- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
, Leserinnome masculino, feminino
genitivo: Lesers
plural: Leser
feminino plural: Leserinnen
leitor masculino, leitora feminino
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- communications / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsLeser / Kartenleser / Kartenabtaster / Kartengerätptleitor de cartões perfurados, leitor de cartões
- information technology and data processingLesegerät / Leserptleitor
- information technology and data processingMagnetschriftleser / Leser für Magnettintenzeichenptleitor de carateres em tinta magnética
- humanitieslesenptler
- electronics and electrical engineeringLesenptleitura
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsLesenptleitura
- information technology and data processingWeb-Leseptrecolha de material na Internet, colheita na Web
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESLese-Eimerptrecipiente de vindima, balde de vindima
- information technology and data processingKarten-Lese-Stanzeinheit / lesender Kartenlocher / Lese-Stanzer / Lese-Stanzeinheitptleitor-perfurador de cartões
- data processing / information technology and data processingLese-Sortierer / Sortierleserptleitora/ordenadora
- information technology and data processingoptisches Lesen / maschinelles Lesenptleitura ótica
- documentation / information technology and data processingLesen von Datenptleitura de dados
- information technology and data processingLesen rückwärtsptleitura de retorno
- information technology and data processingSchreiber-Leserptleitor-gravador
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processinglesen/schreibenptleitura/escrita
- FINANCE / information technology and data processingSchwellwert / Schwelle / Lese-Schnellwertptlimiar
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationszerstörendes Lesen / löschendes Lesenptleitura destrutiva
- information technology and data processingBalkencode-Abtaster / Strichcode-Leserptleitor de código de barras
- means of communicationeine Fahne lesen / korrigierenptcorrigir
- information technology and data processingMikrofiche-Leserptleitor de microfilmes
- information technology and data processinggestreutes Lesenptleitura com decomposição
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsROM-Speicher / Festwertspeicher / Totspeicher / ROM / Lesespeicher / Festspeicher / Nur-Lese-Speicherptmemória só de leitura, memória exclusivamente de leitura, memória ROM, memória morta, memória de leitura, MEM, ROM, MM
- information technology and data processingLese-Schreib-Kopfptcabeça de leitura-escrita
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingLese-Schreibdatenptdado de leitura-escrita
- information technology and data processingLochstreifenabtaster / Lochstreifen-Leserptleitor de fita perfurada
- electronics and electrical engineeringzerstörendes Lesenptleitura destruidora
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingSchreib-Lese-Einheitptterminal de leitura-escrita
- information technology and data processingSchreib-Lese-Einheitptleitura-escrita
- information technology and data processingnichtlöschendes Lesen / zerstörungsfreies Lesen / Lesen des Speicherinhalts ohne Verlust / nichtzerstörendes Lesenptleitura não destrutiva
- information technology and data processingSchreib-/Lese-Kopfarmptbraço de leitura/escrita
- chemistry / pharmaceutical industrymakroskopisches Lesenptleitura macroscópica
- information technology and data processingSignal-Lese-Prozessorptprocessador de leitura de sinais de dados
- information technology and data processing / life sciencesLesen einer Zeitskalaptleitura de uma escala de tempo
- communications / information technology and data processingnichtloschendes Lesenptsistema de leitura não destrutivo
- electronics and electrical engineeringLese-/Einschreibvorgangptciclo leitura/escrita
- electronics and electrical engineeringzerstörungsfreies Lesenptleitura não destrutiva
- neurologyLese-Rechtschreibstörung / LRS / Legasthenie / Dyslexieptdislexia
- data processing / information technology and data processingLesen einer Aufzeichnungptleitura de registo
- information technology and data processingwiederherstellendes Lesenptescrita após leitura
- social affairs / education / general educationLese- und Schreibfähigkeit / Lese- und Schreibkompetenzptliteracia
- communications / information technology and data processingeinen Stapelspeicher lesenptrebentar a pilha
- communications / information technology and data processingRFID-Lese- oder Schreibgerätptleitor ou gravador RFID
- information technology and data processingLese-/Rückvergrößerungsgerätptleitor/impressor
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingLesen der gebildeten Zeichenptleitura das imagens formadas
- culture and religionKampagne für "Spass am Lesen"ptcampanha "O Prazer da Leitura"
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingserieller Schreib/Lese-Betriebptleitura-escrita em série
- data processing / information technology and data processingsequentielles Lesen einer Dateiptleitura sequencial de ficheiro
- information technology and data processingSRAM / statischer Schreib-Lese-SpeicherptSRAM, memória estática de acesso aleatório
- information technology and data processingLesen aus verschiedenen Bereichenptleitura de zonas dispersas
- information technology and data processingSpeicherplatte, die nur einmal beschreibbar ist / einmal beschreiben, mehrmals lesen / WORMptWORM, escrever uma vez e ler muitas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – Leser no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-18 22:56:46]. Disponível em
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- communications / information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsLeser / Kartenleser / Kartenabtaster / Kartengerätptleitor de cartões perfurados, leitor de cartões
- information technology and data processingLesegerät / Leserptleitor
- information technology and data processingMagnetschriftleser / Leser für Magnettintenzeichenptleitor de carateres em tinta magnética
- humanitieslesenptler
- electronics and electrical engineeringLesenptleitura
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsLesenptleitura
- information technology and data processingWeb-Leseptrecolha de material na Internet, colheita na Web
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESLese-Eimerptrecipiente de vindima, balde de vindima
- information technology and data processingKarten-Lese-Stanzeinheit / lesender Kartenlocher / Lese-Stanzer / Lese-Stanzeinheitptleitor-perfurador de cartões
- data processing / information technology and data processingLese-Sortierer / Sortierleserptleitora/ordenadora
- information technology and data processingoptisches Lesen / maschinelles Lesenptleitura ótica
- documentation / information technology and data processingLesen von Datenptleitura de dados
- information technology and data processingLesen rückwärtsptleitura de retorno
- information technology and data processingSchreiber-Leserptleitor-gravador
- electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processinglesen/schreibenptleitura/escrita
- FINANCE / information technology and data processingSchwellwert / Schwelle / Lese-Schnellwertptlimiar
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationszerstörendes Lesen / löschendes Lesenptleitura destrutiva
- information technology and data processingBalkencode-Abtaster / Strichcode-Leserptleitor de código de barras
- means of communicationeine Fahne lesen / korrigierenptcorrigir
- information technology and data processingMikrofiche-Leserptleitor de microfilmes
- information technology and data processinggestreutes Lesenptleitura com decomposição
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsROM-Speicher / Festwertspeicher / Totspeicher / ROM / Lesespeicher / Festspeicher / Nur-Lese-Speicherptmemória só de leitura, memória exclusivamente de leitura, memória ROM, memória morta, memória de leitura, MEM, ROM, MM
- information technology and data processingLese-Schreib-Kopfptcabeça de leitura-escrita
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingLese-Schreibdatenptdado de leitura-escrita
- information technology and data processingLochstreifenabtaster / Lochstreifen-Leserptleitor de fita perfurada
- electronics and electrical engineeringzerstörendes Lesenptleitura destruidora
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingSchreib-Lese-Einheitptterminal de leitura-escrita
- information technology and data processingSchreib-Lese-Einheitptleitura-escrita
- information technology and data processingnichtlöschendes Lesen / zerstörungsfreies Lesen / Lesen des Speicherinhalts ohne Verlust / nichtzerstörendes Lesenptleitura não destrutiva
- information technology and data processingSchreib-/Lese-Kopfarmptbraço de leitura/escrita
- chemistry / pharmaceutical industrymakroskopisches Lesenptleitura macroscópica
- information technology and data processingSignal-Lese-Prozessorptprocessador de leitura de sinais de dados
- information technology and data processing / life sciencesLesen einer Zeitskalaptleitura de uma escala de tempo
- communications / information technology and data processingnichtloschendes Lesenptsistema de leitura não destrutivo
- electronics and electrical engineeringLese-/Einschreibvorgangptciclo leitura/escrita
- electronics and electrical engineeringzerstörungsfreies Lesenptleitura não destrutiva
- neurologyLese-Rechtschreibstörung / LRS / Legasthenie / Dyslexieptdislexia
- data processing / information technology and data processingLesen einer Aufzeichnungptleitura de registo
- information technology and data processingwiederherstellendes Lesenptescrita após leitura
- social affairs / education / general educationLese- und Schreibfähigkeit / Lese- und Schreibkompetenzptliteracia
- communications / information technology and data processingeinen Stapelspeicher lesenptrebentar a pilha
- communications / information technology and data processingRFID-Lese- oder Schreibgerätptleitor ou gravador RFID
- information technology and data processingLese-/Rückvergrößerungsgerätptleitor/impressor
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingLesen der gebildeten Zeichenptleitura das imagens formadas
- culture and religionKampagne für "Spass am Lesen"ptcampanha "O Prazer da Leitura"
- earth sciences / information technology and data processingserieller Schreib/Lese-Betriebptleitura-escrita em série
- data processing / information technology and data processingsequentielles Lesen einer Dateiptleitura sequencial de ficheiro
- information technology and data processingSRAM / statischer Schreib-Lese-SpeicherptSRAM, memória estática de acesso aleatório
- information technology and data processingLesen aus verschiedenen Bereichenptleitura de zonas dispersas
- information technology and data processingSpeicherplatte, die nur einmal beschreibbar ist / einmal beschreiben, mehrmals lesen / WORMptWORM, escrever uma vez e ler muitas
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – Leser no Dicionário infopédia Alemão - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-18 22:56:46]. Disponível em
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