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- Verbos
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- information technology and data processingperforatrice / perforateurptperfuradora
- medical scienceperforateurptperfurador
- electronics and electrical engineeringperforateurptperfurador
- information technology and data processingperforateurptperfuradora-recetora
- communications / communications policyclavier perforateur / perforateur à clavierptperfurador de teclado, teclado perfurador
- building and public worksmarteau perforateurptmartelo perfurador
- information technology and data processingperforateur de bande connecté / perforateur de bandeptperfurador de fita
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsperforateur de cartesptperfurador de cartões
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmarteau perforateur lourdptmartelo perfurador pesado
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsperforatrice récapitulative / perforateur récapitulateurptperfuradora de cartões resumo
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmarteau perforateur à mainptmartelo pneumático manual
- communications / communications policyperforateur imprimeur à clavier / clavier perforateur avec impressionptteclado perfurador com impressão, perfurador impressor de teclas
- technology and technical regulations / electronics and electrical engineeringperforateur codeur d'impulsionsptperfurador codificador
- mechanical engineering / land transport / building and public works / ENVIRONMENT / TRANSPORTmarteau pneumatique / marteau à air comprimé / marteau perforateur à air comprimé / marteau-piqueur pneumatique / burin à air compriméptmartelo pneumático
- materials technologymarteau électropneumatique / marteau perforateur électropneumatiqueptmartelo eletropneumático
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmarteau perforateur pneumatique pour perforation en calotteptobturador
- land transport / TRANSPORTtrépan / perforatricepttrépano, barrena
- information technology and data processingperforatriceptperfuradora
- industrial structuresbout perforéptbiqueira perfurada
- trou perforéptperfuração
- information technology and data processingbande perforée / ruban perforé / bande à perforer / bande de papier perforée / ruban perforéptfita a perfurar, fita perfurada, banda perfurada
- healthpanneau perforé / tôle perforéeptpainel perfurado
- chemical compoundécran perforé / plaque-filtreptfiltro, placa perfurada
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationstôle perforée / grilleptgrelha, chapa perfurada
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksrampe d'arrosage / rampe perforéeptbarra de pivôs de aspersão, rampa perfurada de irrigação
- information technology and data processingcarte perforéeptcartão perfurado
- communicationsmasque perforéptmáscara perfurada
- information technology and data processingticket perforéptbilhete perfurado
- industrial structurespapier perforéptpapel perfurado
- cultural policy / industrial structurescarton perforéptcartão perfurado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesplateau à trous / plateau perforé / plateau cribléptdisco perfurado
- information technology and data processingbandes perforées / rubans perforésptfitas perfuradas
- information technology and data processingsupport mécanographique / support perforéptsuporte mecanográfico
- information technology and data processing / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSperforatrice(B) / perforeuseptperfurador
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESmanchon perforépttambor perfurado
- earth sciences / construction and town planningplafond perforéptteto ventilado, teto perfurado
- iron, steel and other metal industrieslouche perforéeptpanela perfurada
- natural and applied sciencesplateau perforéptprato perfurado
- documentation / information technology and data processingcartes perforées / cartes à fenêtreptcartões perfurados
- healthperforation / cloison perforéeptplaca perfurada, perfuração
- electronics and electrical engineeringfeuille perforéeptfolha com orifícios
- documentation / information technology and data processingfiches perforéesptfichas perfuradas, cartões perfurados
- information technology and data processingperforer en sérieptperfurar em série
- building and public worksbriques perforéespttijolos furados
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingbande non perforéeptfita não perfurada
- land transport / TRANSPORTobturateur perforéptobturador perfurado
- INDUSTRYappareil à perforerptfurador, perfurador
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsbande semi-perforéeptfita semiperfurada
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – perforateur no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-13 13:56:28]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- information technology and data processingperforatrice / perforateurptperfuradora
- medical scienceperforateurptperfurador
- electronics and electrical engineeringperforateurptperfurador
- information technology and data processingperforateurptperfuradora-recetora
- communications / communications policyclavier perforateur / perforateur à clavierptperfurador de teclado, teclado perfurador
- building and public worksmarteau perforateurptmartelo perfurador
- information technology and data processingperforateur de bande connecté / perforateur de bandeptperfurador de fita
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsperforateur de cartesptperfurador de cartões
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmarteau perforateur lourdptmartelo perfurador pesado
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsperforatrice récapitulative / perforateur récapitulateurptperfuradora de cartões resumo
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmarteau perforateur à mainptmartelo pneumático manual
- communications / communications policyperforateur imprimeur à clavier / clavier perforateur avec impressionptteclado perfurador com impressão, perfurador impressor de teclas
- technology and technical regulations / electronics and electrical engineeringperforateur codeur d'impulsionsptperfurador codificador
- mechanical engineering / land transport / building and public works / ENVIRONMENT / TRANSPORTmarteau pneumatique / marteau à air comprimé / marteau perforateur à air comprimé / marteau-piqueur pneumatique / burin à air compriméptmartelo pneumático
- materials technologymarteau électropneumatique / marteau perforateur électropneumatiqueptmartelo eletropneumático
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksmarteau perforateur pneumatique pour perforation en calotteptobturador
- land transport / TRANSPORTtrépan / perforatricepttrépano, barrena
- information technology and data processingperforatriceptperfuradora
- industrial structuresbout perforéptbiqueira perfurada
- trou perforéptperfuração
- information technology and data processingbande perforée / ruban perforé / bande à perforer / bande de papier perforée / ruban perforéptfita a perfurar, fita perfurada, banda perfurada
- healthpanneau perforé / tôle perforéeptpainel perfurado
- chemical compoundécran perforé / plaque-filtreptfiltro, placa perfurada
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationstôle perforée / grilleptgrelha, chapa perfurada
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / building and public worksrampe d'arrosage / rampe perforéeptbarra de pivôs de aspersão, rampa perfurada de irrigação
- information technology and data processingcarte perforéeptcartão perfurado
- communicationsmasque perforéptmáscara perfurada
- information technology and data processingticket perforéptbilhete perfurado
- industrial structurespapier perforéptpapel perfurado
- cultural policy / industrial structurescarton perforéptcartão perfurado
- iron, steel and other metal industriesplateau à trous / plateau perforé / plateau cribléptdisco perfurado
- information technology and data processingbandes perforées / rubans perforésptfitas perfuradas
- information technology and data processingsupport mécanographique / support perforéptsuporte mecanográfico
- information technology and data processing / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSperforatrice(B) / perforeuseptperfurador
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESmanchon perforépttambor perfurado
- earth sciences / construction and town planningplafond perforéptteto ventilado, teto perfurado
- iron, steel and other metal industrieslouche perforéeptpanela perfurada
- natural and applied sciencesplateau perforéptprato perfurado
- documentation / information technology and data processingcartes perforées / cartes à fenêtreptcartões perfurados
- healthperforation / cloison perforéeptplaca perfurada, perfuração
- electronics and electrical engineeringfeuille perforéeptfolha com orifícios
- documentation / information technology and data processingfiches perforéesptfichas perfuradas, cartões perfurados
- information technology and data processingperforer en sérieptperfurar em série
- building and public worksbriques perforéespttijolos furados
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processingbande non perforéeptfita não perfurada
- land transport / TRANSPORTobturateur perforéptobturador perfurado
- INDUSTRYappareil à perforerptfurador, perfurador
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsbande semi-perforéeptfita semiperfurada
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – perforateur no Dicionário infopédia de Francês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-13 13:56:28]. Disponível em
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