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Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- building and public worksmat foundation / bedplate / raft / mat / base / foundation slab / foundation raft / mat footing / foundation mat / raft foundationptensoleiramento geral
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbottom / plough body / base / plow bottom / boot / body / box / bucketptcorpo da charrua, corpo do arado, corpo
- defencebase / quarters / cantonment / billetptacantonamento
- electronics and electrical engineeringbase zone / base / base regionptbase
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresbase / bottom / puntptfundo
- building and public worksroad base / base course / baseptbase
- electronics and electrical engineeringcap / baseptcasquilho
- electronics and electrical engineeringbase electrode / baseptelétrodo de base
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsbase / radixptbase de numeração
- electronics and electrical engineeringbase / basisptmetal de base
- mechanical engineeringbase of rim / baseptbase do aro, base da jante, base da camba
- SCIENCE / life sciencesbase / base of a geometrical figureptbase geométrica
- chemical compoundlip / baseptbase do pacote
- industrial structures / chemical compoundbarium selenide / BaSeptselenieto de bário, BaSe
- ENVIRONMENTbaseptbases, base
- statistics / SCIENCEbaseptbase
- electronics and electrical engineeringbaseptbase
- SCIENCEbaseptbase
- communications10base5 / thicknet / thick Ethernetpt10Base5
- communications10base2 / cheapernetpt10Base2
- communications10BaseTpt10BaseT
- taxationbasic taxable amount / taxable base / taxable amount / tax baseptvalor tributável, base de tributação, matéria coletável
- oil industrylubricant base stock / base stock / base oilptóleo-base
- taxationVAT assessment base / VAT baseptmatéria coletável do IVA
- fiscal policytax base / tax assessment baseptbase tributável
- crop productionbase budpttresolho, olho suplementar
- building and public workssub-base / separation layer / blanket courseptestrato de proteção
- electronics and electrical engineeringpin base / pin capptcasquilho de pinos
- chemical compounddie body / die baseptestrutura principal
- earth sciences / materials technologybase gas / cushion gasptalmofada de gás
- accountingtax baseptBase fiscal
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbase budptgomo base, olho da base
- communications100BaseTpt100BaseT
- building and public workssub-baseptsub-base
- life sciencesbase mapptcarta de trabalho
- chemical compound / industrial structuresbase padptplaca de assento
- chemical compound / industrial structuresbase(Fo)ptbase (Fo)
- mechanical engineeringbase pinptgonzo de assentamento
- mechanical engineeringbase nutptporca de apoio
- chemistry / chemical compoundtar baseptbase de alcatrão
- SOCIAL QUESTIONSfree baseptbase livre
- defenceCo-basingptPartilha de bases
- financial marketfloating-floating swap / floating-for-floating swap / basis rate swap / base swap / basis swapptswap de entrega a taxa variável contra taxa variável
- FINANCEprime lending rate / prime rate / base lending rate / base ratepttaxa de juro de base, taxa básica
- paints and varnishes / iron, steel and other metal industries / materials technology / building techniquebasecoat / base coating / base coatptaparelho, base
- distributive trades / ENERGYBL / base loadptcarga de base
- fisheries / maritime and inland waterway transportbase line / baselineptlinha de base
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – basely no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-09 04:16:35]. Disponível em
veja também
palavras vizinhas
palavras parecidas
Outros exemplos de uso
Os seguintes exemplos foram recolhidos da Base Terminológica da União Europeia (IATE) e não representam a opinião dos editores da infopedia.pt.
- building and public worksmat foundation / bedplate / raft / mat / base / foundation slab / foundation raft / mat footing / foundation mat / raft foundationptensoleiramento geral
- mechanical engineering / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbottom / plough body / base / plow bottom / boot / body / box / bucketptcorpo da charrua, corpo do arado, corpo
- defencebase / quarters / cantonment / billetptacantonamento
- electronics and electrical engineeringbase zone / base / base regionptbase
- iron, steel and other metal industries / industrial structuresbase / bottom / puntptfundo
- building and public worksroad base / base course / baseptbase
- electronics and electrical engineeringcap / baseptcasquilho
- electronics and electrical engineeringbase electrode / baseptelétrodo de base
- information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulationsbase / radixptbase de numeração
- electronics and electrical engineeringbase / basisptmetal de base
- mechanical engineeringbase of rim / baseptbase do aro, base da jante, base da camba
- SCIENCE / life sciencesbase / base of a geometrical figureptbase geométrica
- chemical compoundlip / baseptbase do pacote
- industrial structures / chemical compoundbarium selenide / BaSeptselenieto de bário, BaSe
- ENVIRONMENTbaseptbases, base
- statistics / SCIENCEbaseptbase
- electronics and electrical engineeringbaseptbase
- SCIENCEbaseptbase
- communications10base5 / thicknet / thick Ethernetpt10Base5
- communications10base2 / cheapernetpt10Base2
- communications10BaseTpt10BaseT
- taxationbasic taxable amount / taxable base / taxable amount / tax baseptvalor tributável, base de tributação, matéria coletável
- oil industrylubricant base stock / base stock / base oilptóleo-base
- taxationVAT assessment base / VAT baseptmatéria coletável do IVA
- fiscal policytax base / tax assessment baseptbase tributável
- crop productionbase budpttresolho, olho suplementar
- building and public workssub-base / separation layer / blanket courseptestrato de proteção
- electronics and electrical engineeringpin base / pin capptcasquilho de pinos
- chemical compounddie body / die baseptestrutura principal
- earth sciences / materials technologybase gas / cushion gasptalmofada de gás
- accountingtax baseptBase fiscal
- natural and applied sciences / AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIESbase budptgomo base, olho da base
- communications100BaseTpt100BaseT
- building and public workssub-baseptsub-base
- life sciencesbase mapptcarta de trabalho
- chemical compound / industrial structuresbase padptplaca de assento
- chemical compound / industrial structuresbase(Fo)ptbase (Fo)
- mechanical engineeringbase pinptgonzo de assentamento
- mechanical engineeringbase nutptporca de apoio
- chemistry / chemical compoundtar baseptbase de alcatrão
- SOCIAL QUESTIONSfree baseptbase livre
- defenceCo-basingptPartilha de bases
- financial marketfloating-floating swap / floating-for-floating swap / basis rate swap / base swap / basis swapptswap de entrega a taxa variável contra taxa variável
- FINANCEprime lending rate / prime rate / base lending rate / base ratepttaxa de juro de base, taxa básica
- paints and varnishes / iron, steel and other metal industries / materials technology / building techniquebasecoat / base coating / base coatptaparelho, base
- distributive trades / ENERGYBL / base loadptcarga de base
- fisheries / maritime and inland waterway transportbase line / baselineptlinha de base
Download IATE, European Union, 2023
Como referenciar
Porto Editora – basely no Dicionário infopédia de Inglês - Português [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora. [consult. 2024-12-09 04:16:35]. Disponível em
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