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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- GEOGRAPHY / AfricaRepublic of Cameroon / CameroonptRepública dos Camarões, Camarões
- information technology and data processing / land transportCAM / connected and automated mobilityptmobilidade conectada e automatizada, MCA
- information technology and data processingCAM / content addressable memory / associative storage / content adressable storageptmemória associativa, CAM, memória de conteúdo endereçável
- mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingCAM / computer-aided manufacturing / CAMptCAM, produção assistida por computador
- natural and applied sciences / INDUSTRY / information technology and data processingCAM / computer-assisted manufacturing / computer-aided manufacturingptfabrico assistido por computador
- mechanical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriescam / camplateptexcêntrico
- healthCAM / chorioallantoic membraneptmembrana corioalantoica
- information technology and data processingCAM / content-addressable memoryptmemória endereçável pelo conteúdo
- mechanical engineeringcamptcame
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam hubptcubo de roda
- building and public works / industrial structurescam disc / cam plateptprato excêntrico
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam lobe / lobeptsaliência de came
- mechanical engineeringcam pawlpttranquete, linguete
- industrial structureslock camptcame de bloqueador
- mechanical engineeringdrum cam / cam drum / double-acting cylindrical cam / positive motion cylindrical cam / barrel camptcame com ranhura, came de duplo efeito
- mechanical engineeringdisk cam / plate cam / cam plate / peripheral cam / periphery camptdisco came, came
- mechanical engineeringguide slot / cam slotptranhura de guiamento, guia
- mechanical engineeringface camptcame facial
- mechanical engineering / organisation of transportbrake cam / brake toggleptexcêntrico do travão, came do travão
- chemical compound / industrial structuresshear camptcame da tesoura, excêntrico da tesoura
- industrial structuressplit camptcame descarregadora
- mechanical engineeringcam leverptavalancha de excêntricos
- mechanical engineeringcam leverptpalanca excêntrica
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringSalter duck / oscillating vane / Salter cam / nodding duckptpato oscilante de Salter
- mechanical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriescam fingerptexcêntrico de desmoldagem
- industrial structuresstitch camptcame de descida
- information technology and data processingcam systemptdispositivo de cames
- industrial structuresswitch camptcame do interruptor
- industrial structureshammer camptcame de martelo
- industrial structurescam jumperptsaltador de came
- mechanical engineeringcam phasing / variable cam phasingptfaseamento de came de admissão variável
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringturning non-circular workpieces / cam turningpttorneamento circular
- industrial structuresstepped camptcame escalonada
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesguiding camptcame de guiamento
- chemical compound / industrial structuresplunger camptcame do punção
- industrial structureslocking camptcame de queda
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringcam turningpttorneamento de cames
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTlocking camptcame de bloqueio
- information technology and data processingconfiguration,administration and maintenance position / control,administration and maintenance position / CAM position / CAMPptposto de controlo, administração e manutenção, posto de configuração, administração e manutenção, CAMP
- mechanical engineeringcam follower / tappet roller / valve lifter rollerptprato de taco
- industrial structuresclearing camptcame descarregadora
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam followerptrolamento de condução
- industrial structuresfly-back camptcame de repor a zero
- industrial structuresday star camptcame da estrela dos dias
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTtwo-lobe camptcame duplo
- mechanical engineeringcylindrical cam / cylinder camptcame cilíndrico
- industrial structurescorrector camptcame de corretor
- industrial structuresdate star camptcame da estrela de data
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam controllerptcontrolador de cames
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – cam no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-25 11:50:04]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- GEOGRAPHY / AfricaRepublic of Cameroon / CameroonptRepública dos Camarões, Camarões
- information technology and data processing / land transportCAM / connected and automated mobilityptmobilidade conectada e automatizada, MCA
- information technology and data processingCAM / content addressable memory / associative storage / content adressable storageptmemória associativa, CAM, memória de conteúdo endereçável
- mechanical engineering / information technology and data processingCAM / computer-aided manufacturing / CAMptCAM, produção assistida por computador
- natural and applied sciences / INDUSTRY / information technology and data processingCAM / computer-assisted manufacturing / computer-aided manufacturingptfabrico assistido por computador
- mechanical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriescam / camplateptexcêntrico
- healthCAM / chorioallantoic membraneptmembrana corioalantoica
- information technology and data processingCAM / content-addressable memoryptmemória endereçável pelo conteúdo
- mechanical engineeringcamptcame
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam hubptcubo de roda
- building and public works / industrial structurescam disc / cam plateptprato excêntrico
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam lobe / lobeptsaliência de came
- mechanical engineeringcam pawlpttranquete, linguete
- industrial structureslock camptcame de bloqueador
- mechanical engineeringdrum cam / cam drum / double-acting cylindrical cam / positive motion cylindrical cam / barrel camptcame com ranhura, came de duplo efeito
- mechanical engineeringdisk cam / plate cam / cam plate / peripheral cam / periphery camptdisco came, came
- mechanical engineeringguide slot / cam slotptranhura de guiamento, guia
- mechanical engineeringface camptcame facial
- mechanical engineering / organisation of transportbrake cam / brake toggleptexcêntrico do travão, came do travão
- chemical compound / industrial structuresshear camptcame da tesoura, excêntrico da tesoura
- industrial structuressplit camptcame descarregadora
- mechanical engineeringcam leverptavalancha de excêntricos
- mechanical engineeringcam leverptpalanca excêntrica
- electronics and electrical engineering / mechanical engineeringSalter duck / oscillating vane / Salter cam / nodding duckptpato oscilante de Salter
- mechanical engineering / iron, steel and other metal industriescam fingerptexcêntrico de desmoldagem
- industrial structuresstitch camptcame de descida
- information technology and data processingcam systemptdispositivo de cames
- industrial structuresswitch camptcame do interruptor
- industrial structureshammer camptcame de martelo
- industrial structurescam jumperptsaltador de came
- mechanical engineeringcam phasing / variable cam phasingptfaseamento de came de admissão variável
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringturning non-circular workpieces / cam turningpttorneamento circular
- industrial structuresstepped camptcame escalonada
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesguiding camptcame de guiamento
- chemical compound / industrial structuresplunger camptcame do punção
- industrial structureslocking camptcame de queda
- iron, steel and other metal industries / mechanical engineeringcam turningpttorneamento de cames
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTlocking camptcame de bloqueio
- information technology and data processingconfiguration,administration and maintenance position / control,administration and maintenance position / CAM position / CAMPptposto de controlo, administração e manutenção, posto de configuração, administração e manutenção, CAMP
- mechanical engineeringcam follower / tappet roller / valve lifter rollerptprato de taco
- industrial structuresclearing camptcame descarregadora
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam followerptrolamento de condução
- industrial structuresfly-back camptcame de repor a zero
- industrial structuresday star camptcame da estrela dos dias
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTtwo-lobe camptcame duplo
- mechanical engineeringcylindrical cam / cylinder camptcame cilíndrico
- industrial structurescorrector camptcame de corretor
- industrial structuresdate star camptcame da estrela de data
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTcam controllerptcontrolador de cames
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Cam No Antigo Testamento, é o filho de Noé. Foi amaldiçoado por seu pai. O seu nome encontra-se associadCAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing ou manufaturação assistida por computador) São aplicações informáticas- Batalha de Tsushima...portos franceses de Nossi-bé, no Índico, e de
Cam Ranh, no Vietname, a frota russa, composta por doze - Canaã...provém do nome do filho de
Cam e neto de Noé, tendo-se tornado no nome da terra ocupada pelos seus - Lourdes CastroFundação Calouste Gulbenkian,
CAM , Lisboa (1985), Vraiement faux, Fondation Cartier, Paris (1988 - Rui ChafesWürzburg Bolton Landing, (
CAM /FCG), Lisboa (1995) e Durante o Fim, Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna, Palácio - automatização...de automatização passariam, assim, pela utilização dos designados sistemas CAD/
CAM (Computer
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – cam no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-01-25 11:50:04]. Disponível em
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