- Língua portuguesa
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- Verbos
timbrado; selado
stamped envelope
sobrescrito selado
stamped paper
papel selado
stamped cover
tampa estampada
stamped metal
metal estampado
stamped plate
chapa ou placa estampada
stamped ore
minério britado
Past participle do verbo stamp
Simple past do verbo stamp
he, she, it
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- materials technology / land transport / TRANSPORTstamped hole / punched holeptorifício embutido
- leisure / communicationsstamped wrapperptestampa com impressão de máquina de franquiar
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesstamp charging / stamped chargingptcalcador do carregamento
- communicationsstamped envelopeptenvelope selado, sobrescrito selado
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingstamped collectorptcoletor estampado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmetallic stamped frameptbanda metálica embutida
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESoffals stamped in ink or hot-brandedptmiudezas marcadas a tinta ou a fogo
- statisticsstandardized technologies assisted mail processing / standardised technologies assisted mail processing / STAMPpttécnicas padrão para processamento assistido por correio
- means of communicationimpress / imprint / stampptrelevar, imprimir em relevo
- communicationsfrank / prepay ( postage ) / stampptfranquiar, selar
- preparation for market / FINANCEstamp / fee stampptselo, estampilha
- means of communicationstamp / markptmarcar
- means of communicationstamp / dieptcunho
- industrial structuresstampptmarcador
- electronics and electrical engineering / coal industrystampptinscrição no invólucro
- AGRI-FOODSTUFFSstampptselo, estampilha
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdie forging / drop forging / stamping / cutting outptmatrizagem, matriçagem, estampagem
- communicationsfranking / stamping / prepayment ( of postage ) / 2. postageptfranquia
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresstamping / acid badging / stamp etchingpttimbragem a ácido
- industrial structuresto stamppttimbrar
- means of communicationstampingptcarimbagem
- migration / technologyembossing stamp / dry seal / dry stamp / embossed stampptselo branco
- documentationink stamp / wet sealptcarimbo
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresink stampptcarimbo
- EUROPEAN UNIONink stampptcarimbo a tinta, carimbo a tinta de óleo, carimbo a óleo
- means of communicationdie-stampptbalancé
- building and public works / industrial structuresram stampptpunção
- LAWstamp(ed)ptaposição de um carimbo
- documentation / communications systems / means of communication / information technology and data processingtimestamp / time stamp / time-stampptcarimbo temporal, selo temporal, marca temporal
- migrationexit stampptcarimbo de saída
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringdrop hammer / drop stampptmartelo de queda livre
- insurancesyndicate stamp / line stampptcarimbo de referência
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdrop forge / stamp shopptforjaria em matrizes
- leisure / communicationsdate-stampptcarimbo datador, marca de dia
- migration / European Unionentry stampptcarimbo de entrada
- FINANCEassay stamp / assayer's stampptcontraste, marca
- TRADE / FINANCE / taxationstrip stamp / excise stampptselo fiscal
- materials technology / industrial structuresrubber brand / rubber die / rubber stampptmatriz de borracha, cunho de borracha
- industrial structuresstamp rubber / stereotype rubberptborracha para carimbos
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / FINANCEexcise stamp / banderoleptselo fiscal
- land transport / TRANSPORTparcel stampptetiqueta de pagamento de taxas especiais
- communicationscommon stampptselo comum
- mechanical engineeringstamping dieptmatriz para estampagem
- preparation for market / materials technologyquality label / quality mark / quality stampptselo de garantia
- chemical compoundstamping foil / foil for markingptimpressão
- preparation for markettrading stampptvale de bónus
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – stamped no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-17 11:33:52]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- materials technology / land transport / TRANSPORTstamped hole / punched holeptorifício embutido
- leisure / communicationsstamped wrapperptestampa com impressão de máquina de franquiar
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesstamp charging / stamped chargingptcalcador do carregamento
- communicationsstamped envelopeptenvelope selado, sobrescrito selado
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingstamped collectorptcoletor estampado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesmetallic stamped frameptbanda metálica embutida
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESoffals stamped in ink or hot-brandedptmiudezas marcadas a tinta ou a fogo
- statisticsstandardized technologies assisted mail processing / standardised technologies assisted mail processing / STAMPpttécnicas padrão para processamento assistido por correio
- means of communicationimpress / imprint / stampptrelevar, imprimir em relevo
- communicationsfrank / prepay ( postage ) / stampptfranquiar, selar
- preparation for market / FINANCEstamp / fee stampptselo, estampilha
- means of communicationstamp / markptmarcar
- means of communicationstamp / dieptcunho
- industrial structuresstampptmarcador
- electronics and electrical engineering / coal industrystampptinscrição no invólucro
- AGRI-FOODSTUFFSstampptselo, estampilha
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdie forging / drop forging / stamping / cutting outptmatrizagem, matriçagem, estampagem
- communicationsfranking / stamping / prepayment ( of postage ) / 2. postageptfranquia
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresstamping / acid badging / stamp etchingpttimbragem a ácido
- industrial structuresto stamppttimbrar
- means of communicationstampingptcarimbagem
- migration / technologyembossing stamp / dry seal / dry stamp / embossed stampptselo branco
- documentationink stamp / wet sealptcarimbo
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresink stampptcarimbo
- EUROPEAN UNIONink stampptcarimbo a tinta, carimbo a tinta de óleo, carimbo a óleo
- means of communicationdie-stampptbalancé
- building and public works / industrial structuresram stampptpunção
- LAWstamp(ed)ptaposição de um carimbo
- documentation / communications systems / means of communication / information technology and data processingtimestamp / time stamp / time-stampptcarimbo temporal, selo temporal, marca temporal
- migrationexit stampptcarimbo de saída
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringdrop hammer / drop stampptmartelo de queda livre
- insurancesyndicate stamp / line stampptcarimbo de referência
- iron, steel and other metal industriesdrop forge / stamp shopptforjaria em matrizes
- leisure / communicationsdate-stampptcarimbo datador, marca de dia
- migration / European Unionentry stampptcarimbo de entrada
- FINANCEassay stamp / assayer's stampptcontraste, marca
- TRADE / FINANCE / taxationstrip stamp / excise stampptselo fiscal
- materials technology / industrial structuresrubber brand / rubber die / rubber stampptmatriz de borracha, cunho de borracha
- industrial structuresstamp rubber / stereotype rubberptborracha para carimbos
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / FINANCEexcise stamp / banderoleptselo fiscal
- land transport / TRANSPORTparcel stampptetiqueta de pagamento de taxas especiais
- communicationscommon stampptselo comum
- mechanical engineeringstamping dieptmatriz para estampagem
- preparation for market / materials technologyquality label / quality mark / quality stampptselo de garantia
- chemical compoundstamping foil / foil for markingptimpressão
- preparation for markettrading stampptvale de bónus
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – stamped no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-17 11:33:52]. Disponível em
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