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Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- temporary employment / organisation of work and working conditionstemporary work / temporary employmentpttrabalho temporário
- migrationtemporary residence / temporary stayptresidência temporária
- European civil service / Community budgettemporary postptlugar temporário
- land transport / TRANSPORTtransitory load / temporary loadptcarga transitória, carga temporária
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary baleptfardo provisório
- ENVIRONMENTtemporary pondptcharco temporário
- data processing / information technology and data processingintermediate file / temporary fileptficheiro temporário
- data processing / information technology and data processingtemporary save / periodic saveptguardar periódico
- means of communicationtemporary cardptficha provisória
- European civil servicetemporary contribution / temporary levyptcontribuição temporária
- European civil servicetemporary servant / temporary agent / member of the temporary staff / temporary staff memberptagente temporário
- LAWtemporary judgeptjuiz interino
- statistics / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary meadow / temporary grassptprados temporários
- information technology and data processingtemporary buffer store / temporary storeptmemória temporária
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStermporary employee / temporary clerkptempregado eventual
- administrative lawtemporary servant / temporary agentptagentes temporários
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationstemporary gaugeptlimnómetro temporário
- building and public workstemporary worksptobras provisórias
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary grassptprados e pastagens temporários
- data processing / information technology and data processingtemporary macroptmacro temporária
- organisation of work and working conditions / temporary employmenttemporary workerpttrabalhador temporário
- EU customs procedure / preparation for markettemporary exportation / temporary exportptexportação temporária
- building and public workstemporary outlet / temporary farm turnoutpttomada de água temporária
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurestemporary stresspttensão temporária
- administrative law / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStemporary statusptestatuto precário
- humanitarian aid / social affairs / housing / ENVIRONMENTtemporary accommodation / emergency housing / temporary housing / emergency accommodationpthabitação de emergência, alojamento de emergência
- EU customs proceduretemporary storageptregime de depósito temporário, permanência em depósito temporário, depósito temporário
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESlea / ley / temporary pasture / artificial grass / seed pastureptprado artificial
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStemporary workers / casual labor / casual labourptmão de obra extraordinária, mão de obra ocasional
- land transport / TRANSPORTtime locking / temporary lockingptencravamento temporal, aferrolhamento temporal
- FINANCEterminable annuity / temporary annuityptrenda temporária
- building and public workstemporary daffing / bed groinsptespigões provisórios
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTtemporary supportptapoio provisório
- ENVIRONMENTtemporary shelterptabrigos temporários
- ENVIRONMENTtemporary storageptarmazenagem temporária
- statistics / cultivation of agricultural landtemporary grazingptpastagens temporárias
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary mixtureptconsociação temporária
- data processing / information technology and data processingtemporary deletion / temporary erasure / logical deletion / logical erasureptremoção lógica
- means of communicationtemporary bindingptencadernação provisória
- ECONOMICStemporary importsptimportações temporárias
- criminal lawtemporary transfer of a person in custody / temporary transfer / temporary transfer of prisonersptcedência temporária de detido
- defence / medical institution / civil defencefield hospital / temporary hospitalpthospital de campanha
- criminal lawtemporary transferpttransferência temporária
- ENVIRONMENT / noise pollution / medical sciencetemporary deafness / acoustic fatigueptfadiga auditiva
- healthtemporary earthingptligação à terra temporária
- FINANCEtemporary floatingptflutuação temporária
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – temporariness no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-09 02:35:25]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- temporary employment / organisation of work and working conditionstemporary work / temporary employmentpttrabalho temporário
- migrationtemporary residence / temporary stayptresidência temporária
- European civil service / Community budgettemporary postptlugar temporário
- land transport / TRANSPORTtransitory load / temporary loadptcarga transitória, carga temporária
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary baleptfardo provisório
- ENVIRONMENTtemporary pondptcharco temporário
- data processing / information technology and data processingintermediate file / temporary fileptficheiro temporário
- data processing / information technology and data processingtemporary save / periodic saveptguardar periódico
- means of communicationtemporary cardptficha provisória
- European civil servicetemporary contribution / temporary levyptcontribuição temporária
- European civil servicetemporary servant / temporary agent / member of the temporary staff / temporary staff memberptagente temporário
- LAWtemporary judgeptjuiz interino
- statistics / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary meadow / temporary grassptprados temporários
- information technology and data processingtemporary buffer store / temporary storeptmemória temporária
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStermporary employee / temporary clerkptempregado eventual
- administrative lawtemporary servant / temporary agentptagentes temporários
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationstemporary gaugeptlimnómetro temporário
- building and public workstemporary worksptobras provisórias
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary grassptprados e pastagens temporários
- data processing / information technology and data processingtemporary macroptmacro temporária
- organisation of work and working conditions / temporary employmenttemporary workerpttrabalhador temporário
- EU customs procedure / preparation for markettemporary exportation / temporary exportptexportação temporária
- building and public workstemporary outlet / temporary farm turnoutpttomada de água temporária
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structurestemporary stresspttensão temporária
- administrative law / EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStemporary statusptestatuto precário
- humanitarian aid / social affairs / housing / ENVIRONMENTtemporary accommodation / emergency housing / temporary housing / emergency accommodationpthabitação de emergência, alojamento de emergência
- EU customs proceduretemporary storageptregime de depósito temporário, permanência em depósito temporário, depósito temporário
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESlea / ley / temporary pasture / artificial grass / seed pastureptprado artificial
- EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONStemporary workers / casual labor / casual labourptmão de obra extraordinária, mão de obra ocasional
- land transport / TRANSPORTtime locking / temporary lockingptencravamento temporal, aferrolhamento temporal
- FINANCEterminable annuity / temporary annuityptrenda temporária
- building and public workstemporary daffing / bed groinsptespigões provisórios
- land transport / building and public works / TRANSPORTtemporary supportptapoio provisório
- ENVIRONMENTtemporary shelterptabrigos temporários
- ENVIRONMENTtemporary storageptarmazenagem temporária
- statistics / cultivation of agricultural landtemporary grazingptpastagens temporárias
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIEStemporary mixtureptconsociação temporária
- data processing / information technology and data processingtemporary deletion / temporary erasure / logical deletion / logical erasureptremoção lógica
- means of communicationtemporary bindingptencadernação provisória
- ECONOMICStemporary importsptimportações temporárias
- criminal lawtemporary transfer of a person in custody / temporary transfer / temporary transfer of prisonersptcedência temporária de detido
- defence / medical institution / civil defencefield hospital / temporary hospitalpthospital de campanha
- criminal lawtemporary transferpttransferência temporária
- ENVIRONMENT / noise pollution / medical sciencetemporary deafness / acoustic fatigueptfadiga auditiva
- healthtemporary earthingptligação à terra temporária
- FINANCEtemporary floatingptflutuação temporária
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – temporariness no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-09 02:35:25]. Disponível em
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