- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
garantia, penhor, caução
BOTÂNICA (ameixa) rainha-cláudia
NÁUTICA tirante de água
(medição) calibre, bitola
(carpintaria) graminho
arcaico (de luva) desafio
to throw down the gage
(duelo) lançar a luva, desafiar
verbo transitivo
dar como penhor; garantir
empenhar, comprometer
calcular, medir
(carpintaria) riscar com o graminho, graminhar
NÁUTICA arquear
to gage a ship
arquear um navio
gage of wind
carpenter's gage
railway gage
bitola; largura da via-férrea
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESsaw blade thickness / gage / gaugeptespessura da lâmina
- electronics and electrical engineeringgauge / gageptcalibre
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresspider / set gage / set gauge / saw setpttarraxa para travar serras, travadeira
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTair gauge / air gageptmanómetro de ar
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORToil gage / oil gaugeptindicador do nível de óleo
- ENVIRONMENTsnow gage / hyetometer / rain gage / rain gauge / ombrometer / pluviometerpthietómetro, pluviómetro
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationssnow gage / snowgauge / snow gaugeptnivómetro
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsbark gauge / bark gageptinstrumento indicador da espessura da casca
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTplug gage / plug gaugeptverificador macho
- mechanical engineeringfuel gage / fuel gaugeptindicador do nível do combustível
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTwire gage / wire gaugeptverificador de diâmetro de fios
- mechanical engineeringring gage / ring gaugeptverificador fêmea de anel
- mechanical engineeringplug gage / plug gaugeptválvula-tampão
- life sciencesflow gauge / flow gageptmedidor de caudais
- earth sciencesplain cylindrical plug gauge / plan plug gauge / plug gauge / plug gageptcalibre de interiores, calibre macho
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationschain gauge / chain gage / wire weight gage / wire weight gauge / tape gauge / chain-gage / chain-gauge / wire-gage / wire-gaugeptsonda limnométrica visual
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESraker / depth gauge / depth gageptlimitador de profundidade, limitador de espessura
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTfloat gage / float gauge / float-type transmitterptindicador de boia
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationsfloat gage / float gaugeptlimnímetro a flutuador
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationspoint gauge / point gageptlimnímetro de ponta
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTsight gauge / sight gageptindicador de mira
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTcheck gage / check gaugeptindicador de verificação
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTscrew gage / screw gaugeptcalibrador de parafusos
- mechanical engineeringcreep gage / creep gaugeptmedidor de fluência
- earth sciencesgage block / end gauge with parallel plane ends / parallel-faced type of gauge / slip gauge / block gaugeptcalibre paralelo, calibre de faces paralelas
- mechanical engineering / technology and technical regulationsdepth caliper / depth gauge / depth gageptcalibre de profundidade, medidor de profundidades
- earth scienceslimit gauge / limit gageptcalibre de tolerâncias, calibre passa não passa
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTstrain gage / extensometer / strain gaugeptextensómetro
- information technology and data processing / PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHforce sensor / strain gageptsensor de esforço
- TRANSPORT / technology and technical regulationsstrain gage / strain gaugeptmedidor de tensões
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTthread gauge / thread gageptverificador de roscas
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresgage length / gauge lengthptreferência de medida das deformações, comprimento de referência
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTfeeler gauge / feeler gageptcalce de precisão
- electronics and electrical engineeringgage lengthptcomprimento efetivo
- electronics and electrical engineeringgage factorptpressão relativa
- technology and technical regulations / electronics and electrical engineeringAWG / American wire gauge / American wire gage / Brown and Sharpe gauge / Brown and Sharpe gage / B and S gauge / B and S gageptescala americana normalizada
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTgauge for transit vehicles / transit gauge / transit-gage / transit-gauge / gage for transit vehicles / transit gageptgabarito do material para trânsito internacional, calibre para veículos em trânsito
- electronics and electrical engineeringacid densimeter / hydrometer / battery gageptdensímetro
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTexposed gage / exposed gaugeptindicador de leitura direta
- technology and technical regulationsworkshop gauge / working gauge / working gageptcalibre de fabrico
- natural and applied sciences / INDUSTRYcalliper / calliper gage / calliper gauge / vernier gaugeptcalibre, calibrador
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationsinclined gauge / inclined gage / sloping gaugeptescala limnométrica inclinada
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTcapacity gauge / capacity gageptindicador de capacidade
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTgauge repeater / gage repeaterptrepetidor de medidor
- land transport / chemical compound / TRANSPORTelectric gauge / electric gageptindicador do combustível de reserva
- land transport / TRANSPORTgo,no-go gageptcalibrador de limite
- electronics and electrical engineeringgage pressureptpressão relativa
- chemical compound / land transport / TRANSPORTcapacitor gage / capacitor gaugeptmanómetro de combustível
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – gage no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-21 00:45:50]. Disponível em
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESsaw blade thickness / gage / gaugeptespessura da lâmina
- electronics and electrical engineeringgauge / gageptcalibre
- mechanical engineering / industrial structuresspider / set gage / set gauge / saw setpttarraxa para travar serras, travadeira
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTair gauge / air gageptmanómetro de ar
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORToil gage / oil gaugeptindicador do nível de óleo
- ENVIRONMENTsnow gage / hyetometer / rain gage / rain gauge / ombrometer / pluviometerpthietómetro, pluviómetro
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationssnow gage / snowgauge / snow gaugeptnivómetro
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / technology and technical regulationsbark gauge / bark gageptinstrumento indicador da espessura da casca
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTplug gage / plug gaugeptverificador macho
- mechanical engineeringfuel gage / fuel gaugeptindicador do nível do combustível
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTwire gage / wire gaugeptverificador de diâmetro de fios
- mechanical engineeringring gage / ring gaugeptverificador fêmea de anel
- mechanical engineeringplug gage / plug gaugeptválvula-tampão
- life sciencesflow gauge / flow gageptmedidor de caudais
- earth sciencesplain cylindrical plug gauge / plan plug gauge / plug gauge / plug gageptcalibre de interiores, calibre macho
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationschain gauge / chain gage / wire weight gage / wire weight gauge / tape gauge / chain-gage / chain-gauge / wire-gage / wire-gaugeptsonda limnométrica visual
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESraker / depth gauge / depth gageptlimitador de profundidade, limitador de espessura
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTfloat gage / float gauge / float-type transmitterptindicador de boia
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationsfloat gage / float gaugeptlimnímetro a flutuador
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationspoint gauge / point gageptlimnímetro de ponta
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTsight gauge / sight gageptindicador de mira
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTcheck gage / check gaugeptindicador de verificação
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTscrew gage / screw gaugeptcalibrador de parafusos
- mechanical engineeringcreep gage / creep gaugeptmedidor de fluência
- earth sciencesgage block / end gauge with parallel plane ends / parallel-faced type of gauge / slip gauge / block gaugeptcalibre paralelo, calibre de faces paralelas
- mechanical engineering / technology and technical regulationsdepth caliper / depth gauge / depth gageptcalibre de profundidade, medidor de profundidades
- earth scienceslimit gauge / limit gageptcalibre de tolerâncias, calibre passa não passa
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTstrain gage / extensometer / strain gaugeptextensómetro
- information technology and data processing / PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCHforce sensor / strain gageptsensor de esforço
- TRANSPORT / technology and technical regulationsstrain gage / strain gaugeptmedidor de tensões
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTthread gauge / thread gageptverificador de roscas
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / industrial structuresgage length / gauge lengthptreferência de medida das deformações, comprimento de referência
- mechanical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTfeeler gauge / feeler gageptcalce de precisão
- electronics and electrical engineeringgage lengthptcomprimento efetivo
- electronics and electrical engineeringgage factorptpressão relativa
- technology and technical regulations / electronics and electrical engineeringAWG / American wire gauge / American wire gage / Brown and Sharpe gauge / Brown and Sharpe gage / B and S gauge / B and S gageptescala americana normalizada
- electronics and electrical engineering / land transport / TRANSPORTgauge for transit vehicles / transit gauge / transit-gage / transit-gauge / gage for transit vehicles / transit gageptgabarito do material para trânsito internacional, calibre para veículos em trânsito
- electronics and electrical engineeringacid densimeter / hydrometer / battery gageptdensímetro
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTexposed gage / exposed gaugeptindicador de leitura direta
- technology and technical regulationsworkshop gauge / working gauge / working gageptcalibre de fabrico
- natural and applied sciences / INDUSTRYcalliper / calliper gage / calliper gauge / vernier gaugeptcalibre, calibrador
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationsinclined gauge / inclined gage / sloping gaugeptescala limnométrica inclinada
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTcapacity gauge / capacity gageptindicador de capacidade
- land transport / information technology and data processing / TRANSPORTgauge repeater / gage repeaterptrepetidor de medidor
- land transport / chemical compound / TRANSPORTelectric gauge / electric gageptindicador do combustível de reserva
- land transport / TRANSPORTgo,no-go gageptcalibrador de limite
- electronics and electrical engineeringgage pressureptpressão relativa
- chemical compound / land transport / TRANSPORTcapacitor gage / capacitor gaugeptmanómetro de combustível
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – gage no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-09-21 00:45:50]. Disponível em
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