- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos

nome masculino
small coin; brass farthing
coloquial não ter um chavo
to be broke;
to be penniless
coloquial não valer um chavo
not to be worth anything;
not to be worth a brass farthing
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- communications systems / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationssenha / palavra-passe / palavra de senha / chaveenkeyword, password, codeword
- electronics and electrical engineeringchave / botão / alavanca de comandoencontrol lever, key, handle, button
- information technology and data processingindicativo / chaveenkey
- communicationschaveenkey
- electronics and electrical engineeringchaveenkey
- electronics and electrical engineeringchaveenkey
- mechanical engineeringchave / denteenkeyway, shear key
- administrative lawação-chaveenkey action
- mechanical engineering / building and public workschave fixaenflat spanner
- information technology and data processingbyte-chaveenkeybite
- ECONOMICSramo chaveenkey sector
- land transportbyte-chaveenkeybite
- economic structure / monetary relations / monetary economics / FINANCE / ECONOMICSmoeda chave / moeda padrãoenkey currency
- air transportinterruptor principal / interruptor mestre / chave geral / chave mestre / chave principalenmaster switch, main switch
- information technology and data processingcampo chaveenkey field
- communications / communications policychave MorseenMorse key
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceschave geralenmain power control switchgear
- mechanical engineeringchave machoenwrench key, Allen key, key, insertion spanner, key for socket screws, socket screw key, wrench for socketed screws
- medical scienceenzima chaveenkey enzyme
- coal industry / building and public worksparede chaveenkey wall
- administrative law / information technology and data processingchave físicaenphysical key
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceschave mestraenmaster switch
- information technology and data processingdígito-chaveenkey-digit
- financial institutions and credit / communications systems / information technology and data processingchave públicaenpublic key
- cryptographychave privadaenprivate key
- information technology and data processingetiqueta / marcador / palavra-chaveenhashtag
- mechanical engineeringchave de tubos / chave tubular / chave de caixaenbox wrench, box spanner, cap key, socket wrench, socket spanner
- FINANCE / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSpessoal de base / pessoal-chaveenkey personnel
- FINANCE / information technology and data processingchave semente / chave de diversificaçãoenseed key
- mechanical engineeringchave universal / chave inglesaenuniversal key, universal wrench, adjusting wrench
- mechanical engineeringchave inglesaenadjustable wrench, universal spanner, coach wrench, shifting spanner, monkey wrench, shift spanner, adjustable spanner, crescent wrench
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceschave de boiaenfloat switch
- information technology and data processingpalavra-chaveenkeyword
- communications policy / information technology and data processingchave de baseenbasic key
- mechanical engineeringchave inglesaenadjustable wrench
- mechanical engineeringchave marteloenhammering spanner, wrench hammer
- information technology and data processing / intellectual propertypalavra-chaveenkeyword
- information security / communications systems / information technology and data processingchave criptográfica / chave de cifragem / chave de cifra / chave de códigoencryptographic key, cypher key, encryption key
- EU financing / accounting / common agricultural policycontrolo-chaveenkey control
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESprovadeira / torneira de degustação / torneira de prova / chave de provaenwine sampling tube and cock
- mechanical engineeringchave de tubos / chave de grifosencylinder wrench, pipe wrench
- information technology and data processingchave primáriaenprimary key
- life scienceschave auxiliarenwedge attachment
- humanitiespalavras-chaveenprincipal words, catchwords
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – chavo no Dicionário infopédia de Português - Inglês [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-16 01:33:10]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- communications systems / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationssenha / palavra-passe / palavra de senha / chaveenkeyword, password, codeword
- electronics and electrical engineeringchave / botão / alavanca de comandoencontrol lever, key, handle, button
- information technology and data processingindicativo / chaveenkey
- communicationschaveenkey
- electronics and electrical engineeringchaveenkey
- electronics and electrical engineeringchaveenkey
- mechanical engineeringchave / denteenkeyway, shear key
- administrative lawação-chaveenkey action
- mechanical engineering / building and public workschave fixaenflat spanner
- information technology and data processingbyte-chaveenkeybite
- ECONOMICSramo chaveenkey sector
- land transportbyte-chaveenkeybite
- economic structure / monetary relations / monetary economics / FINANCE / ECONOMICSmoeda chave / moeda padrãoenkey currency
- air transportinterruptor principal / interruptor mestre / chave geral / chave mestre / chave principalenmaster switch, main switch
- information technology and data processingcampo chaveenkey field
- communications / communications policychave MorseenMorse key
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceschave geralenmain power control switchgear
- mechanical engineeringchave machoenwrench key, Allen key, key, insertion spanner, key for socket screws, socket screw key, wrench for socketed screws
- medical scienceenzima chaveenkey enzyme
- coal industry / building and public worksparede chaveenkey wall
- administrative law / information technology and data processingchave físicaenphysical key
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceschave mestraenmaster switch
- information technology and data processingdígito-chaveenkey-digit
- financial institutions and credit / communications systems / information technology and data processingchave públicaenpublic key
- cryptographychave privadaenprivate key
- information technology and data processingetiqueta / marcador / palavra-chaveenhashtag
- mechanical engineeringchave de tubos / chave tubular / chave de caixaenbox wrench, box spanner, cap key, socket wrench, socket spanner
- FINANCE / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSpessoal de base / pessoal-chaveenkey personnel
- FINANCE / information technology and data processingchave semente / chave de diversificaçãoenseed key
- mechanical engineeringchave universal / chave inglesaenuniversal key, universal wrench, adjusting wrench
- mechanical engineeringchave inglesaenadjustable wrench, universal spanner, coach wrench, shifting spanner, monkey wrench, shift spanner, adjustable spanner, crescent wrench
- electronics and electrical engineering / earth scienceschave de boiaenfloat switch
- information technology and data processingpalavra-chaveenkeyword
- communications policy / information technology and data processingchave de baseenbasic key
- mechanical engineeringchave inglesaenadjustable wrench
- mechanical engineeringchave marteloenhammering spanner, wrench hammer
- information technology and data processing / intellectual propertypalavra-chaveenkeyword
- information security / communications systems / information technology and data processingchave criptográfica / chave de cifragem / chave de cifra / chave de códigoencryptographic key, cypher key, encryption key
- EU financing / accounting / common agricultural policycontrolo-chaveenkey control
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESprovadeira / torneira de degustação / torneira de prova / chave de provaenwine sampling tube and cock
- mechanical engineeringchave de tubos / chave de grifosencylinder wrench, pipe wrench
- information technology and data processingchave primáriaenprimary key
- life scienceschave auxiliarenwedge attachment
- humanitiespalavras-chaveenprincipal words, catchwords
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – chavo no Dicionário infopédia de Português - Inglês [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-16 01:33:10]. Disponível em
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