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Present participle do verbo spur
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineeringbranch line / spurptlinha em derivação
- spur / single feederptlinha em antena
- natural and applied sciencesspurptespigão
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksspurptramal, desvio
- medical sciencespurptesporão
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresspurptlanceta, riscador
- mechanical engineering / land transportstraight spur gear / straight-tooth spur gear / spur wheel / spur gear / straight-cut gearptroda cilíndrica de dentado reto, roda cilíndrica com dentes direitos
- building and public works / transport policy / degradation of the environmentgroyne / wing dam / spur dikeptesporão, barragem de correção torrencial
- energy policy / ENERGYspur route / spur lineptramal
- building and public workstree spur / anchored tree protectionptespigão de árvores ancoradas
- electronics and electrical engineeringspur lineptlinha derivada
- land transport / TRANSPORTspur postptguarda-rodas
- mechanical engineeringparallel helical gears / spur gears / spur gears / parallel gears / parallel-axis gears / parallel-axes gearsptengrenagem cilíndrica, engrenagem de eixos paralelos
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTterminal track / spur track / stub trackptlinha de topo
- mechanical engineeringspur guard / foot protector / protectorptavental de proteção
- life sciencesmountain spur / offshoot / spur ridgeptcontraforte
- mechanical engineeringspur gears / helical gears / cylindrical gearsptengrenagem cilíndrica
- crop productionrenewal spurptfiador, estalão, esporão, torno, talicão, polegar, espera, talão
- building and public workshanging bushing / floating spur / tree groin / hanging spurptespigão flutuante
- building and public worksspur offtake / direct outletpttomada de água direta
- mechanical engineeringplain gearing / spur gearingptengrenagem reta, engrenagem dentada reta
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksspur terraceptterraço esporão
- electronics and electrical engineeringspur networkptrede em antena
- building and public worksinclined spurptespigão oblíquo
- mechanical engineeringspur gear pairptengrenagem paralela de dentado direito
- building and public worksdrum-head spurptespigão de ponta cilíndrica
- wildlifespur-wing goose / spur-winged goose / plectropterus gambienseptjanda, ganso-da-gâmbia, java, pato-ferrão
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksspur gear drivepttransmissão por engrenagem cilíndrica
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksspur gear guardptprotetor de engrenagem cilíndrica
- mechanical engineeringspur gear systemptpinhão cilíndrico, carreto cilíndrico
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksright-angle spurptespigão perpendicular
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESreplacement spursptramos de regeneração
- mechanical engineeringparallel helical gear / twisted spur gearptroda helicoidal de engrenagem paralela
- wildlifespur-winged ploverptabibe-esporado
- wildlifespur-winged ploverptabibe-esporado
- wildlife / life sciencesspur-thighed mediterranean tortoise / spur-thighed common or Greek tortoise / spur-thighed tortoisepttartaruga-grega
- mechanical engineeringcurved-teeth spur gearptroda cilíndrica de dentes curvos
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringspur or helical gear cutter / spur or helical gear hobptfresa para rodas cilíndricas direitas
- mechanical engineeringplanetary reducer / spur type planetary gears / spur type planetary gearing / cylindrical planetary gears / spur-type planetary reducer / spur type planetary gearptengrenagem planetária cilíndrica
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESlow spur and spur trainingptcondução por estaca e vara
- cultivation techniquesrod ( cane ) and spur pruningptpoda de vara, poda de talão, poda mista
- mechanical engineeringstraight spur gear differentialptdiferencial de pinhões retos
- mechanical engineeringvirtual spur gear of bevel gearptroda cilíndrica equivalente da roda cónica
- wildlifespur-tailed mediterranean tortoisepttartaruga-de-hermann
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – spurring no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-11 12:11:11]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineeringbranch line / spurptlinha em derivação
- spur / single feederptlinha em antena
- natural and applied sciencesspurptespigão
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksspurptramal, desvio
- medical sciencespurptesporão
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresspurptlanceta, riscador
- mechanical engineering / land transportstraight spur gear / straight-tooth spur gear / spur wheel / spur gear / straight-cut gearptroda cilíndrica de dentado reto, roda cilíndrica com dentes direitos
- building and public works / transport policy / degradation of the environmentgroyne / wing dam / spur dikeptesporão, barragem de correção torrencial
- energy policy / ENERGYspur route / spur lineptramal
- building and public workstree spur / anchored tree protectionptespigão de árvores ancoradas
- electronics and electrical engineeringspur lineptlinha derivada
- land transport / TRANSPORTspur postptguarda-rodas
- mechanical engineeringparallel helical gears / spur gears / spur gears / parallel gears / parallel-axis gears / parallel-axes gearsptengrenagem cilíndrica, engrenagem de eixos paralelos
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTterminal track / spur track / stub trackptlinha de topo
- mechanical engineeringspur guard / foot protector / protectorptavental de proteção
- life sciencesmountain spur / offshoot / spur ridgeptcontraforte
- mechanical engineeringspur gears / helical gears / cylindrical gearsptengrenagem cilíndrica
- crop productionrenewal spurptfiador, estalão, esporão, torno, talicão, polegar, espera, talão
- building and public workshanging bushing / floating spur / tree groin / hanging spurptespigão flutuante
- building and public worksspur offtake / direct outletpttomada de água direta
- mechanical engineeringplain gearing / spur gearingptengrenagem reta, engrenagem dentada reta
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksspur terraceptterraço esporão
- electronics and electrical engineeringspur networkptrede em antena
- building and public worksinclined spurptespigão oblíquo
- mechanical engineeringspur gear pairptengrenagem paralela de dentado direito
- building and public worksdrum-head spurptespigão de ponta cilíndrica
- wildlifespur-wing goose / spur-winged goose / plectropterus gambienseptjanda, ganso-da-gâmbia, java, pato-ferrão
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksspur gear drivepttransmissão por engrenagem cilíndrica
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksspur gear guardptprotetor de engrenagem cilíndrica
- mechanical engineeringspur gear systemptpinhão cilíndrico, carreto cilíndrico
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksright-angle spurptespigão perpendicular
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESreplacement spursptramos de regeneração
- mechanical engineeringparallel helical gear / twisted spur gearptroda helicoidal de engrenagem paralela
- wildlifespur-winged ploverptabibe-esporado
- wildlifespur-winged ploverptabibe-esporado
- wildlife / life sciencesspur-thighed mediterranean tortoise / spur-thighed common or Greek tortoise / spur-thighed tortoisepttartaruga-grega
- mechanical engineeringcurved-teeth spur gearptroda cilíndrica de dentes curvos
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringspur or helical gear cutter / spur or helical gear hobptfresa para rodas cilíndricas direitas
- mechanical engineeringplanetary reducer / spur type planetary gears / spur type planetary gearing / cylindrical planetary gears / spur-type planetary reducer / spur type planetary gearptengrenagem planetária cilíndrica
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESlow spur and spur trainingptcondução por estaca e vara
- cultivation techniquesrod ( cane ) and spur pruningptpoda de vara, poda de talão, poda mista
- mechanical engineeringstraight spur gear differentialptdiferencial de pinhões retos
- mechanical engineeringvirtual spur gear of bevel gearptroda cilíndrica equivalente da roda cónica
- wildlifespur-tailed mediterranean tortoisepttartaruga-de-hermann
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – spurring no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-11 12:11:11]. Disponível em
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