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Present participle do verbo tax
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- international tax lawtaxing right / power to tax / right to tax / power of taxation / right of taxationptdireito de tributação, direito de tributar, poder de tributar, poder de tributação
- FINANCE / taxationtaxation of savings / taxing savingsptfiscalidade da poupança
- United Nations / FINANCE / ECONOMICS / taxationtax capacity / ability to pay tax / taxable capacity / capacity to pay / fiscal capacity / taxpaying ability / taxpaying power / taxpaying capacity / taxing capacity / taxation capacityptcapacidade contributiva
- taxationmethod of taxing / taxation methodptmodalidade de tributação
- taxationtaxing machineryptmáquina fiscal
- taxationexclusive taxing powerptcompetência fiscal exclusiva
- ENVIRONMENTtaxptimpostos, imposto
- accountingtaxesptimpostos
- ENVIRONMENT / taxationCO2 tax / carbon dioxide tax / carbon charge / carbon taxpttaxa sobre o CO2, taxa sobre o carbono
- taxationtax gapptdiferencial de tributação, desvio fiscal, hiato fiscal
- LAW / FINANCE / taxationtax law / tax legislation / fiscal lawptlegislação fiscal, direito fiscal
- FINANCEwar tax / defence taxptimposto militar, imposto especial para financiamento de medidas militares de defesa
- LAW / taxationtax lawptlegislação fiscal
- FINANCEtax aidptauxílio fiscal
- FINANCEfat taxptimposto sobre alimentos hipercalóricos
- taxationbasic taxable amount / taxable base / taxable amount / tax baseptvalor tributável, base de tributação, matéria coletável
- taxationtax loss / loss of tax revenue / revenue lossptperda de receita fiscal
- taxationfiscal year / tax year / year of assessmentptano fiscal
- taxationproperty tax / land taxptimposto sobre imóveis, imposto fundiário
- ENVIRONMENT / taxationtax swap / tax shiftptreorientação da fiscalidade
- fiscal policytax base / tax assessment baseptbase tributável
- taxation / accountingtax rate / rate of taxpttaxa de tributação, taxa do imposto
- FINANCEtax bondptativo por imposto, garantia fiscal, ativo fiscal
- taxationexit taxptimposto à saída
- LAW / FINANCE / taxation / accountingtax lossptperda fiscal, prejuízo fiscal
- taxationpoll tax / capitation tax / head taxptimposto de capitação
- FINANCEfree of tax / tax freeptisento de imposto
- ECONOMICSsale tax / purchase taxpttaxação dos preços
- civil law / taxationtax lienptpenhora fiscal, execução fiscal
- taxationtax cutsptdesagravamento fiscal
- accountingtax baseptBase fiscal
- FINANCEwage taxptimposto sobre os salários
- FINANCEcoal taxptimposto sobre a extração de carvão
- taxationgift taxptimposto sobre doações
- land transport / TRANSPORTroad taxpttaxa rodoviária
- LAW / FINANCEtax costptcusto fiscal
- LAW / FINANCEtax biasptdesvio fiscal
- FINANCEland taxptcontribuição sobre prédios rústicos
- taxationtax increase / tax riseptaumento dos impostos, agravamento fiscal
- FINANCE / taxationtax debtptdívida fiscal
- taxationtax wedge / labour tax wedge / tax wedge on labour / tax wedge on labour costsptcarga fiscal sobre o trabalho, cunha fiscal sobre o trabalho, cunha fiscal
- taxation / ENVIRONMENTenvironmental tax / ecotax / green taxptfiscalidade ecológica
- taxation / tax offencetax evasion / tax fraud / fiscal fraudptfraude fiscal, evasão fiscal
- taxationfiscal paradise / secrecy jurisdiction / tax havenptparaíso fiscal, jurisdição com segredo bancário
- trade policy / taxationsales tax / turnover tax / TTptimposto sobre o volume de negócios
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – taxing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-02 13:31:54]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- international tax lawtaxing right / power to tax / right to tax / power of taxation / right of taxationptdireito de tributação, direito de tributar, poder de tributar, poder de tributação
- FINANCE / taxationtaxation of savings / taxing savingsptfiscalidade da poupança
- United Nations / FINANCE / ECONOMICS / taxationtax capacity / ability to pay tax / taxable capacity / capacity to pay / fiscal capacity / taxpaying ability / taxpaying power / taxpaying capacity / taxing capacity / taxation capacityptcapacidade contributiva
- taxationmethod of taxing / taxation methodptmodalidade de tributação
- taxationtaxing machineryptmáquina fiscal
- taxationexclusive taxing powerptcompetência fiscal exclusiva
- ENVIRONMENTtaxptimpostos, imposto
- accountingtaxesptimpostos
- ENVIRONMENT / taxationCO2 tax / carbon dioxide tax / carbon charge / carbon taxpttaxa sobre o CO2, taxa sobre o carbono
- taxationtax gapptdiferencial de tributação, desvio fiscal, hiato fiscal
- LAW / FINANCE / taxationtax law / tax legislation / fiscal lawptlegislação fiscal, direito fiscal
- FINANCEwar tax / defence taxptimposto militar, imposto especial para financiamento de medidas militares de defesa
- LAW / taxationtax lawptlegislação fiscal
- FINANCEtax aidptauxílio fiscal
- FINANCEfat taxptimposto sobre alimentos hipercalóricos
- taxationbasic taxable amount / taxable base / taxable amount / tax baseptvalor tributável, base de tributação, matéria coletável
- taxationtax loss / loss of tax revenue / revenue lossptperda de receita fiscal
- taxationfiscal year / tax year / year of assessmentptano fiscal
- taxationproperty tax / land taxptimposto sobre imóveis, imposto fundiário
- ENVIRONMENT / taxationtax swap / tax shiftptreorientação da fiscalidade
- fiscal policytax base / tax assessment baseptbase tributável
- taxation / accountingtax rate / rate of taxpttaxa de tributação, taxa do imposto
- FINANCEtax bondptativo por imposto, garantia fiscal, ativo fiscal
- taxationexit taxptimposto à saída
- LAW / FINANCE / taxation / accountingtax lossptperda fiscal, prejuízo fiscal
- taxationpoll tax / capitation tax / head taxptimposto de capitação
- FINANCEfree of tax / tax freeptisento de imposto
- ECONOMICSsale tax / purchase taxpttaxação dos preços
- civil law / taxationtax lienptpenhora fiscal, execução fiscal
- taxationtax cutsptdesagravamento fiscal
- accountingtax baseptBase fiscal
- FINANCEwage taxptimposto sobre os salários
- FINANCEcoal taxptimposto sobre a extração de carvão
- taxationgift taxptimposto sobre doações
- land transport / TRANSPORTroad taxpttaxa rodoviária
- LAW / FINANCEtax costptcusto fiscal
- LAW / FINANCEtax biasptdesvio fiscal
- FINANCEland taxptcontribuição sobre prédios rústicos
- taxationtax increase / tax riseptaumento dos impostos, agravamento fiscal
- FINANCE / taxationtax debtptdívida fiscal
- taxationtax wedge / labour tax wedge / tax wedge on labour / tax wedge on labour costsptcarga fiscal sobre o trabalho, cunha fiscal sobre o trabalho, cunha fiscal
- taxation / ENVIRONMENTenvironmental tax / ecotax / green taxptfiscalidade ecológica
- taxation / tax offencetax evasion / tax fraud / fiscal fraudptfraude fiscal, evasão fiscal
- taxationfiscal paradise / secrecy jurisdiction / tax havenptparaíso fiscal, jurisdição com segredo bancário
- trade policy / taxationsales tax / turnover tax / TTptimposto sobre o volume de negócios
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – taxing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-02 13:31:54]. Disponível em
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