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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTcomprehensiveptglobal, completo
- organisation of transport / deepening of the European UnionTEN-T comprehensive network / comprehensive trans-European transport network / comprehensive TEN-T / comprehensive networkptrede global
- building and public workscomprehensive studyptestudo de conjunto
- European construction / international balancecomprehensive approachptabordagem global
- land transport / social sciences / TRANSPORTcomprehensive planning / CP,in the United Statesptplaneamento integrado
- documentation / means of communicationinformative abstract / comprehensive abstractptresumo analítico, resumo informativo
- FINANCEgeneral security / comprehensive securityptgarantia global
- administrative law / EUROPEAN UNIONcomprehensive proposalptproposta de conjunto
- communicationscomprehension requiredptcompreensão requerida
- LAW / FINANCEcomprehensive auditingptauditoria integrada
- tariff policy / insurance / taxationcomprehensive guaranteeptgarantia global
- EU actcomprehensive directiveptdiretiva global
- land transport / TRANSPORTcomprehensive cycle planptplano global de utilização da bicicleta
- international affairs / European constructiondeep and comprehensive free trade area / deep and comprehensive FTA / DCFTAptzona de comércio livre abrangente e aprofundado, ZCLAA
- international affairs / European construction / free-trade agreementdeep and comprehensive FTA / DCFTA / deep and comprehensive free trade agreementptACLAA, Acordo de Comércio Livre Abrangente e Aprofundado
- accountingOCI / other comprehensive incomeptOutro rendimento integral
- accounting / FINANCEtotal comprehensive incomeptrendimento integral total
- documentation / humanitiescomprehensive bibliographyptbibliografia exaustiva
- medical research / health / cancerCCC / comprehensive cancer centreptcentro integrado do cancro
- defence / LAW / international security / international agreement / nuclear energyComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty / Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty / CTBTptTratado de Proibição Total de Ensaios Nucleares, TPTE
- international agreement / defenceNaivasha Agreement / Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Sudan People's Liberation Army / CPA / Comprehensive Peace AgreementptAcordo de Paz Global
- EUROPEAN UNIONcomprehensive keynote proposalptproposta orgânica exaustiva
- organisation of transport / trans-European networkTEN-T comprehensive inland waterway port / TEN-T comprehensive inland portptporto de via navegável interior da rede global da RTE-T, porot interior da rede global da RTE-T
- taxationcomprehensive income tax treatyptConvenção Fiscal sobre o rendimento e o património
- taxationcomprehensive income tax systemptsistema de tributação do rendimento integral, sistema de tributação do rendimento total
- information technology and data processingIOS / comprehensive electronic office / CEO / integrated office systemptsistema burótico integrado
- communications / SCIENCEcomprehensive mathematical modelptmodelo matemático completo
- TRANSPORT / land transportcomprehensive traffic managementptgestão integrada de tráfego
- insurancecomprehensive cover of the risksptcobertura global dos riscos
- European Union / international securitycomprehensive concept of securityptconceito global de segurança
- organisation of transport / trans-European networkTEN-T comprehensive maritime portptporto marítimo da rede global da RTE-T
- accountingstatement of comprehensive incomeptdemonstração do rendimento integral
- LAWcomprehensive body of legislationptarsenal legislativo
- nuclear industry / Middle East / international securityJCPOA / Iran nuclear deal / Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actionptplano de ação conjunto global, PACG
- nuclear energy / international securitycomprehensive safeguards agreement / CSA / full scope safeguards agreementptacordo de garantias generalizadas
- building and public worksland-use plan / municipal land use plan / comprehensive development area map / land-use map / development plan / local planptplano de ocupação do solo
- building and public workscomprehensive town planning scheme / town plan map / town plan / development plan / town planning mapptplano de ordenamento
- LAWcomprehensive political settlementptsolução política global
- EU customs procedurecomprehensive guarantee certificateptcertificado de garantia global
- EUROPEAN UNION / migrationcomprehensive approach to migration / comprehensive approach on migrationptabordagem abrangente da migração
- cooperation policy / financial institutions and creditCDF / Comprehensive Development FrameworkptQuadro de Desenvolvimento Integrado
- EUROPEAN UNION / ECONOMICScomprehensive cooperation agreementptacordo global de cooperação
- electronics and electrical engineeringcomprehensive end-to-end measurementptmedição completa extremo a extremo
- trade cooperation / trade agreement (EU) / international affairsEU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment / CAI / Comprehensive Agreement on Investmentptacordo global sobre investimento, acordo global de investimento UE-China
- FINANCE / financial managementaccumulated other comprehensive income / AOCIptoutro rendimento integral acumulado
- migration / European constructioncomprehensive European migration policyptPolítica Europeia Global das Migrações
- offence / United Nations / European UnionComprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline / CMO / Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse ControlptEsquema Multidisciplinar Completo, CMO, Esquema Multidisciplinar Completo para as Atividades de Luta contra o Abuso de Drogas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – comprehensively no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-20 23:40:07]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTcomprehensiveptglobal, completo
- organisation of transport / deepening of the European UnionTEN-T comprehensive network / comprehensive trans-European transport network / comprehensive TEN-T / comprehensive networkptrede global
- building and public workscomprehensive studyptestudo de conjunto
- European construction / international balancecomprehensive approachptabordagem global
- land transport / social sciences / TRANSPORTcomprehensive planning / CP,in the United Statesptplaneamento integrado
- documentation / means of communicationinformative abstract / comprehensive abstractptresumo analítico, resumo informativo
- FINANCEgeneral security / comprehensive securityptgarantia global
- administrative law / EUROPEAN UNIONcomprehensive proposalptproposta de conjunto
- communicationscomprehension requiredptcompreensão requerida
- LAW / FINANCEcomprehensive auditingptauditoria integrada
- tariff policy / insurance / taxationcomprehensive guaranteeptgarantia global
- EU actcomprehensive directiveptdiretiva global
- land transport / TRANSPORTcomprehensive cycle planptplano global de utilização da bicicleta
- international affairs / European constructiondeep and comprehensive free trade area / deep and comprehensive FTA / DCFTAptzona de comércio livre abrangente e aprofundado, ZCLAA
- international affairs / European construction / free-trade agreementdeep and comprehensive FTA / DCFTA / deep and comprehensive free trade agreementptACLAA, Acordo de Comércio Livre Abrangente e Aprofundado
- accountingOCI / other comprehensive incomeptOutro rendimento integral
- accounting / FINANCEtotal comprehensive incomeptrendimento integral total
- documentation / humanitiescomprehensive bibliographyptbibliografia exaustiva
- medical research / health / cancerCCC / comprehensive cancer centreptcentro integrado do cancro
- defence / LAW / international security / international agreement / nuclear energyComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty / Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty / CTBTptTratado de Proibição Total de Ensaios Nucleares, TPTE
- international agreement / defenceNaivasha Agreement / Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Sudan People's Liberation Army / CPA / Comprehensive Peace AgreementptAcordo de Paz Global
- EUROPEAN UNIONcomprehensive keynote proposalptproposta orgânica exaustiva
- organisation of transport / trans-European networkTEN-T comprehensive inland waterway port / TEN-T comprehensive inland portptporto de via navegável interior da rede global da RTE-T, porot interior da rede global da RTE-T
- taxationcomprehensive income tax treatyptConvenção Fiscal sobre o rendimento e o património
- taxationcomprehensive income tax systemptsistema de tributação do rendimento integral, sistema de tributação do rendimento total
- information technology and data processingIOS / comprehensive electronic office / CEO / integrated office systemptsistema burótico integrado
- communications / SCIENCEcomprehensive mathematical modelptmodelo matemático completo
- TRANSPORT / land transportcomprehensive traffic managementptgestão integrada de tráfego
- insurancecomprehensive cover of the risksptcobertura global dos riscos
- European Union / international securitycomprehensive concept of securityptconceito global de segurança
- organisation of transport / trans-European networkTEN-T comprehensive maritime portptporto marítimo da rede global da RTE-T
- accountingstatement of comprehensive incomeptdemonstração do rendimento integral
- LAWcomprehensive body of legislationptarsenal legislativo
- nuclear industry / Middle East / international securityJCPOA / Iran nuclear deal / Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actionptplano de ação conjunto global, PACG
- nuclear energy / international securitycomprehensive safeguards agreement / CSA / full scope safeguards agreementptacordo de garantias generalizadas
- building and public worksland-use plan / municipal land use plan / comprehensive development area map / land-use map / development plan / local planptplano de ocupação do solo
- building and public workscomprehensive town planning scheme / town plan map / town plan / development plan / town planning mapptplano de ordenamento
- LAWcomprehensive political settlementptsolução política global
- EU customs procedurecomprehensive guarantee certificateptcertificado de garantia global
- EUROPEAN UNION / migrationcomprehensive approach to migration / comprehensive approach on migrationptabordagem abrangente da migração
- cooperation policy / financial institutions and creditCDF / Comprehensive Development FrameworkptQuadro de Desenvolvimento Integrado
- EUROPEAN UNION / ECONOMICScomprehensive cooperation agreementptacordo global de cooperação
- electronics and electrical engineeringcomprehensive end-to-end measurementptmedição completa extremo a extremo
- trade cooperation / trade agreement (EU) / international affairsEU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment / CAI / Comprehensive Agreement on Investmentptacordo global sobre investimento, acordo global de investimento UE-China
- FINANCE / financial managementaccumulated other comprehensive income / AOCIptoutro rendimento integral acumulado
- migration / European constructioncomprehensive European migration policyptPolítica Europeia Global das Migrações
- offence / United Nations / European UnionComprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline / CMO / Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse ControlptEsquema Multidisciplinar Completo, CMO, Esquema Multidisciplinar Completo para as Atividades de Luta contra o Abuso de Drogas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – comprehensively no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-20 23:40:07]. Disponível em
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