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Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Family lawparentptprogenitor
- ECONOMICS / insurance / business organisationparent company / parent undertaking / parent entity / mother company / parentptentidade-mãe, empresa-mãe, sociedade-mãe
- chemistryparent compound / parentptcomposto de origem, substância de origem
- armed forcesparent HQ / parent headquartersptquartel-general de origem
- chemistryprogenitor ion / parent ion / precursor ionptião precursor
- financing and investmentoperating MIC / parent MICptcódigo MIC de exploração
- Family lawlone parentptprogenitor que educa os filhos sozinho
- Family lawstep-parentptpadrasto ou madrasta
- European civil service / family / social affairssole parent / single parent / lone parentptprogenitor isolado, parente único
- oil industry / earth sciences / mining industrymother rock / parent rock / source bed / source rock / source bedsptrocha-fonte
- information technology and data processingparent typepttipo pai
- earth sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / ENVIRONMENTparent rockptrocha-mãe
- INDUSTRYparent reelptbobina-matriz
- healthparent drugptmolécula precursora
- medical scienceparent drugptmedicamento precursor
- data processing / information technology and data processingparent fileptficheiro fonte
- animal production / poultryparent stock / parent flock / parent breeder flockptbando de pais
- crop production / plant propagationstock plant / mother plant / parent plantptplanta-mãe, pé-mãe
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesparent blend / coal blend / coal blend charged / chargeptconstituição do coque, mistura a introduzir no forno
- life sciencesparent cloud / mother-cloudptnuvem-mãe
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresbase glass / parent glassptvidro base
- building and public worksparent canalptcanal de alimentação
- Family lawparent-in-lawptsogro ou sogra
- migrationparental linkptlaço de parentesco
- mechanical engineering / land transportparent engineptmotor precursor, motor de referência
- crop production / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciences / intellectual propertyparental lineptlinha parental
- medical scienceparental cellptcélula parental
- communicationsprincipal office / main office / parent office / head post officeptagência central, agência estação central
- physical sciencesparent radionuclide / parent nuclideptnuclídeo progenitor, nuclídeo pai
- plant productparental plantptplanta parental, planta progenitora
- working conditions / parental leaveparental leaveptlicença especial para assistência a filhos, licença parental
- land transport / technical regulationsparent vehicleptveículo precursor
- TRANSPORTparent carrierpttransportadora associada
- TRANSPORTparent carrierpttransportadora associada
- land transport / TRANSPORTparent carrierpttransportadora-mãe
- business organisation / business classification / legal form of organisationsultimate parent undertaking / ultimate parent / ultimate parent company / ultimate holding company / ultimate parent entityptentidade-mãe final, empresa-mãe em última instância, empresa-mãe final
- Family lawdivorced parentptprogenitor divorciado
- Family lawadoptive parentptpai ou mãe adoptivos
- Family lawunknown parentsptpais desconhecidos
- life sciencesparental organism / parent organismptorganismo parental
- gender equalityparental rightsptdireitos parentais
- social sciencesparent counselling / parent guidanceptaconselhamento familiar
- chemical compound / industrial structuresparent material / base materialptmaterial de base
- educationparental wishesptdesejo dos pais
- Family lawshared residence / joint residence / joint custody / shared parentingptresidência alternada
- family / LAWshared parenting / joint custodyptguarda conjunta, guarda partilhada
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – parentally no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 23:42:25]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- Family lawparentptprogenitor
- ECONOMICS / insurance / business organisationparent company / parent undertaking / parent entity / mother company / parentptentidade-mãe, empresa-mãe, sociedade-mãe
- chemistryparent compound / parentptcomposto de origem, substância de origem
- armed forcesparent HQ / parent headquartersptquartel-general de origem
- chemistryprogenitor ion / parent ion / precursor ionptião precursor
- financing and investmentoperating MIC / parent MICptcódigo MIC de exploração
- Family lawlone parentptprogenitor que educa os filhos sozinho
- Family lawstep-parentptpadrasto ou madrasta
- European civil service / family / social affairssole parent / single parent / lone parentptprogenitor isolado, parente único
- oil industry / earth sciences / mining industrymother rock / parent rock / source bed / source rock / source bedsptrocha-fonte
- information technology and data processingparent typepttipo pai
- earth sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / ENVIRONMENTparent rockptrocha-mãe
- INDUSTRYparent reelptbobina-matriz
- healthparent drugptmolécula precursora
- medical scienceparent drugptmedicamento precursor
- data processing / information technology and data processingparent fileptficheiro fonte
- animal production / poultryparent stock / parent flock / parent breeder flockptbando de pais
- crop production / plant propagationstock plant / mother plant / parent plantptplanta-mãe, pé-mãe
- coal industry / iron, steel and other metal industriesparent blend / coal blend / coal blend charged / chargeptconstituição do coque, mistura a introduzir no forno
- life sciencesparent cloud / mother-cloudptnuvem-mãe
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresbase glass / parent glassptvidro base
- building and public worksparent canalptcanal de alimentação
- Family lawparent-in-lawptsogro ou sogra
- migrationparental linkptlaço de parentesco
- mechanical engineering / land transportparent engineptmotor precursor, motor de referência
- crop production / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES / life sciences / intellectual propertyparental lineptlinha parental
- medical scienceparental cellptcélula parental
- communicationsprincipal office / main office / parent office / head post officeptagência central, agência estação central
- physical sciencesparent radionuclide / parent nuclideptnuclídeo progenitor, nuclídeo pai
- plant productparental plantptplanta parental, planta progenitora
- working conditions / parental leaveparental leaveptlicença especial para assistência a filhos, licença parental
- land transport / technical regulationsparent vehicleptveículo precursor
- TRANSPORTparent carrierpttransportadora associada
- TRANSPORTparent carrierpttransportadora associada
- land transport / TRANSPORTparent carrierpttransportadora-mãe
- business organisation / business classification / legal form of organisationsultimate parent undertaking / ultimate parent / ultimate parent company / ultimate holding company / ultimate parent entityptentidade-mãe final, empresa-mãe em última instância, empresa-mãe final
- Family lawdivorced parentptprogenitor divorciado
- Family lawadoptive parentptpai ou mãe adoptivos
- Family lawunknown parentsptpais desconhecidos
- life sciencesparental organism / parent organismptorganismo parental
- gender equalityparental rightsptdireitos parentais
- social sciencesparent counselling / parent guidanceptaconselhamento familiar
- chemical compound / industrial structuresparent material / base materialptmaterial de base
- educationparental wishesptdesejo dos pais
- Family lawshared residence / joint residence / joint custody / shared parentingptresidência alternada
- family / LAWshared parenting / joint custodyptguarda conjunta, guarda partilhada
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – parentally no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-17 23:42:25]. Disponível em
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