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- Verbos
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- life sciencesBV Islander / British Virgin Islanderptvirginense
- life sciencesCook Islanderptcookense
- GEOGRAPHYCocos Islanderptcoquense
- life sciencesSolomon Islanderptsalomonense
- GEOGRAPHYFalkland Islanderptfalklandês
- GEOGRAPHYChristmas Islanderptnatalense
- GEOGRAPHYUS Virgin Islanderptvirginense
- life sciencesTurks and Caicos Islanderptturco-caicense
- GEOGRAPHYNorthern Mariana Islanderptnorte-marianense
- electronics and electrical engineeringisland / separate networkptrede separada
- electronics and electrical engineeringislandptilha
- ENERGYislanding / network splittingptformação de ilhotas, passagem a rede separada, fracionamento da rede
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESSea Island / West Indian cotton / Sea Island cottonptalgodoeiro, algodão-sea-island
- Netherlands OCTBES islands / Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba / Caribbean NetherlandsptPaíses Baixos Caribenhos, Bonaire, Santo Eustáquio e Saba
- GEOGRAPHYWake Island / WAKptilha Wake
- GEOGRAPHY / OceaniaCook IslandsptIlhas Cook
- island / Ukraine / Black SeaSerpents’ Island / Snake IslandptIlha das Serpentes
- land transportchannelizing island / guide island / directional island / channelising islandptilha direcional
- humanitiesisland stand / island boothptstande isolado
- land transport / TRANSPORTghost islandptseparador pintado
- communications / information technology and data processingcable islandpt"ilhéu" de cabo
- GEOGRAPHY / EuropeFaroes / Faroe IslandsptIlhas Faroé, Faroé
- GEOGRAPHYBouvet IslandptIlha Bouvet
- ENERGYenergy islandptilha energética
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTpedestrian island / pedestrian refuge / refuge islandptrefúgio
- regions and regional policyisland region / insular regionptregião insular
- EUROPEAN UNIONisland regionptregião insular
- GEOGRAPHY / OceaniaTerritory of Norfolk Island / Norfolk IslandptTerritório da Ilha Norfolk, Ilha Norfolk
- GEOGRAPHY / AmericaCayman IslandsptIlhas Caimão
- regional and local authoritiesAutonomous Community of the Canary Islands / Canary IslandsptCanárias, Comunidade Autónoma das Canárias
- communications / information technology and data processingisland driving / middle-out strategy / word spotting / island of reliabilityptestratégia por ilhas de confiança
- European Union / GEOGRAPHYislet of Perejil / Parsley Islandptilha de Perejil
- building and public workstraffic island / divisional islandptilha separadora
- marketingisland cabinet / island display caseptilha frigorífica
- GEOGRAPHYMidway Islands / MDWptilhas Midway
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTloading islandptrefúgio de embarque
- TRANSPORT / land transportnose of islandptextremo separador
- building and public workspitched islandptilhota de enrocamento
- GreeceIonian Islandsptilhas Jónicas
- GEOGRAPHYCrozet Islandsptilhas Crozet
- GEOGRAPHYV.I. / Virgin Islandsptilhas Virgens
- nuclear islandptilha nuclear
- GEOGRAPHY / OceaniaSolomon IslandsptIlhas Salomão
- Northern EuropeChannel IslandsptIlhas Anglo-Normandas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – islander no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-11-05 00:41:58]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- life sciencesBV Islander / British Virgin Islanderptvirginense
- life sciencesCook Islanderptcookense
- GEOGRAPHYCocos Islanderptcoquense
- life sciencesSolomon Islanderptsalomonense
- GEOGRAPHYFalkland Islanderptfalklandês
- GEOGRAPHYChristmas Islanderptnatalense
- GEOGRAPHYUS Virgin Islanderptvirginense
- life sciencesTurks and Caicos Islanderptturco-caicense
- GEOGRAPHYNorthern Mariana Islanderptnorte-marianense
- electronics and electrical engineeringisland / separate networkptrede separada
- electronics and electrical engineeringislandptilha
- ENERGYislanding / network splittingptformação de ilhotas, passagem a rede separada, fracionamento da rede
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESSea Island / West Indian cotton / Sea Island cottonptalgodoeiro, algodão-sea-island
- Netherlands OCTBES islands / Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba / Caribbean NetherlandsptPaíses Baixos Caribenhos, Bonaire, Santo Eustáquio e Saba
- GEOGRAPHYWake Island / WAKptilha Wake
- GEOGRAPHY / OceaniaCook IslandsptIlhas Cook
- island / Ukraine / Black SeaSerpents’ Island / Snake IslandptIlha das Serpentes
- land transportchannelizing island / guide island / directional island / channelising islandptilha direcional
- humanitiesisland stand / island boothptstande isolado
- land transport / TRANSPORTghost islandptseparador pintado
- communications / information technology and data processingcable islandpt"ilhéu" de cabo
- GEOGRAPHY / EuropeFaroes / Faroe IslandsptIlhas Faroé, Faroé
- GEOGRAPHYBouvet IslandptIlha Bouvet
- ENERGYenergy islandptilha energética
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTpedestrian island / pedestrian refuge / refuge islandptrefúgio
- regions and regional policyisland region / insular regionptregião insular
- EUROPEAN UNIONisland regionptregião insular
- GEOGRAPHY / OceaniaTerritory of Norfolk Island / Norfolk IslandptTerritório da Ilha Norfolk, Ilha Norfolk
- GEOGRAPHY / AmericaCayman IslandsptIlhas Caimão
- regional and local authoritiesAutonomous Community of the Canary Islands / Canary IslandsptCanárias, Comunidade Autónoma das Canárias
- communications / information technology and data processingisland driving / middle-out strategy / word spotting / island of reliabilityptestratégia por ilhas de confiança
- European Union / GEOGRAPHYislet of Perejil / Parsley Islandptilha de Perejil
- building and public workstraffic island / divisional islandptilha separadora
- marketingisland cabinet / island display caseptilha frigorífica
- GEOGRAPHYMidway Islands / MDWptilhas Midway
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTloading islandptrefúgio de embarque
- TRANSPORT / land transportnose of islandptextremo separador
- building and public workspitched islandptilhota de enrocamento
- GreeceIonian Islandsptilhas Jónicas
- GEOGRAPHYCrozet Islandsptilhas Crozet
- GEOGRAPHYV.I. / Virgin Islandsptilhas Virgens
- nuclear islandptilha nuclear
- GEOGRAPHY / OceaniaSolomon IslandsptIlhas Salomão
- Northern EuropeChannel IslandsptIlhas Anglo-Normandas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – islander no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-11-05 00:41:58]. Disponível em
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