolptalisadeira, maquinaria para amaciamento da lã
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsmachine for smoothing veloursptmáquina de alisar veludo
- earth sciencessmoothing the flow into a propellerptregularização do fluxo da hélice
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing wool with drying on a platformptalisadeira de lã com secagem em tapete
- chemical compoundtwo roll coater with fountain feed and smoothing rollsptcilindros de revestimento com alimentador
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing wool with drying on heated cylindersptalisadeira de lã com secagem em cilindros aquecidos
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsequipment for smoothing wool with drying on perforated drumsptalisadeira de lã com secagem em tambores perfurados
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemistrysmooth / flatptextinto, apagado
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationssmooth / flatptapagado, extinto
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuressmoothptraspar
- smoothptliso
- iron, steel and other metal industries / ECONOMICSsmoothptliso
- technology and technical regulationsequalize / flatten / smoothptalisar, polir, igualar
- industrial structuresto straighten / to smoothptalisar após pisoamento
- land transport / TRANSPORTto smooth / to regulateptregularizar
- agricultural product / life sciencesgreen peas / garden peas / round seeded pea / Shelling peas / shelling pea / smooth peaptervilhas em vagem
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssmoothnessptlisura, alisamento
- chemical compound / industrial structurespolished roll / polished forming roller / smooth roll / smooth forming rollerptcilindro polido, rolo formador polido, cilindro liso, rolo formador liso
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – smoothing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-14 02:00:35]. Disponível em
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