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Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingautómato / robôdeRoboter
- information technology and data processingrobô digital / robôdeBot
- information technology and data processingrobô cegodeblinder Roboter
- land transport / TRANSPORTtrem robôdedenkender Zug
- industrial manufacturing / information technology and data processingrobô móveldeortsbeweglicher Roboter
- medical sciencerobô médicodemedizinischer Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô pórticodePortalroboter, Portalindustrieroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô modulardeRoboter in Baukastenbauweise
- information technology and data processingrobô evoluído / robô avançadodemoderner Roboter, fortgeschrittener Roboter, fortschrittlicher Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô autónomodeautonomer Roboter
- computer systems / space transportrobô espacialdeWeltraumroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de cargadeLastheber
- military equipmentSALA / sistema de armas letais autónomo / robô assassinodeKampfroboter, LAWS, Killer-Roboter, letales autonomes Waffensystem
- health / information technology industryrobô cirúrgico / sistema cirúrgico robóticodeOperationsroboter, Chirurgieroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô humanoidedehumanoider Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô retilíneodeLineareinheit
- information technology and data processingrobô locomotordeschreitfähiger Roboter
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingrobô submarinodeUnterwasserroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô automotordeselbstbeweglicher Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô universaldeUniversalroboter, Roboter in Kompaktbauweise
- information technology and data processingrobô giratóriodeDreheinheit
- mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingrobô industrialdeIndustrieroboter
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHrobô de consumodeServiceroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô reversíveldeUmkehrroboter, reversibler Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô rastejantedekriechender Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô hidráulicodeHydraulikroboter
- mechanical engineeringrobô articuladodeGelenkroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de pesquisa / batedordeWebcrawler
- information technology and data processingrobô interligadodevernetzter Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de projeçãodeSpritzlackierroboter
- information technology and data processingcontrolo do robôdeSteuerung
- information technology and data processingrobô programáveldeprogrammierbarer Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô escravizadodeflexibel programmierbarer Manipulator, servogesteuerter Roboter
- industrial robot / INDUSTRY / technologyrobô colaborativo / cobotdekollaborativer Roboter, zusammenarbeitender Roboter, Cobot, kollaborierender Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô alto de gamadeHochleistungsroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de polimentodePolierroboter
- communications / information technology and data processingrobô semiautónomodehalbautonomer Roboter
- public health / automationrobô de desinfeçãodeDesinfektionsroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de manutençãodeReparaturroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de posto fixodefest installierter Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô ponto a pontodePunktsteuerungsroboter
- INDUSTRY / information technology and data processingrobô de manutençãodeHandhaberoboter
- software / communications systemsrobô de conversaçãodeBot, Chatbot, Chatterbot
- information technology and data processingrobô antropomórficodeanthropomorpher Manipulator, anthropomorpher Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de encolamentodeKleberoboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de intervençãodeTelemanipulator
- information technology and data processingrobô móvel autónomodemobiler autonomer Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô em ciclo abertodeRoboter mit offener Schleife
- information technology and data processingrobô de rebarbamentodeRoboter für das Entgraten und Putzen von Gussstücken, Gussputzmanipulator
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – robô no Dicionário infopédia Português - Alemão [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-14 01:24:12]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingautómato / robôdeRoboter
- information technology and data processingrobô digital / robôdeBot
- information technology and data processingrobô cegodeblinder Roboter
- land transport / TRANSPORTtrem robôdedenkender Zug
- industrial manufacturing / information technology and data processingrobô móveldeortsbeweglicher Roboter
- medical sciencerobô médicodemedizinischer Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô pórticodePortalroboter, Portalindustrieroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô modulardeRoboter in Baukastenbauweise
- information technology and data processingrobô evoluído / robô avançadodemoderner Roboter, fortgeschrittener Roboter, fortschrittlicher Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô autónomodeautonomer Roboter
- computer systems / space transportrobô espacialdeWeltraumroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de cargadeLastheber
- military equipmentSALA / sistema de armas letais autónomo / robô assassinodeKampfroboter, LAWS, Killer-Roboter, letales autonomes Waffensystem
- health / information technology industryrobô cirúrgico / sistema cirúrgico robóticodeOperationsroboter, Chirurgieroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô humanoidedehumanoider Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô retilíneodeLineareinheit
- information technology and data processingrobô locomotordeschreitfähiger Roboter
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingrobô submarinodeUnterwasserroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô automotordeselbstbeweglicher Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô universaldeUniversalroboter, Roboter in Kompaktbauweise
- information technology and data processingrobô giratóriodeDreheinheit
- mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingrobô industrialdeIndustrieroboter
- PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHrobô de consumodeServiceroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô reversíveldeUmkehrroboter, reversibler Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô rastejantedekriechender Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô hidráulicodeHydraulikroboter
- mechanical engineeringrobô articuladodeGelenkroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de pesquisa / batedordeWebcrawler
- information technology and data processingrobô interligadodevernetzter Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de projeçãodeSpritzlackierroboter
- information technology and data processingcontrolo do robôdeSteuerung
- information technology and data processingrobô programáveldeprogrammierbarer Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô escravizadodeflexibel programmierbarer Manipulator, servogesteuerter Roboter
- industrial robot / INDUSTRY / technologyrobô colaborativo / cobotdekollaborativer Roboter, zusammenarbeitender Roboter, Cobot, kollaborierender Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô alto de gamadeHochleistungsroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de polimentodePolierroboter
- communications / information technology and data processingrobô semiautónomodehalbautonomer Roboter
- public health / automationrobô de desinfeçãodeDesinfektionsroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de manutençãodeReparaturroboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de posto fixodefest installierter Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô ponto a pontodePunktsteuerungsroboter
- INDUSTRY / information technology and data processingrobô de manutençãodeHandhaberoboter
- software / communications systemsrobô de conversaçãodeBot, Chatbot, Chatterbot
- information technology and data processingrobô antropomórficodeanthropomorpher Manipulator, anthropomorpher Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de encolamentodeKleberoboter
- information technology and data processingrobô de intervençãodeTelemanipulator
- information technology and data processingrobô móvel autónomodemobiler autonomer Roboter
- information technology and data processingrobô em ciclo abertodeRoboter mit offener Schleife
- information technology and data processingrobô de rebarbamentodeRoboter für das Entgraten und Putzen von Gussstücken, Gussputzmanipulator
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
- A. I. - Inteligência ArtificialDavid (Haley Joel Osment), um menino-
robô criado pelo professor Allen Hobby (William Hurt). David é - Metropolis...com a cumplicidade de Fredersen, cria um
robô (também interpretado por Brigitte Helm) à imagem de - Frank Lyman Baum...
robô que necessita de um coração. Entre 1914 e 1915, Frank Baum foi diretor da Oz Film Manufacturing
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – robô no Dicionário infopédia Português - Alemão [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-14 01:24:12]. Disponível em
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