- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
LINGUÍSTICA (consoante) sonoro
de voz rude
de voz suave
Past participle do verbo voice
Simple past do verbo voice
he, she, it
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- communicationsvoice PBX / telephone PBX / voice-only PBXptPBX telefónico
- air transportvoice-automatic terminal information service / Voice-ATISptserviço automático de informação terminal por voz
- film industryvoice-overptvoz-off
- translationvoice-overptvoz sobreposta
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice calling / voice callptcomunicação com altifalante
- communications systems / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsvoice mailptcorreio vocal
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice pathptcanal
- leisure / information technology and data processingvoice chess / spoken chessptxadrez falado
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice group / VGptgrupo de canais de voz
- information technology and data processingvoice printptidentificação pela voz
- communicationsvoice gradeptde qualidade telefónica
- information technology and data processingvoice profile / voice printptperfil vocal
- communicationsvoice pagingptchamada verbal
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice signalptsinal vocal
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice pagingptprocura de pessoas por altifalante
- communications systemsInternet telephony / IP telephony / voice over IP / VoIP / voice over internet protocolptVoz por Protocolo Internet, voz sobre IP, telefonia Internet, telefonia IP, VoIP
- communications systemsVC / voice channel / speech channelptcanal de conversação
- communicationstelephone channel / voice channel / telephony channelptcanal telefónico
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice qualityptqualidade da voz
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice trafficpttráfego de voz
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice circuitptcircuito de voz
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice mailboxptcaixa de correio vocal
- criminal law / information technology and data processingvoice phishing / VoIP phishing / vishingptciberiscagem por telefone, ciberiscagem por voz
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingvoice encoding / speech codingptcodificação de sinais vocais
- communicationsVMB / voice mail boxptcaixa de correio de voz
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingspeech decoding / voice decodingptdescodificação de palavra
- communications / information technology and data processingradio receiver / voice receiverptrecetor de voz
- artificial intelligence / information technology and data processingvirtual personal assistant / VPA / voice assistantptassistente de voz, assistente vocal
- communications systemsDAV / data above voice / DOV / data over voiceptdados acima da banda telefónica
- communications / communications policyvoice frequency / telephone frequencyptfrequência de voz, frequência telefónica, frequência vocal
- earth sciences / land transport / TRANSPORTvoice simulator / artificial voiceptvoz artificial
- mechanical engineering / communications / information technology and data processingvoice telephonyptserviço de telefonia vocal
- communicationsvoice-activatedptativado por voz
- communicationsvoice bandwidthptlargura de banda de voz, largura de banda vocal
- communicationsvoice telephonypttelefonia vocal
- communicationsvoice telephonypttelefonia vocal
- communications / communications systems / information technology and data processingdata under voice / DUVptdados abaixo da banda telefónica
- communicationsvoice I-F module / voice intermediate frequency moduleptmódulo de voz com frequência intermédia
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice activationptacionamento pela voz
- communications systems / information technology and data processing / research policyvoice recognition / speech to text / speech recognition / SRptreconhecimento de fala, reconhecimento de voz
- communicationsvoice compressionptvoz comprimida
- communications / information technology and data processingvoice transmitterpttransmissor de voz
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – voiced no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-10 07:18:27]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- communicationsvoice PBX / telephone PBX / voice-only PBXptPBX telefónico
- air transportvoice-automatic terminal information service / Voice-ATISptserviço automático de informação terminal por voz
- film industryvoice-overptvoz-off
- translationvoice-overptvoz sobreposta
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice calling / voice callptcomunicação com altifalante
- communications systems / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsvoice mailptcorreio vocal
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice pathptcanal
- leisure / information technology and data processingvoice chess / spoken chessptxadrez falado
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice group / VGptgrupo de canais de voz
- information technology and data processingvoice printptidentificação pela voz
- communicationsvoice gradeptde qualidade telefónica
- information technology and data processingvoice profile / voice printptperfil vocal
- communicationsvoice pagingptchamada verbal
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice signalptsinal vocal
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice pagingptprocura de pessoas por altifalante
- communications systemsInternet telephony / IP telephony / voice over IP / VoIP / voice over internet protocolptVoz por Protocolo Internet, voz sobre IP, telefonia Internet, telefonia IP, VoIP
- communications systemsVC / voice channel / speech channelptcanal de conversação
- communicationstelephone channel / voice channel / telephony channelptcanal telefónico
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice qualityptqualidade da voz
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice trafficpttráfego de voz
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice circuitptcircuito de voz
- communications policy / information technology and data processingvoice mailboxptcaixa de correio vocal
- criminal law / information technology and data processingvoice phishing / VoIP phishing / vishingptciberiscagem por telefone, ciberiscagem por voz
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingvoice encoding / speech codingptcodificação de sinais vocais
- communicationsVMB / voice mail boxptcaixa de correio de voz
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingspeech decoding / voice decodingptdescodificação de palavra
- communications / information technology and data processingradio receiver / voice receiverptrecetor de voz
- artificial intelligence / information technology and data processingvirtual personal assistant / VPA / voice assistantptassistente de voz, assistente vocal
- communications systemsDAV / data above voice / DOV / data over voiceptdados acima da banda telefónica
- communications / communications policyvoice frequency / telephone frequencyptfrequência de voz, frequência telefónica, frequência vocal
- earth sciences / land transport / TRANSPORTvoice simulator / artificial voiceptvoz artificial
- mechanical engineering / communications / information technology and data processingvoice telephonyptserviço de telefonia vocal
- communicationsvoice-activatedptativado por voz
- communicationsvoice bandwidthptlargura de banda de voz, largura de banda vocal
- communicationsvoice telephonypttelefonia vocal
- communicationsvoice telephonypttelefonia vocal
- communications / communications systems / information technology and data processingdata under voice / DUVptdados abaixo da banda telefónica
- communicationsvoice I-F module / voice intermediate frequency moduleptmódulo de voz com frequência intermédia
- electronics and electrical engineeringvoice activationptacionamento pela voz
- communications systems / information technology and data processing / research policyvoice recognition / speech to text / speech recognition / SRptreconhecimento de fala, reconhecimento de voz
- communicationsvoice compressionptvoz comprimida
- communications / information technology and data processingvoice transmitterpttransmissor de voz
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – voiced no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-10 07:18:27]. Disponível em
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