- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
nome neutro
genitivo: Papiers
plural: Papiere
papel masculino de transformação de papel passar alguma coisa para papel existir apenas no papel
ein Blatt Papier
uma folha de papel
liniiertes/kariertes Papier
papel pautado/quadriculado
Papier verarbeitend
transformador de papel
etwas zu Papier bringen
anotar alguma coisa
auf dem Papier (be)stehen/existieren
ficar no papel
título masculino, valor masculino
plural documentos masculino, plural
deine Papiere sind (nicht) in Ordnung
os teus documentos (não) estão em ordem
seine Papiere bekommen
coloquial ser despedido
(provérbio) Papier ist geduldig
pode-se escrever muita coisa, mas não quer dizer que seja verdade
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- LAW / FINANCEWertschrift / Valor / Papier / Titel / Wertpapierptvalor, título
- FINANCEZertifikat / Papier / Titel / Scheinpttítulo, certificado
- INDUSTRYPapierptcartolina, papel
- goods and services / ENVIRONMENTPapierptpapel
- European Monetary SystemPapierptpapel
- industrial structuresJapan Papierptpapel Japão
- information technology and data processingNomex Papierptnomex
- industrial structuresduennes Papierptpapel pouco espesso, papel leve
- industrial structuresPapier Handtuchptlenço de limpar as mãos de papel
- industrial structureskariertes Papier / rautiertes Papier / Karopapierptpapel quadriculado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgeprägtes Papier / durch Pressen oder Prägen gemustertes Papierptpapel gravado, papel estampado, papel gofrado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsWasserlinienpapier / geripptes Papierptpapel vergé, papel avergoado, papel faixado
- wood industrygewelltes Papierptpapel canelado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgeklebtes Papierptpapel laminado, papel contracolado
- industrial structuresgefärbtes Papierptpapel de cor, papel colorido
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsmeliertes Papierptpapel da china, papel jaspeado, papel marmoreado, papel mármore
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgeleimtes Papierptpapel colado
- ENVIRONMENTPapier und Pappeptpapel e cartão, de papel e cartão
- industrial structuresgenarbtes Papierptpapel chagrinado
- wood industrynassfestes Papierptpapel resistente em húmido
- industrial structuresmetallisiertes Papier / bedampftes Papier / metallbedampftes Papierptpapel metalizado
- industrial structuresbeflocktes Papier / Velourpapier / veloutiertes Papierptpapel aveludado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgekrepptes Papier / Kreppapierptpapel crespado, papel encrespado
- materials technology / industrial structuresDiphenylpapier / fungizides Papierptpapel difenílico, papel fungicida
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgetränktes Papier / imprägniertes Papierptpapel impregnado
- wood industry / industrial structuresPapier zum Wellenptpapel para canelar
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgegossenes Papierptpapel revestido por cortina, papel revestido à cortina
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsholzfreies Papierptpapel isento de pasta mecânica, papel sem pasta mecânica
- medical sciencegummiertes Papierptpapel gomado
- means of communication / industrial structuresliniiertes Papierptpapel pautado
- INDUSTRYgummiertes Papierptpapel gomado
- means of communication / wastePapier makulierenptseparar papel
- industrial structuresbläuliches Papierptpapel azurado
- INDUSTRYselbstkopierendes Papier / kohlefreies Papier / Selbstkopierpapier / Durchschreibpapier / selbstdurchschreibendes Papier / Vervielfältigungspapierptpapel para autoduplicação, papel autocopiativo
- FINANCEbankfähiges Papier / diskontfähiges Papier / diskontierbares Papierpttítulo bancário descontável no banco de França
- materials technology / industrial structuresaseptisches Papier / antiseptisches Papierptpapel antissético
- materials technologyPapieretikett / Etikett aus Papierptrótulo de papel, etiqueta de papel
- FINANCEPapier mit Stempel / versteuertes Vertragsformularptpapel selado
- wood industry / technology and technical regulationssatiniertes Papierptpapel supercalandrado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssäurefreies Papierptpapel não ácido
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsaschefreies Papierptpapel sem cinzas
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsverstärktes Papierptpapel reforçado, papel telado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsfettdichtes Papierptpapel resistente às gorduras, papel impermeável às gorduras
- materials technology / industrial structuresluftdichtes Papierptpapel estanque ao ar, papel impermeável ao ar
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsungeleimtes Papierptpapel sem cola, papel não colado
- chemical compoundlaminiertes Papierptpapel estratificado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsungeleimtes Papierptpapel não colado, papel sem cola
- wood industryStreichpapier / gestrichenes Papierptpapel couché, papel revestido, papel engomado, papel estucado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsextrudiertes Papier / extrusionsbeschichtetes Papierptpapel revestido por extrusão, papel couché por extrusão
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsrostsicheres Papierptpapel antiferrugem, papel não oxidante
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – Papier no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 14:12:32]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- LAW / FINANCEWertschrift / Valor / Papier / Titel / Wertpapierptvalor, título
- FINANCEZertifikat / Papier / Titel / Scheinpttítulo, certificado
- INDUSTRYPapierptcartolina, papel
- goods and services / ENVIRONMENTPapierptpapel
- European Monetary SystemPapierptpapel
- industrial structuresJapan Papierptpapel Japão
- information technology and data processingNomex Papierptnomex
- industrial structuresduennes Papierptpapel pouco espesso, papel leve
- industrial structuresPapier Handtuchptlenço de limpar as mãos de papel
- industrial structureskariertes Papier / rautiertes Papier / Karopapierptpapel quadriculado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgeprägtes Papier / durch Pressen oder Prägen gemustertes Papierptpapel gravado, papel estampado, papel gofrado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsWasserlinienpapier / geripptes Papierptpapel vergé, papel avergoado, papel faixado
- wood industrygewelltes Papierptpapel canelado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgeklebtes Papierptpapel laminado, papel contracolado
- industrial structuresgefärbtes Papierptpapel de cor, papel colorido
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsmeliertes Papierptpapel da china, papel jaspeado, papel marmoreado, papel mármore
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgeleimtes Papierptpapel colado
- ENVIRONMENTPapier und Pappeptpapel e cartão, de papel e cartão
- industrial structuresgenarbtes Papierptpapel chagrinado
- wood industrynassfestes Papierptpapel resistente em húmido
- industrial structuresmetallisiertes Papier / bedampftes Papier / metallbedampftes Papierptpapel metalizado
- industrial structuresbeflocktes Papier / Velourpapier / veloutiertes Papierptpapel aveludado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgekrepptes Papier / Kreppapierptpapel crespado, papel encrespado
- materials technology / industrial structuresDiphenylpapier / fungizides Papierptpapel difenílico, papel fungicida
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgetränktes Papier / imprägniertes Papierptpapel impregnado
- wood industry / industrial structuresPapier zum Wellenptpapel para canelar
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsgegossenes Papierptpapel revestido por cortina, papel revestido à cortina
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsholzfreies Papierptpapel isento de pasta mecânica, papel sem pasta mecânica
- medical sciencegummiertes Papierptpapel gomado
- means of communication / industrial structuresliniiertes Papierptpapel pautado
- INDUSTRYgummiertes Papierptpapel gomado
- means of communication / wastePapier makulierenptseparar papel
- industrial structuresbläuliches Papierptpapel azurado
- INDUSTRYselbstkopierendes Papier / kohlefreies Papier / Selbstkopierpapier / Durchschreibpapier / selbstdurchschreibendes Papier / Vervielfältigungspapierptpapel para autoduplicação, papel autocopiativo
- FINANCEbankfähiges Papier / diskontfähiges Papier / diskontierbares Papierpttítulo bancário descontável no banco de França
- materials technology / industrial structuresaseptisches Papier / antiseptisches Papierptpapel antissético
- materials technologyPapieretikett / Etikett aus Papierptrótulo de papel, etiqueta de papel
- FINANCEPapier mit Stempel / versteuertes Vertragsformularptpapel selado
- wood industry / technology and technical regulationssatiniertes Papierptpapel supercalandrado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationssäurefreies Papierptpapel não ácido
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsaschefreies Papierptpapel sem cinzas
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsverstärktes Papierptpapel reforçado, papel telado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsfettdichtes Papierptpapel resistente às gorduras, papel impermeável às gorduras
- materials technology / industrial structuresluftdichtes Papierptpapel estanque ao ar, papel impermeável ao ar
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsungeleimtes Papierptpapel sem cola, papel não colado
- chemical compoundlaminiertes Papierptpapel estratificado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsungeleimtes Papierptpapel não colado, papel sem cola
- wood industryStreichpapier / gestrichenes Papierptpapel couché, papel revestido, papel engomado, papel estucado
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsextrudiertes Papier / extrusionsbeschichtetes Papierptpapel revestido por extrusão, papel couché por extrusão
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsrostsicheres Papierptpapel antiferrugem, papel não oxidante
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – Papier no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 14:12:32]. Disponível em
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