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Past participle do verbo salary
Simple past do verbo salary
he, she, it
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- social affairs / business organisation / accounting / statistics / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSsalaried worker / employee / employed person / employed earner / wage earnerpttrabalhador assalariado, empregado, trabalhador por conta de outrem, TCO
- administrative law / employment / ECONOMICS / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS / cooperation policyclerical or office worker / white-collar worker / salaried employee / staff employeeptburocrata, empregado de escritório
- LAWsalaried practiceptexercício assalariado
- remuneration of work / employmentsalaryptsalário
- remuneration of work / LAW / social affairswage slip / payslip / pay slip / salary slipptfolha de vencimento, folha de remuneração, folha de pagamento
- EUROPEAN UNION / EU institutions and European civil servicebasic salaryptsalário-base
- preparation for market / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / ECONOMICS / FINANCE / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSgross salary / gross incomeptrendimento bruto
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary classptclasse de vencimento
- pay policysalary scaleptescalão da tabela salarial
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary scalepttabela de vencimento
- FINANCE / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSbasic salary / basic wage / basic payptvencimento de base
- remuneration of workmedian salary / median wageptsalário mediano
- preparation for market / FINANCEsalary accountptconta de remunerações
- EUROPEAN UNIONnotional salaryptvencimento virtual
- EUROPEAN UNIONremuneration statement / salary statementptfolha de vencimento, ficha de vencimento
- insurancesalary statementptdeclaração de salário emitida pelo empregador
- seizure of goods / remuneration of workwage attachment / garnishment of wages / attachment of wages / wage garnishment / attachment of earnings / salary attachmentptpenhora de salário
- EUROPEAN UNIONtable of salariespttabela de vencimentos
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSfictitious salaryptsalário fictício
- national accounts / statistics / accounting / remuneration of workwages and salariesptordenados e salários
- insurancepensionable salaryptsalário pensionável, salário a ter em conta na pensão
- insurancesalary grade scheme / graded schedule schemeptplano de tabela escalonada, plano com base na tabela dos salários
- social security / insurancefinal salary schemeptregime baseado no salário final, modalidade do salário final
- European civil serviceannual basic salaryptvencimento-base anual
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary differentialptdiferença de vencimento
- European civil servicebasic monthly salaryptvencimento mensal de base
- employmentpay discrimination / salary discrimination / wage discriminationptdiscriminação salarial
- preparation for marketwages salaries record / payroll records / payroll accountingptcontabilidade de salário
- FINANCEwage and salary costsptencargos salariais
- insuranceaverage salary schemeptmétodo do salário médio
- LAWhigher salary bracketptescalão superior de remuneração
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSadvance against salaryptadiantamento sobre o salário
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary from which deductions may be made / salary before deductionsptvencimento sujeito a desconto
- preparation for marketstaff wages and salariesptremunerações do pessoal
- insurancefinal pensionable salaryptsalário final da pensão
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary adjustment methodptmétodo de adaptação das remunerações
- ECONOMICSbasic wages and salariesptsalários e vencimentos diretos
- national accounts / statistics / remuneration of workwages and salaries in kindptordenados e salários em espécie
- public finance and budget policy / EU institutions and European civil service / Community budgetnon-salary related expenditureptdespesas não relacionadas com as remunerações, despesas não salariais
- agricultural policy / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSminimum guaranteed farm salary / minimum guaranteed farm wageptsalário mínimo agrícola garantido
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSreduction in salary due to ageptabatimento de idade
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalaries in the public serviceptvencimentos públicos
- employment / taxationtax withheld from the salariesptproduto de um imposto retido sobre os vencimentos
- European Parliament / institutional structureMembers' Salaries and Social Entitlements UnitptUnidade das Remunerações e dos Direitos Sociais dos Deputados
- pay policySalary & Allowance AdministrationptAdministração de salários e subsídios
- ECONOMICSwage and salary earners by branchptemprego assalariado por ramo
- statistics / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSnonfarm wage and salary employmentptemprego assalariado não agrícola
- animal disease / fisheriesinfection with Gyrodactylus salaris / gyrodactylosisptinfeção com Gyrodactylus salaris, girodactilose do salmão
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – salaried no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-10 14:56:01]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- social affairs / business organisation / accounting / statistics / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSsalaried worker / employee / employed person / employed earner / wage earnerpttrabalhador assalariado, empregado, trabalhador por conta de outrem, TCO
- administrative law / employment / ECONOMICS / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS / cooperation policyclerical or office worker / white-collar worker / salaried employee / staff employeeptburocrata, empregado de escritório
- LAWsalaried practiceptexercício assalariado
- remuneration of work / employmentsalaryptsalário
- remuneration of work / LAW / social affairswage slip / payslip / pay slip / salary slipptfolha de vencimento, folha de remuneração, folha de pagamento
- EUROPEAN UNION / EU institutions and European civil servicebasic salaryptsalário-base
- preparation for market / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / ECONOMICS / FINANCE / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSgross salary / gross incomeptrendimento bruto
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary classptclasse de vencimento
- pay policysalary scaleptescalão da tabela salarial
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary scalepttabela de vencimento
- FINANCE / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSbasic salary / basic wage / basic payptvencimento de base
- remuneration of workmedian salary / median wageptsalário mediano
- preparation for market / FINANCEsalary accountptconta de remunerações
- EUROPEAN UNIONnotional salaryptvencimento virtual
- EUROPEAN UNIONremuneration statement / salary statementptfolha de vencimento, ficha de vencimento
- insurancesalary statementptdeclaração de salário emitida pelo empregador
- seizure of goods / remuneration of workwage attachment / garnishment of wages / attachment of wages / wage garnishment / attachment of earnings / salary attachmentptpenhora de salário
- EUROPEAN UNIONtable of salariespttabela de vencimentos
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSfictitious salaryptsalário fictício
- national accounts / statistics / accounting / remuneration of workwages and salariesptordenados e salários
- insurancepensionable salaryptsalário pensionável, salário a ter em conta na pensão
- insurancesalary grade scheme / graded schedule schemeptplano de tabela escalonada, plano com base na tabela dos salários
- social security / insurancefinal salary schemeptregime baseado no salário final, modalidade do salário final
- European civil serviceannual basic salaryptvencimento-base anual
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary differentialptdiferença de vencimento
- European civil servicebasic monthly salaryptvencimento mensal de base
- employmentpay discrimination / salary discrimination / wage discriminationptdiscriminação salarial
- preparation for marketwages salaries record / payroll records / payroll accountingptcontabilidade de salário
- FINANCEwage and salary costsptencargos salariais
- insuranceaverage salary schemeptmétodo do salário médio
- LAWhigher salary bracketptescalão superior de remuneração
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSadvance against salaryptadiantamento sobre o salário
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary from which deductions may be made / salary before deductionsptvencimento sujeito a desconto
- preparation for marketstaff wages and salariesptremunerações do pessoal
- insurancefinal pensionable salaryptsalário final da pensão
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalary adjustment methodptmétodo de adaptação das remunerações
- ECONOMICSbasic wages and salariesptsalários e vencimentos diretos
- national accounts / statistics / remuneration of workwages and salaries in kindptordenados e salários em espécie
- public finance and budget policy / EU institutions and European civil service / Community budgetnon-salary related expenditureptdespesas não relacionadas com as remunerações, despesas não salariais
- agricultural policy / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSminimum guaranteed farm salary / minimum guaranteed farm wageptsalário mínimo agrícola garantido
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSreduction in salary due to ageptabatimento de idade
- EUROPEAN UNIONsalaries in the public serviceptvencimentos públicos
- employment / taxationtax withheld from the salariesptproduto de um imposto retido sobre os vencimentos
- European Parliament / institutional structureMembers' Salaries and Social Entitlements UnitptUnidade das Remunerações e dos Direitos Sociais dos Deputados
- pay policySalary & Allowance AdministrationptAdministração de salários e subsídios
- ECONOMICSwage and salary earners by branchptemprego assalariado por ramo
- statistics / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONSnonfarm wage and salary employmentptemprego assalariado não agrícola
- animal disease / fisheriesinfection with Gyrodactylus salaris / gyrodactylosisptinfeção com Gyrodactylus salaris, girodactilose do salmão
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – salaried no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-10 14:56:01]. Disponível em
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