- Língua portuguesa
- Bilingues
- Verbos
(documento) em anexo; junto
ligado [to, a]
coloquial (pessoa) comprometido; não disponível
to be attached to
ter estima por
to grow attached to
afeiçoar-se a
Past participle do verbo attach
Simple past do verbo attach
he, she, it
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesattached jetptjato colado
- data processing / information technology and data processingattached codeptcódigo ligado
- earth sciences / land transport / TRANSPORTattached shock wave / attached shockptonda de choque ligada
- FINANCEcoupon attached / cum dividendptcupão anexado
- industrial structures / building and public worksattached to netptcolado sobre fios
- iron, steel and other metal industriestied foundry / captive foundry / attached foundryptfundição integrada
- building and public worksattached chimneyptchaminé ligada a outro elemento
- earth sciencesattached shockwaveptonde de choque associada
- information technology and data processingattached processorptprocessador conectado
- social sciencesno strings attachedptsem condições, sem reservas
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationsattached thermometerpttermómetro incorporado, termómetro do barómetro
- FINANCEwarrant issue / optional bond / bond with warrant / debenture with warrant / warrant bond / bond carrying a warrant / bond with warrant attachedptobrigação com direito de subscrição, obrigação com warrant
- TRANSPORT / land transportloader attached to networkptcarregador sobre rede
- information technology and data processingattached support processorptprocessador auxiliar conectado
- FINANCEdocument bill / bill with attached documents / documentary billptletra com documentos
- FINANCEwarrant attached to the bondptwarrant associado à obrigação
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksgeared machine with attached divertor / geared machine with attached deflectorptmáquina com engrenagem com roda de desvio incorporada
- LAWbill of costs attached to the requestptrelação das custas apensa ao pedido
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsharness cords attached to a neck cordptcordéis do armado
- mechanical engineeringmanipulator attached to movable gantryptmanipulador ligado a um transportador
- coal industry / life sciencessurveyor's compass attached to a tripodptbússola topográfica
- mechanical engineeringmechanical feature attached to the under-bodyptcomponente mecânico montado na face inferior do piso
- land transportmechanical feature attached to the under-bodyptcomponente mecânico montado na face inferior do piso
- chemical compound / industrial structuresattached to an ordinary electric soldering iron / is used for lap-welding sheets to produce continuous linings for tanks.The shoe is passed slowly between the two surfaces to be joined and is followed by a roller which presses the melten surfaces together / heated wedge / heated shoethe electrically heated shoeptbordo de aquecimento
- mechanical engineeringmanipulator attached to partially autonomous vehicleptmanipulador ligado a um veículo parcialmente autónomo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESchicken leg with a portion of the back attached to itptperna inteira de frango com uma porção do dorso a ela ligada
- coal industrythe dust extractor was attached to the rail of a monorailpta instalação de captação foi ligada ao carril de uma instalação de transporte por monocarril
- coal industry / life scienceswedge to be attached to the objective of an optical shaft pumbing instrumentptcabeça de orientação
- information technology and data processingattachptconectar
- information technology and data processingattachptconectar, acoplar
- communicationsattachptassociação
- administrative law / international affairsattachéptadido
- mechanical engineeringspecial attachment / attachment / auxiliary attachment / ancillary attachmentptacessório, dispositivo especial, dispositivo auxiliar, dispositivo suplementar, dispositivo complementar
- LAWseizure / attachmentptapreensão
- information technology and data processingattachmentptconexão, acoplamento
- electronics and electrical engineeringdie attachptcravação por afundamento
- mechanical engineeringattach tabptretentor, gancho de fixação
- vocational trainingattachmentptdestacamento
- communicationsATT / attach flag / ATTptassocia, sinalizador de estado de associação, ATT
- mechanical engineeringattach ringptanel de montagem
- land transport / TRANSPORTattach angleptcaleira de continuação do sistema de estabilização
- EUROPEAN UNION / POLITICSNon-attached / NIptNão-inscritos, NI
- communicationspress officer / press attachéptassessor de imprensa, adido de imprensa
- earth sciencesre-attachmentptrecolamento
- mechanical engineeringfastening part / attaching partptpeça de fixação, acessório de fixação
- mechanical engineeringattaching headptcabeça de fixação
- mechanical engineeringattachment armptbraço de fixação
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – attached no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-07 18:46:14]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
Outros exemplos de uso

Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- mechanical engineering / earth sciencesattached jetptjato colado
- data processing / information technology and data processingattached codeptcódigo ligado
- earth sciences / land transport / TRANSPORTattached shock wave / attached shockptonda de choque ligada
- FINANCEcoupon attached / cum dividendptcupão anexado
- industrial structures / building and public worksattached to netptcolado sobre fios
- iron, steel and other metal industriestied foundry / captive foundry / attached foundryptfundição integrada
- building and public worksattached chimneyptchaminé ligada a outro elemento
- earth sciencesattached shockwaveptonde de choque associada
- information technology and data processingattached processorptprocessador conectado
- social sciencesno strings attachedptsem condições, sem reservas
- life sciences / technology and technical regulationsattached thermometerpttermómetro incorporado, termómetro do barómetro
- FINANCEwarrant issue / optional bond / bond with warrant / debenture with warrant / warrant bond / bond carrying a warrant / bond with warrant attachedptobrigação com direito de subscrição, obrigação com warrant
- TRANSPORT / land transportloader attached to networkptcarregador sobre rede
- information technology and data processingattached support processorptprocessador auxiliar conectado
- FINANCEdocument bill / bill with attached documents / documentary billptletra com documentos
- FINANCEwarrant attached to the bondptwarrant associado à obrigação
- mechanical engineering / building and public worksgeared machine with attached divertor / geared machine with attached deflectorptmáquina com engrenagem com roda de desvio incorporada
- LAWbill of costs attached to the requestptrelação das custas apensa ao pedido
- industrial structures / technology and technical regulationsharness cords attached to a neck cordptcordéis do armado
- mechanical engineeringmanipulator attached to movable gantryptmanipulador ligado a um transportador
- coal industry / life sciencessurveyor's compass attached to a tripodptbússola topográfica
- mechanical engineeringmechanical feature attached to the under-bodyptcomponente mecânico montado na face inferior do piso
- land transportmechanical feature attached to the under-bodyptcomponente mecânico montado na face inferior do piso
- chemical compound / industrial structuresattached to an ordinary electric soldering iron / is used for lap-welding sheets to produce continuous linings for tanks.The shoe is passed slowly between the two surfaces to be joined and is followed by a roller which presses the melten surfaces together / heated wedge / heated shoethe electrically heated shoeptbordo de aquecimento
- mechanical engineeringmanipulator attached to partially autonomous vehicleptmanipulador ligado a um veículo parcialmente autónomo
- AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESchicken leg with a portion of the back attached to itptperna inteira de frango com uma porção do dorso a ela ligada
- coal industrythe dust extractor was attached to the rail of a monorailpta instalação de captação foi ligada ao carril de uma instalação de transporte por monocarril
- coal industry / life scienceswedge to be attached to the objective of an optical shaft pumbing instrumentptcabeça de orientação
- information technology and data processingattachptconectar
- information technology and data processingattachptconectar, acoplar
- communicationsattachptassociação
- administrative law / international affairsattachéptadido
- mechanical engineeringspecial attachment / attachment / auxiliary attachment / ancillary attachmentptacessório, dispositivo especial, dispositivo auxiliar, dispositivo suplementar, dispositivo complementar
- LAWseizure / attachmentptapreensão
- information technology and data processingattachmentptconexão, acoplamento
- electronics and electrical engineeringdie attachptcravação por afundamento
- mechanical engineeringattach tabptretentor, gancho de fixação
- vocational trainingattachmentptdestacamento
- communicationsATT / attach flag / ATTptassocia, sinalizador de estado de associação, ATT
- mechanical engineeringattach ringptanel de montagem
- land transport / TRANSPORTattach angleptcaleira de continuação do sistema de estabilização
- EUROPEAN UNION / POLITICSNon-attached / NIptNão-inscritos, NI
- communicationspress officer / press attachéptassessor de imprensa, adido de imprensa
- earth sciencesre-attachmentptrecolamento
- mechanical engineeringfastening part / attaching partptpeça de fixação, acessório de fixação
- mechanical engineeringattaching headptcabeça de fixação
- mechanical engineeringattachment armptbraço de fixação
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar 
Porto Editora – attached no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2025-02-07 18:46:14]. Disponível em
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