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- Língua portuguesa
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Imperativo do verbo chapar
ele, ela, você
eles, elas, vocês
Presente do Conjuntivo do verbo chapar
que eu
que tu
que ele, ela, você
que nós
que vós
que eles, elas, vocês
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structurespainel / placa / chapaenslab
- means of communicationforma / chapaenforme, form
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapaenplate, sheet
- cultural policy / means of communicationchapaenplate
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTchapaensheet iron, sheet plate, steel plate, sheet, steel sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapaencheek, intermediate part
- iron, steel and other metal industries / ECONOMICSchapas / formatosensheets
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa finaenlight-gauge sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa médiaenmedium-gauge sheet
- building and public workschapa muralenwall plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa quartoenquarto plate, reversing mill plate
- INDUSTRYfolha laminada a frio / produto laminado a frio / chapa a frioencold-rolled sheet
- INDUSTRYchapa offsetenoffset plate
- mechanical engineering / industrial structureschapa de açoensteel plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa grossaenheavy-gauge sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industriescortar / cortar sem arranque de apara / cortar chapaencut without stock removal, cut chiplessly, shear
- mechanical engineeringcerra-chapasenholding-down clamp, hold-down, hold-down clamp
- fisheries / maritime and inland waterway transportchapa lateralenmargin plate
- mechanical engineeringchapa suporte / placa suporteensupport plate, bracket
- chemistrychapa teóricaenideal plate, theoretical stage, theoretical plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa redondaenround plate
- materials technologychapa espessaenthick metal plate, heavy plate
- industrial structureschapa de dataendate platform
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTchapa de faceenskin plating, shell skin plate
- mechanical engineeringmola em chapaenflat spring
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESchapa de rasto / chapa de encosto / apoenlandside
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresfolha de vidro / chapa de vidroensheet, piece
- iron, steel and other metal industries / materials technologyfolha ondulada / chapa onduladaencorrugated sheet metal
- industrial structuresferragem / chapa de ferroenplating
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa de fechoenblanking plate, blank, plate
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresperda de chapaenloss of sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa estriadaenchecker plate
- mechanical engineering / building and public workschapa estriadaenchequer plate
- preparation for marketchapa-endereçoenaddress plate
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESchapa de peitoenbreast plate
- mechanical engineeringchapa de uniãoenfish plate
- technical regulations / land transportchapa de apoioenbacking sheet
- land transportchapa de apoioenbacking sheet
- administrative lawchapa de apoioenbed plate, bearing plate
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTchapa flexívelenflexible plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa estriadaenwafer plate, wafered sheet, waffle sheet metal
- iron, steel and other metal industriescorte de chapa / corte / corte sem arranque de aparaencutting without stock removal, chipless cutting, shearing
- building and public workstapete asfáltico / colchão asfáltico / chapa asfáltica / laje asfáltica / tábua asfáltica / painel asfálticoenasphalt mattress, asphalt tile, asphalt mat, asphalt panel, asphalt sheet, asphalt slab, asphalt plank
- building and public workschapa asfáltica / laje asfáltica / tapete asfáltico / colchão asfáltico / tábua asfáltica / painel asfálticoenasphalt plank, asphalt panel, asphalt sheet, asphalt tile, asphalt mat, asphalt mattress
- chemical compound / industrial structuresescantilhão / chapa de pantogravura / chapa de copiarenboard
- industrial structureschapa defletora / defletorentable roll baffle
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringplaca de bornes / chapa de bornesenterminal board
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / maritime and inland waterway transport / mechanical engineeringfiada de chapas / fiada de pranchasenstrake
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – chape no Dicionário infopédia de Português - Inglês [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 00:23:15]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- industrial structurespainel / placa / chapaenslab
- means of communicationforma / chapaenforme, form
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapaenplate, sheet
- cultural policy / means of communicationchapaenplate
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTchapaensheet iron, sheet plate, steel plate, sheet, steel sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapaencheek, intermediate part
- iron, steel and other metal industries / ECONOMICSchapas / formatosensheets
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa finaenlight-gauge sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa médiaenmedium-gauge sheet
- building and public workschapa muralenwall plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa quartoenquarto plate, reversing mill plate
- INDUSTRYfolha laminada a frio / produto laminado a frio / chapa a frioencold-rolled sheet
- INDUSTRYchapa offsetenoffset plate
- mechanical engineering / industrial structureschapa de açoensteel plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa grossaenheavy-gauge sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industriescortar / cortar sem arranque de apara / cortar chapaencut without stock removal, cut chiplessly, shear
- mechanical engineeringcerra-chapasenholding-down clamp, hold-down, hold-down clamp
- fisheries / maritime and inland waterway transportchapa lateralenmargin plate
- mechanical engineeringchapa suporte / placa suporteensupport plate, bracket
- chemistrychapa teóricaenideal plate, theoretical stage, theoretical plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa redondaenround plate
- materials technologychapa espessaenthick metal plate, heavy plate
- industrial structureschapa de dataendate platform
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTchapa de faceenskin plating, shell skin plate
- mechanical engineeringmola em chapaenflat spring
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESchapa de rasto / chapa de encosto / apoenlandside
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresfolha de vidro / chapa de vidroensheet, piece
- iron, steel and other metal industries / materials technologyfolha ondulada / chapa onduladaencorrugated sheet metal
- industrial structuresferragem / chapa de ferroenplating
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa de fechoenblanking plate, blank, plate
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresperda de chapaenloss of sheet
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa estriadaenchecker plate
- mechanical engineering / building and public workschapa estriadaenchequer plate
- preparation for marketchapa-endereçoenaddress plate
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESchapa de peitoenbreast plate
- mechanical engineeringchapa de uniãoenfish plate
- technical regulations / land transportchapa de apoioenbacking sheet
- land transportchapa de apoioenbacking sheet
- administrative lawchapa de apoioenbed plate, bearing plate
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTchapa flexívelenflexible plate
- iron, steel and other metal industrieschapa estriadaenwafer plate, wafered sheet, waffle sheet metal
- iron, steel and other metal industriescorte de chapa / corte / corte sem arranque de aparaencutting without stock removal, chipless cutting, shearing
- building and public workstapete asfáltico / colchão asfáltico / chapa asfáltica / laje asfáltica / tábua asfáltica / painel asfálticoenasphalt mattress, asphalt tile, asphalt mat, asphalt panel, asphalt sheet, asphalt slab, asphalt plank
- building and public workschapa asfáltica / laje asfáltica / tapete asfáltico / colchão asfáltico / tábua asfáltica / painel asfálticoenasphalt plank, asphalt panel, asphalt sheet, asphalt tile, asphalt mat, asphalt mattress
- chemical compound / industrial structuresescantilhão / chapa de pantogravura / chapa de copiarenboard
- industrial structureschapa defletora / defletorentable roll baffle
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringplaca de bornes / chapa de bornesenterminal board
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / maritime and inland waterway transport / mechanical engineeringfiada de chapas / fiada de pranchasenstrake
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – chape no Dicionário infopédia de Português - Inglês [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-10-15 00:23:15]. Disponível em
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