- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
deslocamento lateral
ato de passar em revista (assuntos, problemas, etc.)
ato de colocar em pontaria (canhão)
torneamento cilíndrico
DIREITO contestação
Present participle do verbo traverse
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structurestraversingptdeslocação de vaivém
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemical compound / life sciences / technology and technical regulationstraversingpttorneamento cilíndrico
- industrial structurestraversing strokeptcurso de vaivém
- chemical compoundtraversing carriageptguia fios com inversão
- mechanical engineeringcrab traversing motionptdeslocamento lateral do guindaste
- mechanical engineeringtable traverse screw / table traversing screwptfuro da mesa, furo de deslocamento da mesa
- industrial structurestraversing thread guideptguia-fio de vaivém
- mechanical engineeringsaddle feed screw / saddle traverse screw / tool head feed screw / tool head traversing screw / slide feed screw / feed screwptfuso de comando da corrediça
- chemical compoundtraversing carriage machine / lathe-type machineptmáquina de guia fios com inversão
- electronics and electrical engineeringcrossing / duct / traversepttravessia
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationstraverseptcurso do guia-fios
- land transport / TRANSPORTtraverseptpercurso do terreno
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationstraverseptencaminhamento poligonal
- land transporttransfer table / traverserptplataforma de transferência
- life sciencesto traverseptlevantamento do solo
- life sciencestraverse leg / traverse sideptcorte de uma poligonal
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / natural and applied sciencestraverse rowptfila transversal
- natural and applied sciencestraverse netptrede de poligonação
- life sciencesopen-end traverse / open traverseptpoligonal aberta
- life sciencesmain traverse / principal traverseptpoligonal principal
- mechanical engineeringfast traverse / quick travel / fast travel / rapid movement / rapid traverseptdeslocamento rápido, marcha rápida
- earth scienceswake traverseptvalor transversal da esteira
- industrial structurespattern wheel / traverse wheel / dawson wheelpttambor de debuxo, roda de debuxo
- chemical compoundupper traverse / upper cross head / upper yokeptcabeça superior fixa
- chemical compoundlower cross head / lower yoke / lower traverseptcabeça inferior de prensa
- industrial structurestraverse pointptbico da barra cruzadora
- life sciencestraverse pointptponto da poligonação
- mechanical engineeringrapid traverseptmovimento rápido
- mechanical engineeringcross motion / cross traverse / transverse movement / transverse motion / cross movementptmovimento transversal
- mechanical engineeringtable traverse / table movement / table travelptmovimento da mesa, rotação da mesa, translação da mesa
- chemical compoundpull-back traverse / opening traverse / return traverseptretorno transversal
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationstriple traversepttrajetória com duas reflexões
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationsdouble traversepttrajetória com reflexão
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationssingle traversepttrajetória simples
- life sciencesclosed traverseptpoligonal fechada
- land transport / TRANSPORTtraverse flyingptvoo transversal
- life sciencesprecise traverseptpoligonal de precisão
- life sciencescompass traverseptpoligonal à bússola
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStraverse sprayerptatomizador transversal
- coal industry / life sciencescompass traverseptpoligonação da bússola
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsconstant traverseptcurso constante
- life sciencestraverse net planptesquema de poligonação
- coal industry / earth sciencesmain traverse netptpoligonação principal
- industrial structuresdisplaced traverseptcurso desfasado
- life sciencessecondary traverseptpoligonal secundária
- life sciencesauxiliary traverseptpoligonal auxiliar
- coal industry / life sciencessecondary traverseptpoligonação secundária
- coal industry / life sciencestemporary traverseptpoligonal temporária
- life sciencesconnecting traverse / traverse tied at both endsptligação de poligonais
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – traversing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-08 23:13:57]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structurestraversingptdeslocação de vaivém
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / chemical compound / life sciences / technology and technical regulationstraversingpttorneamento cilíndrico
- industrial structurestraversing strokeptcurso de vaivém
- chemical compoundtraversing carriageptguia fios com inversão
- mechanical engineeringcrab traversing motionptdeslocamento lateral do guindaste
- mechanical engineeringtable traverse screw / table traversing screwptfuro da mesa, furo de deslocamento da mesa
- industrial structurestraversing thread guideptguia-fio de vaivém
- mechanical engineeringsaddle feed screw / saddle traverse screw / tool head feed screw / tool head traversing screw / slide feed screw / feed screwptfuso de comando da corrediça
- chemical compoundtraversing carriage machine / lathe-type machineptmáquina de guia fios com inversão
- electronics and electrical engineeringcrossing / duct / traversepttravessia
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationstraverseptcurso do guia-fios
- land transport / TRANSPORTtraverseptpercurso do terreno
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationstraverseptencaminhamento poligonal
- land transporttransfer table / traverserptplataforma de transferência
- life sciencesto traverseptlevantamento do solo
- life sciencestraverse leg / traverse sideptcorte de uma poligonal
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / natural and applied sciencestraverse rowptfila transversal
- natural and applied sciencestraverse netptrede de poligonação
- life sciencesopen-end traverse / open traverseptpoligonal aberta
- life sciencesmain traverse / principal traverseptpoligonal principal
- mechanical engineeringfast traverse / quick travel / fast travel / rapid movement / rapid traverseptdeslocamento rápido, marcha rápida
- earth scienceswake traverseptvalor transversal da esteira
- industrial structurespattern wheel / traverse wheel / dawson wheelpttambor de debuxo, roda de debuxo
- chemical compoundupper traverse / upper cross head / upper yokeptcabeça superior fixa
- chemical compoundlower cross head / lower yoke / lower traverseptcabeça inferior de prensa
- industrial structurestraverse pointptbico da barra cruzadora
- life sciencestraverse pointptponto da poligonação
- mechanical engineeringrapid traverseptmovimento rápido
- mechanical engineeringcross motion / cross traverse / transverse movement / transverse motion / cross movementptmovimento transversal
- mechanical engineeringtable traverse / table movement / table travelptmovimento da mesa, rotação da mesa, translação da mesa
- chemical compoundpull-back traverse / opening traverse / return traverseptretorno transversal
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationstriple traversepttrajetória com duas reflexões
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationsdouble traversepttrajetória com reflexão
- earth sciences / technology and technical regulationssingle traversepttrajetória simples
- life sciencesclosed traverseptpoligonal fechada
- land transport / TRANSPORTtraverse flyingptvoo transversal
- life sciencesprecise traverseptpoligonal de precisão
- life sciencescompass traverseptpoligonal à bússola
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStraverse sprayerptatomizador transversal
- coal industry / life sciencescompass traverseptpoligonação da bússola
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsconstant traverseptcurso constante
- life sciencestraverse net planptesquema de poligonação
- coal industry / earth sciencesmain traverse netptpoligonação principal
- industrial structuresdisplaced traverseptcurso desfasado
- life sciencessecondary traverseptpoligonal secundária
- life sciencesauxiliary traverseptpoligonal auxiliar
- coal industry / life sciencessecondary traverseptpoligonação secundária
- coal industry / life sciencestemporary traverseptpoligonal temporária
- life sciencesconnecting traverse / traverse tied at both endsptligação de poligonais
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – traversing no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-08 23:13:57]. Disponível em
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